This is what happens to your body when you get "hiccup"!

Constitution- Monitoring

We are exposed from time to time to hiccup seizures, which usually cause us a feeling of discomfort and distress, and many people may not know any information or facts about those seizures, how they occur, and what is already occurring on the body from changes when we suddenly raid us?Here are the most prominent changes that occur on the body when the hiccups raid us:

- Muscle cramping in an irreplaceable way, because hiccup attacks are mainly related to the muscles, the diaphragm muscles are the ones that already cause hiccups, which can occur in several different ways, and if most of the times they occur when eating or drinking large quantities or quicklyExtremely

- Inhaling some air in a way that was not planned. Now, after the diaphragm and the drenial muscles make their roles, the lungs forced you to take an additional amount of air, and when doing this, your mind does not give you the green light first, and from here the problems occur

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- The number of hiccups vary from person to person. Nubia may last for some from 6 to 7 times and may reach others up to 63 times on average.

- Veglies can be associated with some serious diseases, as it has been proven that eating or drinking quickly is not the only way people have hiccups, sometimes hiccups may occur as a result of hot foods, surprise and stress, and there are also some dangerous diseases that may cause hiccups,Because of its direct association with the central nervous system, the tumors can affect the diaphragm, which causes the seizure.It turned out that it may also occur through encephalitis, meningitis, AIDS and digestive problems as well as alcohol addiction, and it is advised to accelerate the visit of a doctor if you notice that hiccup attacks continue with you a longer period of time than anyone around you

Even if there is no latent disease or other symptoms that cause hiccups, they may cause some serious health problems if they continue for a long time.And it has been proven that most people with long hiccup attacks suffer from fatigue caused by the difficulty of sleeping, malnutrition, weight loss due to the difficulty of eating as well as dehydration, as many feel chest pain while hiccups are raiding them once or several times, and in some cases,Things can reach a degree that pushes people to vomit

Modern medicine did not reach the actual reason behind the injury of acute hiccup seizures, but it has been proven that the people who have recently undergone abdominal surgery, after receiving a general anesthesia, or who suffered from the esophageal reflux sharply, or underwent a bronchial or other operations that involve tubesEating and breathing their own, they can be exposed at any time to an acute hiccup, and then they are treated using medications, and if the problem continues, doctors may be unable to treat or determine their causes

- With regard to the best ways that can be followed in order to stop those annoying seizures, there are many ways that we know all of them, such as drinking water, holding the soul, exposure to a frightening situation, counting 10 or distracting attention, but the question that arises: Are these methods really effective? The answer is that it is not in fact, and that the only treatment that seems effective is to intimidate the person with a difference, and the secret behind this is that when we are exposed to something that terrifies us or fears us, we often take a deep breath in an involuntary way, which is what happens in a different way from the hiccups , Because the vocal cords do not close, resulting in the start of your breathing pattern and giving a boost to the old friendly nervous system, and this can lead to re -setting the priorities of your mind and putting an end to the seizure of hiccups

- And for those who wonder whether there is a way to prevent hiccups from the beginning, the brief answer to this is "no", and while we know a lot about some of the causes of natural hiccups, we in many cases do not know the actual cause of difficult hiccup attacks, and as long as we do not define the causeThe problem occurs, it will be completely difficult for us to prevent it from occurring

Source: Fuchsia