Was the blue ray project one of the goals of the occupation of Iraq ??(part One);
First, the goal:
The new global system is a term called to denote the Masonic project in uniting the world under one global government, which is political and religious globalization with economic and cultural features within which the peoples of the world are fused in federations and not partnerships....This is the new global system that they promise us or threaten us....It is also a road plan developed by secret organizations since ancient times and trying to apply them at the level of simple....This new global system is the creation of a new universe at the level of the globe, but this new universe will be a global dictatorship that is close to the communist dictatorship, but disguised behind a charitable humanitarian doctrine, the peoples within them are forced to obey the global iron law, this new global system is the Blue Ray projectThrough this humble research, I try to access it, because I am fully convinced that this project is one of the most important reasons (if not the only and main reason) behind the American -Ziazan occupation of Iraq, some may support me in this idea and many others may differ....Here I am trying to highlight the blue ray project, its dimensions, its backgrounds, the one behind it, the ways and plans that were drawn up to its implementation...Through this view, I believe that this is directly related to the Zionist American occupation of Iraq in 2003.The idea of the blue ray project is a Masonic Zionist idea in order to eliminate the Christian and Islamic religion alike and in order to find an atheist global system in order to control the world.Where his authores believe that if the world does not unite without the religion of the new era, the possibility of the success of the new world order will be impossible, and they must make the success of the new world order to cancel (Christian and Islamic) religions in order to replace it with one global system by canceling every national identity and everything that expressesMy patriotism is to create a global identity and global pride.
بالتأكيد ان مشروع الشعاع الازرق ليس الهدف الوحيد لاحتلال العراق (على الاقل على البعد الزمني المنظور)، فهناك اهداف واجندات وغايات اخرى كثيرة للاحتلال الامريكي الصهيوصفوي للعراق، تم التطرق اليها خلال سنوات الاحتلال منذ عام 2003م والى يومنا هذا، وقدمت بحوث واطروحات كثيرة بهذا الشأن، وقدمت ادارة الاحتلال تبريرات وحجج واهية لتمرير الاحتلال الامريكي الصهيوصفوي، منها استمرار الحكومة العراقية بقيادة الشهيد صدام حسينبتصنيع وأمتلاك أسلحة دمار شامل وعدم تعاون القيادة العراقية في تطبيق قرارات الامم المتحدة بشأن إعطاء بيانات كاملة عن ترسانتها من اسلحة الدمار الشامل (بالرغم من إنه لم يتم حتي هذا اليوم العثور على أسلحة دمار شامل في العراق)،وكذلك الحجج والاكاذيب المتعلقة بعلاقات الحكومة العراقية بعلاقات مع تنظيمالقاعدة الارهابيومنظمات ارهابية أخرى تشكل خطرا على امن و استقرار العالم، واكذوبة نشر الأفكار الديمقراطية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط.
قبيل أنتخاب المجرم جورج بوشالصغير كرئيس للولايات المتحدة قام كل من ديك تشينيو دونالدرامسفيلدوبول وولفويتسبكتابة مذكرة بعنوان (اعادة بناء القدرات الدفاعية للولايات المتحدة) في ايلول من عام 2000م أي قبل سنة واحدة من احداث ايلول 2001 فقد ورد في هذه المذكرة ما معناه...((Despite the differences with the Saddam Hussein regime, which calls for an American presence in the Arab Gulf region, the importance and reasons for the American presence in the region outweigh the reason for Saddam Husseini power))))...And the full text of the memo can be read in
[Rebuilding America's Defensees Strategies, Forces and Resources for a New Century].
Here I wonder...((I wonder what are the reasons and requirements of the American military presence in the Middle East region that exceeded the reason for the presence of the martyr Saddam Hussein in power, for this particular American administration ?? !!..)))).It is known to everyone that the Middle East is exposed to severe risks and fateful challenges that may be more dangerous and more effective than the region has been subjected to the end of World War I.These events may be the cornerstone of the reconstruction and formation of the map of the world powers and the spheres of influence of these forces in the world during the next century.The beginning in the brute aggression against Iraq in 1991 AD, and after the American Zionist occupation, there is no longer a system in the region that threatens the security and the presence of the Zionist entity and there is no longer a threat to American interests in the region (especially in light of the official Arab disgraceful negligence of America), from here it has drawn AmericaIn this war, the features of the future in her favor.إن تلك الحرب ليست مفاجئة ولا على غير المتوقع، بل هي حرب يعد لها منذ سنوات بعيدة من خلال العديد من الاحتمالات المتوقعة في نظر مخططي تلك الحرب وإن لهذه الحرب دوافع وأهداف للاعب الرئيسي فيها هي ((حكومة بلدربرغ))))، أما اللاّعبون الصغار فإنما هم أدوات يُضرب بعضها ببعض ويُجعل بعضهم طعماً للبعض الآخر.Among one of the goals of the Gulf War was the excitement of unrest in the countries of the region between the regimes by provoking each other against each other and intimidating each other, and between the regimes and peoples through provoking peoples with the American presence in the region and through the economic burdens resulting from the war and the American military presence after the war, which affectsOn the livelihood of people and lives, they have been affiliated with Islam throughout the global arena, which the Middle East in general and the Arab region in particular had the largest role in supporting and spreading it, which will lead to violent reactions and consumption of the efforts made to make the idea or conspiracy of the world with one pole.
Who actually rules America?Who controls the American economy?Thus, who controls the American decision -making?And by controlling the American decision, who controls the international decision in the Security Council or the United Nations?Many discussed the reality of the relationship between the state of the Zionist entity and America, and some of them thought that the relationship is based on interests only, on the basis that the Zionist entity is a spoiled American child in the Middle East, but they exaggerated their expectations that the relations that rule America with the Zionist entity are pure material relationsAnd that the Arabs can work to make America take them as an alternative to the Zionists, and that they are the Arabs who will be more beneficial to America than the Zionists !!!...If the matter was related to pure material interests, it would have been us, or the American leaders would have listened to the offer of Arab countries to be a substitute for the Zionist entity..So what does the intimate relationship between America and the Zionist state cultivated in Palestine mean?The fact that this relationship is based on the Zionist secret organizations that penetrated in America and became the ruling tool, and they hacked Christianity and the right -wing Evangelical community appeared in America so that the right -wing Christian wing supporting the Zionist (Christian Christian), and empowering it on the ground, and the daily political reality confirms this.There is also a doubt that the twenty -first century is the century of the struggle for petroleum energy, as the West since 1973 AD (when the Arabs raised the slogan of oil in the battle), and it seeks a promising endeavor to find an alternative to oil, but these endeavors have not achieved little success, and the twenty -first century according to statisticsThe list is now the last century of petroleum. Whoever will control this energy will control the world, and America's dominance of the world now at the height of its greatness is that it deals with all countries of the world with logic, if it is its opportunity to directly control energy sources before other forces arise that compete with it or not allowIt has the uniqueness of control, such as the unified Europe led by France, Germany or China in the future, especially in the event of something of understanding or an alliance between it and Racia or Japan.
Why was Iraq chosen and not other than the rest of the world's countries to be the beginning of the start of this demonic project ??
This choice was made for a number of factors...Because Iraq is the source of civilizations, because Iraq is the land of the prophets, and because Iraq is the cradle of humanity. Through what was left by the civilization of the Rafidain Valley in its career and quinot in time and space, then they left its effects to tell us the history of the people of the Valley. وهذا يدل علي أن الإنسان العراقي فنان بطبعه وصانع بعقله اخترع الكتابة ليسجل الحوادث التي كانت تلم به للأجيال القادمة، وسن اولى القوانين البشرية وعرف البناء وعرف الإستقرار المكاني، نعم لقد منح الله العراق نعما كثيرة وخيرات لا يمكن عدها، نهران كبيران يجريان من شمال البلاد إلى جنوبه، وأرض شاسعة متنوعة التضاريس من جبال عالية ومروج وسهول وصحراء ووديان، كما منحه الله ثروات معدنية كبيرة، وتاريخ طويل من الحضارات التي أبدعها إنسان وادي الرافدين الحضارة البابلية والسومرية والآشورية والاكدية، بالإضافة إلى تراثه المجيد في الحضارة الإسلامية، حيث كانت بغداد عاصمة الدولة العباسية وقبلة العلم والمعرفة، يأتيها الناس من أبعد الأماكن لينهلوا آخر ما توصلت إليه عبقرية الإنسان من معارف وعلوم،وما وصلت إليه المواهب من تطورات وابتكارات، في ميادين العلوم والآداب والفنون ابونا وابوالبشرية ((ادم)))) انزله الله على ارض العراق هكذا تقول الروايات وما زالت في العراق وتحديدا في البصره شجره يسميها الناس شجره ادم، ابوالانبياء ابراهيم عليه السلام ولد في العراق وتحديدا في اور التابعة لمحافظة الناصرية.And his famous story in providing a ram for his guests from the angel.ان اول قانون مكتوب على شكل تشريع كان في العراق (وهي شريعة اورنمو)))) تلتها شريعة حمورابي.لأن اشور بانيبال ونبوخذ نصر قائدان عراقيان حكما العراق واستطاعا ان يدحرا اليهود ويأسرونهم وياتون بهم الى العراق ولاكثر من مرة وسمي بالسبي اليهودي والذي بسببه تناثر اليهود في بقاع العالم المختلفة منذ ذلك اليوم والى يومنا هذا، لأن العراقيين اخترعوا الكتابة، العراقيين هم اخترعوا العجلات، وهم اول من عرف النقل المائي، لان الانبياء من العراق وفيها دفنوا، فالنبيان هود وصالح مدفونان في العراق، النبي نوح عليه السلام قد صنع سفينته في الكوفة في العراق، النبي يونس عليه السلام قد ابتلعه الحوت في العراق، النبيان عزرا وذي الكفل مدفونان في العراق، فالعراق هو ارض الانبياء...Caliph Al -Rashidi Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib chose the Islamic Caliphate Center in Iraq in Kufa.Iraq is the Abbasid Caliphate Center, which lasted about 524 years before Baghdad occupied the hands of the Mongols, that among the twelve imams there are seven of them buried in Iraq.The two most famous schools for the Arabic language in Iraq, which are the Kufa and Basra School.The mandatory military service was established in Iraq by the governor of Al -Hajjaj bin Youssef Al -Thaqafi.Palestine was opened and liberated by the Iraqi leader Salah al -Din al -Ayyubi.Iraq is the largest country presented to the nation of the Arabs, poets, scholars, philosophers and thinkers such as Al -Mutanabbi, Al -Jahiz, Al -Kindi, Maarouf Al -Rusafi, Al -Zahawi, Ahmed Al -Safi Al -Najafi, Al -Jawahiri, Nazik Al -Malakah and Badr Shaker Al -Sayyab, because the martyr Saddam Hussein, the last Iraqi leader, hit the Zionist entity with 39 rockets in a precedent that no Arab ruler dared todid that....Because Iraq is all this, the choice was to be the starting point towards the implementation of the blue ray project (the new world order)...With their success in Iraq, their project in the world will succeed, and with their failure in Iraq, their project will fail permanently.
Secondly, what is the idea of the blue ray project ??:
Spreading a giant fictional vision with a three -dimensional stereotype, sounds and reflections laser of multiple figures to various parts of the world, as each model receives pictures of each region in the world according to the sovereignty of religious, national and regional faith.This project has the ability to suspend a group of people in a state of playfulness.The suspension of a group of people with the time of the deadline and the statistics of the resistance in the global debt of iron and it will be a human desire and on a large scale and that the sacred jihad is coming.The Blue NASA project will demonstrate that it is the global achievement of all the old major religions, where the sky is used as a cinematic screen in which the space is a laser to generate satellite projects with deception pictures of the four corners.It will deal with the religious aspect of the new world order.It will be a widely seduction and the computers will coordinate the satellites, and the software (Software) will run the show, and the model, which depends almost on the collection of similar signals, will produce a picture or a deep -withs -shaped like that is the same applied to the waves on the phenomenonThese gods in all languages.That is, every religion or doctrine will have its own god with things that are in things within the doctrine of individuals, all of whom are integrated into one person after the diagnosis of prophecies and puzzles, and the matter of appearance will be broadcast, and this God will really be the Antichrist who will ultimately explain that all the Holy Books were in fact misleading and that they were the reasonIn making the brother stand against his brother and the nations against the nations, and for this you must nullify all religions to make way for the religion of the new global golden age, which is the Lord of the Antichrist and naturally.Programmers during cases of demonic acquisitions on a scale that was not seen before. In addition to this, this incident will occur at a time of major political chaos and general disturbances and in the period of great thing.The show will consist of the generation of Lasri for multiple stereotypes to different parts of the world. Each part of it will receive pictures according to its region, region, nationality, and prevailing religious belief, and no region will be excluded..The use of mobile images with computers and sound effects will appear as if they will come from the depths of space to amaze the followers of various sects, where they will witness the appearance of the Masaya (their expected Christmas) their revenues) in an amazing and convincing way in a live and real way, then the appearance of Christ- Muhammad- Buddha- Krishna Al-Mahdi, the expected.....etc.Return to the statement of the Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Major General Mohamed Hassan Nami, when he promised to use the Internet to broadcast the sound and image of the expected Mahdi who preaches the Shiite sect of the Dhinaxi, according to the Iranian media, Major General Nami said...((Today, with the development of technology that surpasses optical fibers, the atmosphere layers can be used to transmit audio and photographic information, and the voice and image of our master Imam al -Mahdi will be sent to the whole world through these new layers))))...And compare his statements with this scientific relationship.
The idea of the project depends on creating strange phenomena, pictures, short waves, sounds and sounds directed to your brain and it is not available to others to look like a particular truth.Thus, the work on the first groans produces pictures in the air, while the other produces pictures in your mind, as this project (as a weapon) was used in Iraq during the desert storm. The three -dimensional photos of thousands of tanks and war machines appeared to the Iraqis in the desert, which seemed as if they were really real,The soldiers have pushed confusion and certifying these pictures and Specialists in the World Free Press Information Network (an independent global news agency) says that our mission is to make people realize that the agenda of the new world order is not just a wild dream or a bit of somewhat barbaric theory, it is a real demonic projectIt happens today.They had to succeed in the establishment of the new world order from the abolition of (Christian and Islamic) religions in order to replace it with one global system, by canceling every national identity and everything that expresses a national pride in order for a global identity and global pride to establish.Also canceling the concept of the family in which we live today with a group of individuals working for the glory of one new global government.And the destruction of individual artistic and scientific creativity to apply one global government's point of view.The United Nations, after it was controlled by the global Masonic Zionism, is working to serve the achievement of this system by canceling national constitutions and establishing a new trade agreement for all peoples of the world so that the organization is supported by military force, multiple police, a ministry of justice around the world and an international court.The Blue Ray project started in 1983 and officially announced it in 1990, where they supported it with a new technology and creations in satellite software and various sciences.As for the goals that were set for this project, they are the following:
1- Canceling all heavenly religions and replacing them with a unified global system.
2- canceling the national identity and replacing it with a unified global identity.
3- Dismantling and replacing societies and families with the concept of all to serve the new world order.
4- Developing an advanced electronic currency for the whole world.
5- Finding a unified global army and a single United Nations Ministry of Justice.
6- Creating one culture for the whole world so that everyone can be programmed.
The new world order will have a central government system, that is, a new spiritual political system will be to replace the system that we live now.It seems that they are planning to get rid of all the people who believe in God, where they will replace the days of holidays and religious rituals with the feasts of the new era, and their threat will include the most important sanctities of Muslims, the Sacred Mosque, the honorable Kaaba, the Prophet’s Mosque, Al -Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock and the destruction of the concept of the church and its symbols such as the cross and its consideration is out of law and illegal.And the removal of associations and holy sites that pose a threat to their survival after the implementation of one world order and one global government (where they put the model of their alleged structure in the place of the dome of the rock) as they work to cancel all national currencies and turn trade into electronic cash through the electronic network. لابد للدخول في نظام العصر الجديد أن تتخلى الشعوب عن معتقداتها etcاصة،وأن المحافظة عليها يبدو ضرباً من المحال.NASA is a future strategy to impose the religion of the New Testament, headed by the Antichrist, in four stages.Behind this religious formulation, there is a tight scientific plan that takes advantage of high -progress space technology.The unified global religion will be the basis of the new world order.
المرحلة الأولى :زعزعة الاعتقاد في كل المعارف الإنسانية، الدينية و الأثرية و التاريخية و العلمية التقليدية.This is by announcing new discoveries that lie and question the traditional religious schools of thought.This dressing is aimed at persuading people that there was a mistake in interpreting religious texts and its concepts and meanings were for centuries ago...An example of this is the books and programs of David S Qi, skeptical of traditional religions.And there are many conspiracy theories that create the ground for a scientific religion that brings together all the known human beliefs in addition to atheism, this is done through the preparation of artificially contrived earthquakes using a Harp weapon (Harp) on specific locations accurately throughout the planet and this is assumed that the new discoveries after thatPeople will appear wrong with all the main religious doctrines that have offended the understanding and interpretation for centuries, and the archaeological discoveries that follow the proof of the extent of the mistakes in which Muslims and Christians made understand their religions.
المرحلة الثانية : تتضمن عرضاً فضائياً ضخماً جداً بالأبعاد الثلاثية يشمل مجسمات بصرية وصوتيات وصور وعرض ليزر لأجزاء مختلفة من العالم تلقى لكل واحد صورة مختلفة وفقاً للعقيدة الدينية السائدة وطنياً واقليمياً.And computers and systems that contain human languages and cultures by allocating electronic waves for each person and for each society and culture.This mechanism will explain how the Holy Books are misunderstood and interpretation are responsible for the brother's coup against his brother and a nation against a nation, so it must be canceled to make room for the new era of the new world system, using the VIF ELF electromagnetic waves that affect their brains and manipulate the mind.
المرحلة الثالثة :الاعتماد على تغذية التفكير صناعياً عبر الأقمار الصناعية عندها يبدو ممكناً إطباق السيطرة العقلية على الكوكب بأسره، المقاومة الوحيدة للأفراد ستكون باستمرار التساؤل عن الدافع وراء أفكارهم والتي لاتتفق مع فكرهم etcاص الديني والأخلاقي وبهذا المفهوم يبدو التلفزيون من أهم الأدوات.
المرحلة الرابعة : تتضمن توجهات مختلفة وذلك بجعل الجنس البشري يصدق أن احتلال غرباء من عالم آخر خارجي وشيك الحدوث في كل مدينة بارزة على الأرض مما يجعل كل أمة بارزة مستفزة لاستخدام أسلحتها النووية لكي ترد الهجوم فتقوم محكمة الأمم المتحدة بنزع الأسلحة حينما يظهر أن الغزو كان زائفاً.The adoption of a complex electronic mechanism via optical fibers that penetrate each person and pushes him to the edge of hysteria and madness to dump it into a wave of suicide, killing and mental disorders.
The goal of this maneuver is to collect all opponents of the new system before the massive heavenly show began...After that, a comprehensive use of all modern means of communication to broadcast vibrations to destabilize people through collective and individual hallucinations..After the night of the thousand star and a star, and all the turmoil that the event will raise, all the world's population will be prepared to receive the return of the new rescue, in which all religions preached, so that everyone is going to restore peace and justice among people, at any cost, everyone is ready to sacrifice everythingIn order to obey this awaited Christ...Thus, the owners of the Antichrist succeed in establishing the empire of the new world order or modern slavery...It is a voluntary slavery accepted by this huge crowd of creeping slaves over this planet...They buy themselves all these goods that increase their enslavement more, and they voluntarily run behind a more broken work, and my father is granted to them if it is sufficient minds....They choose themselves their masters who will obey...In order to create this absurd tragedy, it was necessary to remove every feeling or feeling of exploitation or enslavement among members of this slave class.
It seems that we have reached an advanced stage of the implementation of this project, that the economic crisis in the major countries will turn into an economic catastrophe that will lead and through stages to end the paper currencies that will disappear from existence and will lead to the adoption of electronic criticism and thus no one can finance a war of any kind as they set mechanisms to preventAny countries or individuals of independence from them and the new global system.After the night of a thousand star and star, and all the turmoil that the event will raise, all the world's population will be prepared to receive the return of the new rescue, which all religions preached, so that everyone is directed to restore peace and justice among people at any cost, everyone is ready to sacrifice everything for the sakeObedience to this awaited Christ...Thus, the owners of the Antichrist succeed in establishing the empire of the new world order.