Virus an expert: "Inclusion complications" does not reach paralysis and death

Many questions accompany Moroccan citizens' demand for vaccination, after the government imposed a permissibility of vaccination to enter public and private institutions;These are mainly related questions to the varying degree.

Like all medications and health products, the Corona virus vaccine can cause side effects in some people.The clinical trials conducted on this vaccine have shown that, in the early days after pollination, light to moderate effects on the beneficiaries of vaccination.

Professor Mustafa Al -Naji, an expert in viruses at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy at Hassan II University in Casablanca, divides these symptoms into two parts: secondary symptoms (pain, swelling or redness in the injection site), major symptoms (fever, malaise, muscle pain, headache in the head, Joint pain).

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The professor himself, in a statement to the electronic newspaper Hespress, said that "children suffer from symptoms similar to the symptoms of adults, and in general a degree of light disorder levels", stating that "the Ministry of Health has created an electronic platform" vigilance of a vaccine "in order to track cases.".

Al -Naji stressed in his statement that "there are exceptions regarding some patients who cannot get the vaccine, while the concerned category must go to health centers in order to receive the required dose," highlighting that "the vaccine cannot cause complications upThe level of occurrence of paralysis and death..

The expert in virus at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy at Hassan II University in Casablanca indicated that “Moroccans have an opportunity to return to normal life, through the demand for eating the vaccine;Because by vaccination, collective immunity can be reached..

According to the data obtained by Hespress, he received the first dose, since the beginning of the imposition of the permissibility of vaccination and in just ten days, 863 thousand and 217 individuals;It is about three times those who received the first dose during the ten days before the imposition of the passport, and those who numbered no more than 305 thousand and 319 people.

The Moroccans entered the stage of "coexistence" with the virus, which is close to its second year without the world being able to control it;While the hopes of Moroccan citizens range from achieving collective immunity and returning to normal life without healthy restrictions and precautionary measures.