Show play mode in Windows 11

The version of the Windows 11 operating system from Microsoft, which is supposed to be launched on the fifth of next October, comes with an advantage in Xbox games called playing mode, which is automatically activated..

The feature improves the system running when playing with games.And that is by giving priority to the game operations while operating, allowing it to work perfectly and faster with less performance problems.

The feature is also prohibited to install programs temporarily when updating the operating system or restarting the computer while playing.

Show play mode in Windows 11

The play mode rarely causes performance problems when activated.But if you have problems, you can turn it off.

Show play mode in Windows 11

Otherwise, you can leave the game mode, because it will only be activated when the Windows 11 operating system discovers that you are playing a game.

In order to stop playing games in Windows 11, follow the following steps:

Also read: Windows 11 gets great support for games thanks to Invidia

It is worth noting that Microsoft plans to include the softstrage software in the next Windows 11 system.

This feature accelerates the download of games in the computer.And that is by playing games via the compact graphics card directly without pressing the central processor.

This would make the upcoming operating system the best game operating systems.But in order for this technology to work on your computer, several requirements must be available:

Also read: Microsoft release PC Health Check for Windows 11