Where and how do you start your own project as soon as possible and the easiest possible way?
The Small and Micro Enterprise Development Authority calls on citizens who wish to establish new projects to identify the services provided by the agency, which help them start their projects as soon as possible and in the easiest possible ways.
فإذا كان لديك طموح جدي لإقامة مشروع لكن ليس لديك فكرة مناسبة تبدأ بها.. يقدم جهاز تنمية المشروعات عدد من الخدمات مجانا لتبدأ مشروعك .Before starting the project
The Project Development Authority provides a variety of courses approved by the International Labor Organization "ILO" to train young men and women on self -employment and encourage innovative projects, in cooperation with the Ministries of Youth, Sports, Higher Education and Development Partners, and from these courses:
1- Training courses on entrepreneurial skills (two days) that help the trainees to be familiar with the ideas of self-employment and its dimensions, the ability of the participants to solve problems, discover the capabilities, skills and features of entrepreneurs, and develop their entrepreneurEducational games.
2- Training courses. He was born the idea of your project (two days), which is the first stage of the package of programs "Start and your good project" designated for those coming to establish projects and they have no specific ideas or have several ideas and they want to settle on the best idea and aims to generate several ideas for projects and stability on the best of them in preparationTo establish a small project.
3- Training courses start your project (5 days by 9 hours a day), which is the second stage of the package of programs "Start and your good project" is dedicated to those wishing to set up projects and have specific ideas, and aims to prepare a business plan for the project based on correct scientific foundations, and the training includes an explanation and workshopsInteractive games, and the business game, and the trainees continue to follow up after the end of the training course.
4- Seminars on entrepreneurship and aim to support the culture of self-employment and entrepreneurship, and to introduce the concept of self-employment, its importance, its elements, how to evaluate the self in the fields of self-employment, and explains the services available to entrepreneurs, including financial and non-financial services, technical support, guidance and advice in addition to determining the required programs to raise capabilities and developmentSkills.
5- Guidance and guidance, which are guidance and guidance programs for entrepreneurs coming to establish medium / small / micro-projects or owners of existing projects to contribute to the success, continuity and development of these projects, and guidance is done through long, medium and short-term programs that are carried out through accredited mentors from the agency experts, It works to provide support (technical/ administrative) needed for entrepreneurs.
6- Training courses under the title "Women Spend Fifting" (four days) are intended in the first place for rural women to help them establish new projects that contribute to improving the level of economic nPligence.
7- Specialized training programs in all administrative fields (marketing, money and stratPic management..And others)
Determine the idea of the project and guidelines for some project ideas:
If the young man or graduate who wishes to establish his own project is not known where he starts and has no specific idea for a specific project, he can visit any of the branches of the Project Development Authority in the governorate in which he resides or wants to establish a project in it, and there will be assisted by the specialistsThe device is to choose the idea of a suitable project for its capabilities, as the device offers a set of applicable ideas and is available on the small project platform www.Msme.P.
Information service:
Information on the best sources of buying machines, materials, production supplies and training bodies are provided.
To benefit from these courses, you can go to the nearest branch of the Project Development Authority in your governorate.
To learn about the branch of the device in your governorate, you can call 16733.
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