Unemployment grant: Operating Agency publishes answers to the 8 most important questions about the benefit procedures

The National Employment Agency has included a number of repeated questions about the unemployment grant.On the official platform to submit applications for benefit from the grant.

The questions published on the platform revolve with the agency's answers to it.On the registration method, the reasons for rejecting requests, with some details about the conditions for benefiting from the unemployment grant.

أهّم الأسئلة المتكررة حول Unemployment grant.. مع أجوبتها

قرار وزاري مشترك يحدّد كيفيات دفع Unemployment grant

Earlier, in the last issue of the Official Gazette (Issue 11), a joint ministerial decision determined the ways to grant the unemployment grant.

The decision was signed by the ministers of labor, employment, social security, finance, interior, local groups, urban preparation, training and vocational education.

The decision dated February 21 stipulates that the beneficiaries receive the unemployment grant, their monthly weapons until their inauguration in jobs..

The National Employment Agency selects beneficiaries of the unemployment grant.With reliance on the rules of national funds for social security.In order to prepare a national card with qualified beneficiaries.With the determination of their status through the national card of the civil status.

A partnership agreement will be concluded with the interests of the Algeria Post.To facilitate the payment of unemployment grant, according to the same decision.

The joint ministerial decision also determines the documents that are included in the file required to request the benefit of the unemployment grant as follows:

إجراءات جديدة للذين تعذّر عليهم التسجيل بسبب التأمين

On February 25, the National Agency for Employment, who wish to benefit from the unemployment grant, who were unable to complete the registration process due to the existence of valid insurance to go to social security services to settle their status.

A statement by the National Employment Agency stated that graduates of university universities, training institutes and centers whose insurance are still valid, must go to the social security services or the National Social Security Fund for non -wages in order to settle their status and arrest affiliation.

The statement added that this procedure will allow those wishing to benefit from the unemployment grant from the success of the registration process successfully through the designated site (Minha.anem.DZ).

Unemployment grant..The registration platform enters into service

دخلت منصة التسجيل الخاصة بUnemployment grant حيز الخدمة يوم 25 فيفري 2022، ويتم عبرها التعرف على كل ما يتعلق بالمنحة وطريقة التسجيل وشروط الاستفادة.

The National Employment Agency explained that this platform allows young people to register first via the Minha website.anem.DZ and reserve an appointment or amend it to study your file with local accessories for operation.

The National Employment Agency also indicated that the platform is open 24 hours and throughout the year.

Unemployment grant..New procedures for registrants who do not have postal accounts

ويوم 23 فيفري 2022، أعلنت الوكالة الوطنية للتشغيل انه يتوجب على طالبي العمل المعنيين بالاستفادة من Unemployment grant والذين لا يملكون حسابا بريديا جاريا التقرب من مكاتب بريد الجزائر.

وجاء في بيان للوكالة الأربعاء “تنهي الوكالة الوطنية للتشغيل إلى كافة طالبي العمل المعنيين بالاستفادة من Unemployment grant والذين لا يملكون حسابا بريديا جاريا انه يتوجب عليهم التقرب من مكاتب بريد الجزائر مرفوقين بشهادة التسجيل الأولي محينة كطالبي عمل بالملحقة المحلية للتشغيل التابعين لها”.

"With regard to the registrants who received a text message that they learned with their registration number in the local annex to employment, they can also go to the post offices to open a ongoing postal.".

وزير العمل يكشف عن 3 حالات لسحب Unemployment grant من المستفيدين

كشف وزير العمل والتشغيل يوسف شرفة، الأربعاء، عن ثلاث حالات لسحب Unemployment grant من المستفيدين، نافيا تحديد مدة الاستفادة بـ 6 أشهر فقط، حيث ستبقى حسبه قائمة مادام الشاب يبحث عن منصب عمل.

وقال شرفة خلال حصة “ضيف التحرير” بالاذاعة الثالثة، إن هناك 3 حالات فقط يتم فيها سحب Unemployment grant من المستفيد هي:

1- Presenting a job opportunity to the beneficiary, and in the event that it is rejected, a second opportunity will be displayed, and if he refuses it again, a decision to stop the benefit is issued.

2- Providing a short-term training for the beneficiary, commensurate with his specialization in the first place, to integrate it in a job position, and in the event that this opportunity is rejected or withdraws after joining the training, his benefit from the grant is stopped, stressing that there is an agreement with the Ministry of Vocational Training to provide training training for the beneficiaries.

3- الأشخاص الذين يحصلون على دخل ويلتحقون بمناصب عمل، يتم آليا سحب الاستفادة من Unemployment grant منهم.

من جهة أخرى، نفى وزير العمل، تحديد مدة الاستفادة من Unemployment grant بـ 6 أشهر، مؤكدا أنها ستبقى قائمة مادام الشاب لم يحصل على منصب عمل دائم.

Unemployment grant… وكالة التشغيل تنشر خطوات التسجيل

ويوم 21 فيفري، كشفت الوكالة الوطنية للتشغيل إلى أن الاستفادة من Unemployment grant تتم عبر التسجيل لدى مصالح الوكالة من قبل الشباب طالبي الشغل عبر الموقعالرسمي لها.

The National Employment Agency stated in a statement on Monday, a number of steps that young people must take before taking advantage of the grant..

Unemployment grant

وزير العمل يكشف عن موعد صب Unemployment grant

كشف وزير العمل والتشغيليوسف شرفة عن تاريخ صب Unemployment grant والذي سيكون في الـ28 من كل الشهر، بداية من مارس المقبل.

ودعا شرفة خلال استضافته بفوروم الأولى، الإثنين، الشباب الراغب في الاستفادة من Unemployment grant إلى عدم التوجه إلى وكالات التشغيل من أجل التسجيل، موضحا أن العملية ستتم عن بعد عبر المنصة الرقمية المستحدثة على الموقع الالكتروني.

The same spokesman explained that after the heroic young man registered on the site, his file will be automatically present in the national card for the job seekers.

Guest Al -Fourum added that the launch of the digital platform "a grant" will be on February 25, through which the registrants will be called in a "mediator" to give them a date starting from next March 1.

In this context, the balcony confirmed the absence of a difference between those who register at the beginning or end of the month, as each registrant will benefit from him..

The first official in charge of the sector indicated that after setting a date and date to receive the concerned person, he will have to go to the agency accompanied by the date of the appointment, as well as a commitment that will be filled in addition to a slaughtered instrument and a family certificate in the event that he is married and a document proving the situation towards the national service.

In his response to a question about the reasons for withdrawing this grant, Shafa explained that the failure of the registered person responding to the work proposal twice will result.

وزارة العمل تصدر بيانا حول Unemployment grant

ويوم 20 فيفري 2022، ترأس وزير العمل والضمان الاجتماعي يوسف شرفة اجتماعا تنسيقيا خصص للوقوف على الإجراءات المتخذة وكيفيات تنفيذ Unemployment grant.

According to a statement by the Ministry, the coordination meeting, which was supervised by Sharafa, was held on Sunday, in the presence of the Ministry's frameworks and the frameworks of the National Employment Agency, in addition to the state operating directors of the state inspectors to work as well as heads of the state operating branches of the 58 states.

The minister affirmed his full support in accompanying local labor and employment officials, stressing his keenness to optimize the employers and provide quality services.

The minister also stood on the recent preparations for the digital platform of the National Agency for Employment to be launched on February 25, 2022, which allows job applications to register applications for the grant and follow up on the intention of benefiting the large flow of them at the level of salt attachments.

وزير العمل يكشف عن موعد بداية التسجيل

وفي 18 فيفري 2022، كشف وزير العمل والتشغيل يوسف شرفة، أن البطالين المسجلين عبر وكالات التشغيل، تم وضع أسمائهم في منصة رقمية وسيتم الاتصال بهم لضبط مواعيد خاصة بتقديم ملفاتهم المتعلقة بUnemployment grant.

On Friday, when he was a guest of publication of public television, Shahafa explained that the digital platform will start working on February 25th and operating agencies will be sponsored after receiving the heroine and receiving the files by opening postal accounts for young people who benefit from the grant.

وتابع الوزير شرفة قائلا “إن الشباب المعني سيستفيد من Unemployment grant بداية من مارس القادم إلى غاية حصوله على عمل سواء في القطاع العمومي أو الخاص”.

Regarding the conditions for benefiting from the grant, Shafa said that, in implementation of the decision of the President of the Republic, every student of a job, whose age ranges between 19 and 40, and he did not benefit from any position that is concerned with the grant..

The minister pointed out that every university or non -university young man obtains a certificate and registered at the level of operating agencies in his mandate will receive the scholarship.

Unemployment grant..The Ministry of Labor warns of fabricated ads

Unemployment grant: وكالة التشغيل تنشر أجوبة أهمّ 8 أسئلة حول إجراءات الاستفادة

ويوم 17 فيفري 2022، حذرت وزارة العمل، من إعلانات مضللة عبر صفحات مشبوهة تنتحل صفة الوكالة الوطنية للتشغيل، تنشر عروض عمل وكذا جديد Unemployment grant، مشيرة إلى أن الصفحة الوحيدة المخولة بتقديم معلومات هي المؤشر عليها بالأزرق.

In a statement, the Ministry of Labor called on young people to be vigilant towards the ads promoted through some Facebook pages, which would pirate their personal information to employ them in suspicious operations..

The Ministry of Labor also disavowed all the fake pages and calculations that use the logo and name of the National Employment Agency and all the false information that aims to mislead public opinion.

وجاء هذا التحذير بعد تداول منشورات حول ملفات وروابط مزعومة للتسجيل من أجل الاستفادة من Unemployment grant، بعد إعلان رئيس الجمهورية دخولها حيز التطبيق شهر مارس 2022.

الوكالة الوطنية للتشغيل تحذر من روابط مجهولة تخص Unemployment grant

وفي 2 جانفي 2022، حذرت الوكالة الوطنية للتشغيل، الشباب من حسابات مزيفة تدعوهم للتسجيل في Unemployment grant وتضع روابط مجهولة تضليلية.

وأوضحت الوكالة، الأحد، في منشور لها على صفحتها الرسمية عبر فيسبوك أنها تملك حسابا واحدا فقط على موقع فيسبوك ومؤشر عليه، وتبرأت من المواقع التي تحمل اسمها وتدعو الشباب إلى التسجيل للاستفادة من Unemployment grant.

The agency called on citizens not to pressure the unknown links that pose a threat to their personal information.

The agency indicated that any developments will be published around the sector at the time on its official page.

Unemployment grant: صدور تفاصيل جديدة في قانون المالية

ويوم 31 ديسمبر 2021، صدر في العدد الأخير من الجريدة الرسمية، قانون المالية 2022 ومعه تفاصيل جديدة حول Unemployment grant والشطر المتعلق بمستحقيها.

The issue of 100 of the Official Gazette in Article 190 of it stated that it establishes a grant for unemployment and is granted to the heroine applicants for the first time registered with the National Employment Agency interests.

The conditions and quarrels of benefiting from this grant and its amount as well as the obligations of the beneficiaries are determined by organizing.

قيمة Unemployment grant ومدة الإستفادة منها: رئيس الجمهورية يوضح

ويوم 27 نوفمبر 2021، كشف رئيس الجمهورية، عبد المجيد تبون، أن القيمة المالية لUnemployment grant التي تم استحداثها بموجب قانون المالية 2022 “تقارب” الأجر الوطني الأدنى المضمون ويستفيد منها البطال إلى غاية حصوله على منصب شغل.

وأوضح الرئيس تبون خلال لقائه الدوري مع ممثلي الصحافة الوطنية, أنه “لابد من التكفل بالبطالين” ولذلك وضعت الدولة “Unemployment grant وهي قريبة من الأجر الوطني الأدنى المضمون، وسيبقى البطال يستفيد منها الى غاية حصوله على منصب شغل”.

The President of the Republic explained that the disbursement of this grant "requires mechanisms and control" in order for the real heroine to benefit from them.

For reference, the Finance Law for the year 2022, which was recently approved by Parliament in its two rooms, guarantees the creation of a grant for unemployment that grants the heroine applicants for novice employees registered with the National Employment Agency interests.

Unemployment grant: المدير العام لوكالة التشغيل يكشف تفاصيل جديدة

وفي 15 نوفمبر 2021، قال المدير عام للوكالة الوطنية للتشغيل عبد القادر جابر، إن Unemployment grant ستمس حاليا حوالي 800 ألف بطال.

The agency's general manager, during his descent as a guest of the Morginang Program, said that the value of the grant will range between 8000 dinars and 15 thousand Algerian dinars.

The same spokesman also revealed the creation of a new device to follow the groups that do not have training and difficult to include in the labor market, noting that an agreement is signed with the Sonatrach complex to include work requests.

Unemployment grant الجديدة: الوزير الأول يقدم توضيحات حول المشروع

وفي 8 نوفمبر 2021، أكد الوزير الأول أيمن بن عبد الرحمان، إن Unemployment grant الجديدة ستكون موجهة حصريا لطالبي الشغل الذين لا يتجاوز سنهم 40 سنة.

Bin Abdul Rahman stressed during the presentation of the Finance Bill for the year 2022 before the deputies of the National People's Assembly, that this grant came under the guidance of the President of the Republic due to the fragile situation of some young people looking for work.

He explained that the state must provide them with the basics of a decent life in order to find a job position, and the grant is allocated to the first -aged employers who are not more than 40 years old..

Unemployment grant الجديدة: هذه هي الفئة العمرية المعنية بالقرار

كشف مشروع قانون المالية لعام 2022، إن Unemployment grant الجديدة، التي أقرها رئيس الجمهورية عبد المجيد تبون، تخص طالبي الشغل الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 19 و60 سنة والمسجلين لدى الوكالة الوطنية للتشغيل.

In Article 189 of the project, it will establish a grant for unemployment that will be granted to the heroine applicants registered with the interests of the National Employment Authority, provided that the conditions and modalities are determined to benefit from this grant and its amount, as well as the obligations of the beneficiaries through the organization.وفي عرض اسباب القرار ورد إنه يهدف إلى تأسيس Unemployment grant لفائدة البطالين طالبي الشغل لأول مرة، البالغين من العمر بين 19 سنة و60 سنة والمسجلين لدى مصالح الوكالة الوطنية للتشغيل.According to the source, the decision translates the state's will to support and accompany the heroine segment, without income, in an effort to ensure the basics of decent living for these by securing income that ensures covering a minimum of their needs during their phase of searching for a job position.

Unemployment grant: رئيس الجمهورية يحدد 4 معايير للمشروع

ويوم 12 سبتمبر 2021، حدد رئيس الجمهورية عبد المجيد تبون، 4 معايير لمشروع Unemployment grant الجديدة لإعطاء الفرصة لطالبي الشغل للاستفادة منه.

وأمر رئيس الجمهورية، الأحد، خلال اجتماع لمجلس الوزراء، بالاعتماد على أربعة معايير لتمكين الشباب من الاستفادة من Unemployment grant وهي:

1- تحديد السن الأقصى لطالبي الشغل المبتدئين المؤهلين للاستفادة من Unemployment grant وفق معايير معقولة وموضوعية، بالنظر لبطء وتيرة الاستثمارات الخلاقة لمناصب العمل والركود الاقتصادي الناجم عن جائحة كورونا.

2- The creation of an effective monitoring system on the national card for the two heroine in order to benefit transparent and correct, taking into account the job opportunities available in various regions of the country.

3- Finding legal mechanisms to punish any defraud to benefit from this grant, including the criminal follow-up.

4- A distinction between the heroic youth grant and the rest of the privileges and grants that are provided to the youth.

Cabinet Statement:

Mr. Abdul Majeed Taboun, President of the Republic, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, and Minister of National Defense, chaired today, September 12, 2021, a meeting of the Council of Ministers, devoted to study and approval of a number of decrees and offers related to the national education sectors, work, employment, social security, finance, agriculture, fuel, Health and Tourism.

After the opening of the session by the President and presented the agenda of the meeting, and listening to the presentation of the Prime Minister on the government's activity during the past two weeks, and the offers of the ministers, the President made the following orders and directives:

1- About preparations for school entry 2021-2022:

- The necessity of finding immediate solutions to the suffering of students due to the weight of the school portfolio.

- Exploiting the facilities of education and higher education to the maximum, and make them not subject to management times.

- Assigning the Minister of the Interior to monitor and follow up on the extensive monitoring of the conditions of school transportation, and improve it by providing the best services, especially in the shadow areas.

- Expediting the launch of the National High School for the training of professors specialized in deaf education under the tutelage of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

- The valuation of the creation of “Al -Brai” books in mathematics and science for the first time in Algeria.

- Emphasizing the need to vaccinate all users of the education sector before school entry.

2- Youth and Sports Sector:

Raise the pace of preparations related to the Mediterranean Games that our country will host, especially the organization of training and preparatory competitions at various levels;To correct the negative outcome of the last Olympic Games.

- The possibility of opening the way for international partnerships to form athletes and motivate them to compete during the upcoming Mediterranean games.

Giving opportunities more for people with specialization in Olympic sports, in order to achieve better results.

- Paying special importance for school and university sports in various disciplines and the creation of local, state and regional championships, based on a national sports project.

- Reorganization of the sports secondary school, allowing the opening of regional supplements in Constantine, Oran and Ouarqla, after determining the accuracy of the volume of demand for this specialization in the educational milieu..

- Transferring all files for completion of major sports structures to the Ministry of Housing, Urbanism and the City, in order to ensure permanent and effective follow -up to accomplish them.

3- Urgent measures to revive the tourism sector:

- Attention to domestic tourism, by upgrading tourism services to the level of the aspirations of Algerian families.

- The promotion of febrile tourism nationally and internationally.

Review the current price policy, to create a real competitiveness among investors.

- The involvement of Algerian diplomatic representations in introducing and promoting traditional traditional products, including allocating spaces to hold permanent exhibitions.

Organizing traditional industries according to international standards, to ensure the quality and authenticity of traditional products.

4– الجهاز التنظيمي والعملي لوضع Unemployment grant حيز التنفيذ:

– تحديد السن الأقصى لطالبي الشغل المبتدئين المؤهلين للاستفادة من Unemployment grant وفق معايير معقولة وموضوعية، بالنظر لبطء وتيرة الاستثمارات الخلاقة لمناصب العمل والركود الاقتصادي الناجم عن جائحة كورونا.

- The creation of an effective monitoring system on the national card for the two heroine in order to benefit transparent and correct, taking into account the job opportunities available in various regions of the country.

- Finding legal mechanisms to punish any defraud to benefit from this grant, including criminal follow -up.

- Distinguish between the heroic youth grant and the rest of the privileges and grants that are provided to the youth.

5- Health Sector:

- The exploitation of the national stock of the imported vaccine is taking into account the progress of the future production in the future.

Before the conclusion of the session, the Council of Ministers approved presidential decisions in the fuel sector and individual decisions related to appointment and ending tasks in high jobs in the state.