Zuckerberg: We will all live in metaphors in the future and leave reality Zuckerberg: We will all live with metaphors in the future and leave reality

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Mark Zuckerberg revealed that humanity will move to the opposite direction in the future, saying, "It will leave the reality behind it to a world of our creation, we completely control it." He was the founder of Facebook who wagered everything on the idea of a comprehensive virtual world, including the rename of his company to Meta,Speak about a set of topics, including the future of Metavers.According to the British newspaper "Daily Mail", he said that there will be a point where the virtual worlds will be very overwhelming and comfortable, and we will not want to leave, and this is the point where the metaverse becomes.He explained that these virtual reality environments are not yet at this level, but many people already live most of their lives in the digital world only on two -dimensional screens.Zuckerberg said: "Many people believe that the true meaning is related to the place, but one of the definitions is that it is time when the overwhelming digital worlds become essentially the basic way we live in our lives and spend our time.".Meta plans to spend the five years to the next ten years in building an venture virtual world, including the smell, touch and sound to allow people to be lost in the virtual reality.The billionaire founder revealed an artificial intelligence system that can be used to create fully dedicated world.Also, in the version of Metavers currently available from Meta, humans are represented by symbolic images without legs, but Zuckerberg says that future versions will be more realistic..The latest discussions on the concept of metaverse indicate that in fact a "time point" is not a virtual place.This point comes when we spend time in the virtual world more than the real world, which is the time we wake up, we wear the headphone and stay there for a long time in which interaction and shopping occurs, going on dates, work and going to school in the virtual world.

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