You must avoid it immediately ..

There are many medications that people use to treat the symptoms of the cold and prevent them, and even take them without permission from the jump, and this may cause many problems for them that work to weaken the immune system, which results in kidney failure and a defect in the liver function leads to the death of its owner, and here we must advise And guidance to those who take these medications, and because these drugs contain strong and harmful substances when taking them continuously, they affect humans with some health problems and affect some functions, which affects very significantly on the human immunity system responsible for expelling toxins from the body. Among the most famous of these medicines represented In the treatment of colds, coughing, and false congestion, which may be dangerous to the death of a person, a stroke in the brain, a stroke, or a heart attack, and in this article we will talk about the seriousness of these drugs on human health.

لازم تتجنبه فورا.. أشهر دواء يعالج البرد موجود في كل منزل يتناوله الكثير يدمر الكبد والكلي ويؤدي إلي الوفاة

Avoid taking these medications without consulting a doctor destroying the liver and kidneys

Taking medications has side effects that show their effect quickly when taking them without consulting a doctor and there are many people who do this without realizing the health risk that may occur in his body as a result of this, and here people are going to go to pharmacies directly and buy these medications and take them without consulting a doctor and this is of course a wrong actIt leads to the destruction of its owner without feeling, and one of the most prominent of these drugs is the pyninene, with a strong and long -term effect, but it has been banned inside Egypt because it contains strong and serious materials that cause health problems.

The most famous drug for the treatment leads to death

Among the famous drugs are the drug "noodlegen" and its derivatives and other medications that we use in the treatment of "cold" without realization, how not most of these drugs contain strong substances that affect a person with some health problems that end his life without feeling, so doctors warn who are repeatedly eating it because they are because they are Many problems, especially for children, also caused many patients who buy the medicine without consulting a doctor, and here the major catastrophe lies, sometimes taking the same medicines in a mistake that leads to death, so what about the one who takes the medicine on its own without knowing what his body needs in order to heal, It is more likely that you do not take any medications that can cause damage to the human being, and to be satisfied with the medications that the doctor recommends, while avoiding any medicine without the doctor’s specialist and adherence to the proper advice of taking the drug on the cans of the drug from the outside, which is recommended by your doctor.

A severe warning from the Ministry of Health to avoid taking this medicine

The Ministry of Health has warned citizens against taking Tuscan and even stopped its manufacture in Egypt.Medicines because it contains a drug that leads to the destruction of human health.


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