They brought together the tables of the [people] and the Persians, and the singer Zerab, who establishes the Moroccan Andalusian kitchen. Get to know the arts of Almaha in the Islamic civilization

The kitchen in human civilization is a mirror of the economic situation;The more life and simplicity tend to do so in people's restaurants, and the more life is complex, their tables are colored.The food of the Arabs in the desert was similar to their wild lives, dry and hard, with little ritualism and treatment free of complexity.

In this article;We invite the reader to taste with us - with the "tongue" of his mind - the goodness of what we have stood by the cooking arts of Muslims, we invite him to a table that includes colors of news and ideas related to the Arab cuisine and its development over the centuries, from the days of pre -Islamic times to the last of the cooking books in the centuryThe seventh AH/13 AD.

A poor table, the majority of Arabs lived in a glorious desert environment;Therefore, the purpose of what they knew of the workmanship: “porridge”, which is a bread that is fascinated by the broth and the meat is placed over it;And the barbecue from which it is grilled on firewood and charcoal, and from it what is roasted on the stone that is protecting with fire, and the latter they call it "flood".

This includes a group of meals that are similar in its simplicity as it is similar in the morphological formulas of its names, until Abu Mansour Al -Thaalabi (d. 429 AH/1039 AD) said in his book “Jurisprudence of Language and the Secret of Arabic”: “And the foods of the Arabs are on [weight]` `effective” such as heater and porridge.. And the heat.Likewise, the mush and the "harmful", which is the cooking of the meat with the past milk, that is, sour.

As for "Al -Hareth", it is defined by Majd al -Din Ibn Al -Atheer (d. 606 AH/1209 AD) - in the end in the strange and anthropic - saying: "Al -Harira: Al -Hasa, cooked from flour, fat and water; and the mention of Harira has been mentioned in the hadiths of foods and medicines."Herra has evolved with urbanization until it became in its current form, in which Moroccans mastered and present it to their Ramadan breakfast tables.

Among those simple foods also "the closet";And on the way to prepare it and the difference between it and the porridge, Ibn Manzur says (d. 711 AH/1311 CE) in 'Lisan Al -Arab': “Al -Khazira and Al -Khuzir: the meat .. It is taken and a young man is cut in the capacity, then it is cooked with water a lot and salt.Then it was performed with anything.

The Arabs did not make anything with meat if they had it, and they see that eating it with others is an unprecedented lengthening;It was stated in the "Lectures of Writers'" by Al -Ragheb Al -Isfahani (d. 502 AH/1108 CE) that he was "presented to a Arab bread on meat, so he ate the meat and left the bread and said: Take the dish"!

Ibn Qutaybah Al -Dinori (d. 276 AH/889 AD) - in 'Ayoun Al -Akhbar' - narrates that “Arabi was told: You do not eat meat and call the porridge? And the best meat had what was mixed with bone, until they said that "the best meat is the best of it, that is, the best of the bone is as if it was forbidden by it." As Al -Dinouri says. In the "Ayoun Al -Akhbar" also that a civilian asked an Arab: "What do you eat and what you call? Hunger is said to be the best spice; Therefore, in the case of the burden, the Arab eats what is available to him, as eating is a way to survive, not a substance to break.

And to repeat the seasons of al -Shabab;Al -Arabi gained unique eating habits, the first of which is the initiative in the bit.Al -Dinuri narrates that he was asked an Arab: "What do you call the broth?

They were also a nose of them, including the brain of the sheep;"It was said to an Arab that I improve to eat the head?

If I realize you compassion for them- dear reader- then I will tell you that they did not feel their misery, because they did not know others, but misery is taking place with the comparison and the existence of the alternative.

One of the sons of Asad was asked about their livelihood in the Badia, and his questioner answered Al -Radhi: “Our food is the best food, its insult and its command (= its best), the sickness (= a kind of bread), the fridge (= the love of the bitter melon), the humiliation (= the love of the ace), and the conqueror (= Plant) ..., the shake (= the blood of the camel and the grilled pill), the lashes (= a type of truffle), and the fog (= plural of fibers), the spring, the parks and the lives, so what I see is that someone is better than us living and satisfied with the minds of "!!

The peoples of the Persians found this as a stabbing on the Arabs, until their writer, the Samani Minister Muhammad bin Ahmed Al -Jahani (d. 375 AH/986 CE).The pigs, and for this he was a fracture called the king of the Arabs 'housing Shah', that is, the king of dogs.

Clear responses, and Abu Hayyan Al -Tawhidi (d. 400 AH/1010 AD) was written to us by a full -time response to our Jihani People's Sobbian; He said: "I see it if that wilderness and that island and that empty place and that al -Fayafi al -Muwami are all fractures in the Persians, and every Caesar in the Romans, and all the perpetrators (= the title of kings of India) was in India, and all Khaqan (= the nickname of the kings of the Turk) by leaving, what they were preparing These conditions, because those who are hungry eating what was found, stabbed what was followed, and drinking what was destined for him, in love with life and asking for survival, and alarming of death and escaping from the annihilation ...; = A Yemeni tribe) and a good spirit and widow of Jereen .., hungry, thirsty and nudity, did he eat the fountains and rats, and he did not drink the urine of the camel .. and what was the most envelope in those gifts?! "; We said: Yes, by God!

Aba Hayyan has preceded the awareness of some Arabs in the civilization time in the answer to these statements;In the "writer's literature" by Abu Bakr Al -Souli (d. 339 AH/950 AD), the news of a debate between a Persian and an Arab with the Abbasid Minister Al -Farisi Yahya bin Khalid Al -Barmeki (d. 190 AH/806 CE), where Al -Farsi says:What you dispensed with us in your deeds or your language, even if your cooking, your drink, your collections, and what is in what we have called, what you changed! Al -Urabi said: Be patient for us, we have as you had a thousand years after a thousand years before it, [then we] do not need you or something that you have"!

Nevertheless, the Arab was stubborn, as is his habit to defend his taste in food, he does not execute a trick in the melting of it;Al -Dinwiri narrated that he was "brought up with a Bedouin to Kisra to marvel at his dryness and his ignorance, and he said: He has anything better flesh?Jeddi?And if you ate camel meat, you have the argument of our Arab friend, then it is one of the best meat and independently of spices and kindness.

The Arab mood may soften and benefit from his visit to the palaces of the kings, and he returns to his people with a good recipe as "Al -Waltag";The first to transfer it to the Arabs - after taking it at the Kesra table - the Qurashi leader Abdullah bin Jadaan (d. 592 AD), so he took a boy from the Persians to make it in Mecca, so he considered it and invited people to it.It was preserved for us, the poet Umayyad bin Abi Al -Salt (d. 5 AH/627AD) in his saying in his poetry that it is "the righteous door that is welcomed by martyrs."It is a righteousness mixed with honey.

However, the dates did not have any of the sweets because there is no dessert that exceeds the abdomen and reach the heel else.

This taste of the Arab faith remains firmly, and nothing is displaced by;In 'Ayoun Al -Akhbar' on the authority of the linguistic Imam, Abu Amr bin Al -Alaa Al -Basri (d. 158 AH/776 CE) that Al -Hajjaj bin Yusuf al -Thaqafi (d.So in all of the patch: butter with dates!

The insistence on eating some food colors and their habit was a mockery of its owners, and the tribe may be known as a food and he was expressed in it;The tribe of Mjash'a ibn Darm was tired of "Al -Khuzira", which - as previously mentioned - was a soup of meat and flour, and Quraish was also ran as "heater" (= a kind of soup) until Hassan bin Thabit (d. 50 AH/671 AD) was assumed by saying: I claimed: I claimedThe generosity of its Lord will overcome its Lord ** and let them be overpowered!

Frederm is the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, is fond of food, but he was desirable for some of his colors, such as the drink (= pumpkin), while Anas bin Malik (d. 93 AH/713 AD), may God be pleased with him;He loved watermelon and wet and perhaps combining them.Al -Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al -Asqalani (d. 852 AH/1448 CE) - in 'Fath Al -Bari' conveyed a bond that he described as weak and attributed to Abu Naim Al -Isfahani (d. 430 AH/1040 CE) - Anas hadith that the Prophet ﷺ “used to take the wet with his right and watermelon with his left, so he eats wet with watermelon, and he was lovedFruits to him.

Ibn Hajar said that the watermelon intended in the hadith is the yellow watermelon called "Al -Kharb", and not the green watermelon.This is likely to which what Ahmad went (d. 241 AH/855 CE) - in his Musnad - on the authority of Anas, may God be pleased with him, with a valid chain of transmission.

Al -Jahiz (d. 255 AH/869 AD) informs us that the naming of the "al -Khurabat" is Persian origin;He says - in the "statement and clarification" - that "the people of the city when people from the Persians came down to them - in the old age - they were commented on the words of their words, and therefore they call watermelon: the bitter."

The food was not only to fill hunger and disintegration, but also entered into some medical and cosmetic treatments, so they may have used dates with some other fruits for the purposes of fattening girls, as one of their rules was what Imam Amer Al -Sha’bi (d.;According to Laqout al -Hamwi (d. 626 AH/1229 CE) in the 'Glossary of Writers'.

Therefore, Imam Ibn Majah (d. 273 AH/886 AD) on the authority of the mother of the believers Aisha (d. 58 AH/679 AD) said that she said: “My mother wanted [that] she treated me for obesity to enter me on the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him.As the best name. "

The Companions, may God be pleased with them, walked the first Arab biography, and they did not abuse food, and they did not mastered in the cooking, but rather they familiarize themselves with what they are used to;Al -Dinuri narrates on the authority of Anas bin Malik that he said: “I saw Omar bin Al -Khattab (d. 23 AH/645 CE).And in the “Great Classes” by Ibn Saad (d. 230 AH/845 CE) on the authority of Abdullah bin Omar (d. 73 AH/693 AD): “I saw Omar al -Fakhuh (= flowing his saliva), so I said to him: What is your matter?

In some of their flags, we found their own diet.In the book “Al -Bakhla”, it was noticed that the master of Bani Al -Anbar in the pre -Islamic era, Abdullah bin Habib Al -Anbari, was called “I eat bread”, and they explained that that “he did not eat dates and did not want milk.”And like him, the companion Abdullah bin Abdul Malik Al -Ghaffari (d. 8 AH/630 AD), who was called "Abi Al -Lahm because he was ... he did not eat meat", and he was the first to know him from the Arab vegetarians, and he did not eat the meat as his name indicates.

Al -Fukouhqat Al -Fakhouh Al -Islamah for the Levant and Iraq and the consequences of friction with ancient civilizations a great impact on the culture of food and cooking methods among the Arabs;The Arab opened his mouth - after opening these traces - to feed from the goodness of what is in it, and began to grow a new phenomenon, which is the evil in the food.

Kamal al -Din al -Damiri (d. 808 AH/1405 CE) - in 'the Life of the Great Animal' - monitors this movement in the era of the Umayyads, and he says: “They took the outskirts of civilization since the days of the Umayyads, and the first person who imitated the dictionaries with the reasons for luxury and bliss Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan (T.60 AH/681 AD), as it was softened with what you enjoy with its food and drink .. and his successors followed him after him.

Al -Masoudi (d. 346 AH/957 AD) - in 'Marouj Al -Dahab' - conveyed to us the number of meals of the first kings of illiteracy, and he said: “Muawiyah was eating five foods every day and the last of them was thickened, then he says, O boy, lift, and God did not satisfy but bored!”

The modern Imam Ibn Katheer (d. 774 AH/1372 CE) - at the beginning and the end of the number of Muawiyah meals by saying that "when he became to the Levant a prince he was eating seven times, he came with a stigma in which many meat and onions are eaten, and he eats seven foods on the dayWith meat, and from sweets and fruits a lot, and he says: By God, it is not satisfied, but it is aware. "Then the imam comments, saying: "This is a blessing and a stomach that all kings desire" !!

Muawiyah had funny stories with his open appetite and his guests;This is what Al -Jahiz tells - in the 'Al -Bakhla' - that Muawiyah loved the dome (= the known Syrian kibbah), and one day with him, Sa`sa ibn Souhan (d. 60 AH/681 AD), and took it from the hands of Muawiyah, and Muawiyah said: You are far from the success(= Requesting pasture), and Sa`sa said: Whoever repays. "

This appetite inherited harm to its owner and changed the princes ’fees;Muawiyah was the first to preach sitting to increase his weight, as he was the first to invoke the doctors on his table to medical supervision and provide health advice, so his private doctor was standing in his hands and examining the food and forbidding what is harmful to him, but the appetite of the Commander of the Faithful did not like to adhere to medical instructions constantly.

An appetite for openness, Abu al -Faraj al -Muafi ibn Zakaria al -Nahrani (d. 390 AH/1001AD) - in the “good good companion” - that “Muawiyah’s pilgrimage and his worker was on the city Marwan (bin Al -Hakam died 65 AH/686 CE).When he came to lunch, a Christian manner came to Muawiyah, and he stood up and made if a color came.

When he was in some of their lunch, Negians, who were visited by two oval ties, came to me (= they walked up to be met) with a eyelid that has four episodes, so that it was good, so when Muawiyah saw it, I seek (= looked) for her and prevailed in his arms, so the doctor said to him: What do you want, O Commander of the Faithful?He said: I want, by God, that I do not see what you see.

Muawiyah said: If you torn your stomach, make it ... he ejaculates in his hollow even if he was tired, he said: O Marwan!What do you feel this?He said: O Commander of the Faithful, a soft impurity, a decorative cat, and an autonomic nameAl -Arabi, after it was tired of the colors of the turkey cooking in Damascus!

Among the flags of "Al -Akla in the forefront of Islam" - as Al -Masoudi called them in "Marouj Al -Dahab - both the two caliphs: Suleiman bin Abdul Malik (d. 99 AH/719 CE) and Hisham bin Abdul Malik (d. 125 AH/744 CE), and the two governors: Ubayd Allah bin Ziyad (T 67 AH/687 AD) and Al -Hajjaj bin Yusuf.

And they were adopted by Suleiman bin Abdul Malik;Al -Dhahabi (d. 748 AH/1347 CE) mentioned - in his translation of him in the 'biographies of the nobles'' - that he was "from the food until it was said that he had eaten forty chickens, and it was said that a sheep eaten and six chickens and seventy pomegranate, then he came to Makkuk (= measure) raisinsSectarian and eat it "!!And in the “Rabi al -Abrar” of Al -Zamakhshari (d. 538 AH/1143 CE): “Suleiman bin Abdul Malik was a thunderbolt to the condemnation, provided that all Marwanah were proverbs in eating” !!

Perhaps some of his guests assured him of his food with his food;In the 'unique contract' by Ibn Abd Rabbo (d. 328 AH/940 CE): “A Arabi descended on Suleiman bin Abdul Malik and started eating with him.I find a pure and dirty saliva (= swallowing) soft, and I think it is the straight path that God mentioned in his book!Solomon died in the vastness of what is said.

A civilized quote, while the Arab cuisine benefited from openness to the Roman and Persian civilizations;He summarizes him what Al -Dinouri narrates from Al -Asma’i (d. 216 AH/831 AD), saying to us the rule of an Arab sheikh who was involved in a taste of taste between the Knight's kitchen and the Roman kitchen;He says: "Rumi and Persian specialized in food, so he was a sheikh who had eaten the caliph's food.

From this it gets that the shami kitchen is affected by the turkey in its piles and its stuffs, and the candy and cold are a Persian legacy.Therefore, you find a lexicon of Arabic sweets full of Persian words;Such as: Al -Jallab (Egyptian Gym), which is the roses tied with sugar, and the luzeng (= candy like sects that stuff the fat of almonds), and the cheeks, which is cakes from the pure wheat, stuffed with sugar, nuts or almonds.

Ibn al -Faqih al -Humdani (d. 365 AH/977 CE) - in the Book of the Countries - quotes Imam al -Sha`bi, indicating the distribution of cooking skills between the cities of Khorasan and Faris;Therefore, the people of Harat were "the most virtuous people in the colors of cooking", and Maro's inhabitants were known as "the finest people with bread and they have forms of it that are not found in their country."

And by taking it from these Persian and Roman civilized tributaries;The Arab cuisine moved a qualitative shift with the succession of the Abbasids to witness the height of its distinction and its art, and while the relationship of the Umayyads with the food the relationship of the next concept on what was not entrusted to the simplicity of the environment from which they came, the behavior of the Abbasids was more structured with their preservation of the strength of the appetite.

The successors of Bani Hashem went to the food approach, a medical approach after they saw the wrestler of Suleiman bin Abdul Malik and the eaters from Bani Marwan, and they preserved the saying of the Greek doctor Galen (d.

Thus, they started writing doctors to put categories in the food industry, their health benefits and etiquette etiquette;Al -Nadim (d. 384 AH/995 CE) - in the "index" - mentioned the titles of 12 books from the cooking books, and indicated that this type of book was written in the second and third centuries an answer to the desire of some caliphs, to understand the relationship of food to the health of the body.

A documented experience or the first comprehensive books that dealt with this topic, the book "The benefits of food and the payment of its harms" by Abu Bakr Al -Razi (d.Galen, it is a mistake and a mistake in many of his book. "

It was preceded by the book of cooking by Ibn Maswi, the pharmacist (d. 243 AH/857 CE), but it was a traditional book that did not exceed the mentality of the carrier that he found from the books of Jonah, so Al -Razi presented it in his book that we mentioned above.

In the fourth century AH/10 AD;Ibn Sayyar al -Warraq (d. 368 AH/979 CE) wrote his book called “The Book of Cooking and Food Food and Foods of Foods Makers, which was extracted from medicine books, chefs and people of pulp”;We have arrived and printed.

Then came a valid group of books of this art, such as Ibn Jazala Al -Baghdadi (d. 493 AH/1100 AD), “The Platform of the statement while the human being used” (printed), which is a book on medicine that deals with the properties of food;And 'the curriculum of the shop and the constitution of notables in the works and structures of beneficial medicines "by Ibn Abi Nasr Al -Attar (the seventh century AH/13th AD).

In the same century;We find the scientist of the plant Ibn al -Bitar al -Andalusi (d. 646 AH/1248 CE). His book is classified by the “Mosque for Pharmaceuticals and Food Vocabulary” (printed), and it is a medical medical dictionary that contained 1400 food and pharmaceuticals.

جمعوا بين موائد الروم والفرس والمغني زرياب يؤسس المطبخ الأندلسي المغربي.. تعرف على فنون الطهي في الحضارة الإسلامية

As for the rules for arranging the table and the etiquette of sitting to it, the writings in them varied in detail calling for wonder, and it is sufficient for us that Badr al -Din al -Ghazi (d.As it included "a number of defects that he learned was an expert in etiquette of the eruption, and it promised it eighty people !!"

An artistic incubator, and Ibn al -Nadim missed it to indicate that the authors in the art of cooking were dealing with him with an artistic dealings, because many of his authors are working in fine arts, and this is what we find when listed their names;This is the 'book of cooking' by Al -Harith bin Bsakhn (d. 170 AH/786AD), who is from the singer of the Abbasid caliph Harun al -Rashid (d. 193 AH/809 AD), and the book of cooking 'by writer Ali bin Yahya Al -Munajim (d. 215 AH/830 CE).

Likewise, the book of Al -Tabeh by Ibrahim bin Al -Mahdi (223 AH/838 CE), and he is the brother of Harun al -Rashid to his father and he was one of the great musicians, and the book of Al -Tu`bah by Ibrahim al -Souli, the writer and poet (243 AH/857 CE), and the book of “Al -Tabik” and “Classes of Skabj” (= MeatIt is cooked with vinegar and spices), both of which are for the Al -Brameki Nervous (d. 324 AH/936 CE), and he is a poet and singer.

Luxury and extravagance have reached their goal in tables and the preparation of food during the rule of Bani Al -Abbas;Some of them were expense on his kitchen, converging the budget of some of our Arab ministries today, where the "menu" (Menu) was in Al -Rashid, which included thirty colors of food per day, and daily was spent 10 thousand dirhams (= today approximately 12,000 dollars).;According to Al -Masoudi, Al -Masoudi mentioned in 'Marouj Al -Dahab'.

When Al -Rashid married his cousin Zubaydah bint Jaafar (d. 216 AH/831 CE);He spent fifty -five million dirhams (= today approximately $ 68 million) on the wedding feast;As the judge of the judges, the historian Ibn Khallakan (d. 681 AH/1282 CE), says in the 'deaths of notables.

The expense of his son, the caliph Al -Ma'mun (d. 218 AH/833 AD), was six thousand dinars (= today about a million US dollars) spent a large amount on his kitchens, and it is sufficient to know that his table may contain 300 types of food !!

Wide mastery, the transfer of the historian of the Abbasid caliphs, Ibn Tayfour Al -Marwazi (d. 280 AH/893 CE) - in its history, 'Book of Baghdad' - the testimony of a scholar Baghdadi named Jaafar bin Muhammad Al -Anmati (d. After 218 AH/833 AD), he said that he had a day with Al -Maamoun in the presence of dozens of scholars who invited them to the safeTo his council and table.

This name described the table of Al -Ma'mun, saying: "I thought that more than three hundred colors were placed on the table, so the more the color of the Al -Ma'mun's view was placed, and he said: This is suitable for this and this is useful for such" !!And Ibn Tayfour is described by Al -Hafiz Al -Khatib Al -Baghdadi (d. 463 AH/1072 CE) - in the history of Baghdad - as "one of the people of understanding mentioned in science."

The author of the "Baghdadiya Message" is conveyed to us a clear and poetic picture of the tables of Baghdad in the fourth century AH;He says: "We see the loaf on which the black seed was sprayed until it became the full moon with the stars, and the bite of it reaches the heart of its lust, the cheese that tears the eye of its eating from its edge as if it was the difference of its loved ones, and the nuts that taste the sweetest and more pleasant than wellness in the body, and the table as if it is a bride of a manifestation.".

After reading this description, I became an excuse for the governor of Basra, Ibn Dahkana Al -Abbasi (the third century AH/ninth AD) in his saying, which was reported by Al -Shabshiti (d. 388 AH/999 AD) in his book “Al -Dairat”:And I want to eat until I die! "

And on the capacity of the options, the different tastes were;And we found the safe tending to sheep meat, and he said one day to his writer Al -Hassan bin Sahl (d. 236 AH/850 AD): I looked at the pleasure and found it all filled with seven;Al -Hassan said: What are the seven, O Commander of the Faithful?He said: baking wheat, sheep meat, cold water ... etc., according to Imam Al -Tartoushi al -Maliki (d. 520 AH/1126AD) in the 'Sarraj al -Mulkal'.

Al -Ma'mun was imbued with the culture of food and its health properties, as he passed in the news of the Muti, and he was an expert in the appropriate times to address his varieties;Ibn Tayfour said: “I was informed that Al -Mamoun said to Abu Kamel Al -Tabakh one day ..: He took us bearing heads that will be our lunch tomorrow ... and he said: From any (= = the rules of eating them) the heads to be eaten in the winter in particular, and that I be eaten on them, and not to be mixed with themOthers, and the water is not used. "

A special taste that it seems that Al -Ma'mun was different from his family and the taste of the layer looked at his preference for sheep meat;The note says - in the animal - that "our rocks [the Abbasids] and the people of living from us do not want any of the beings their desire for chicken ..., and they eat the shepherd as they eat the cemetery."

Then Al -Jahiz explained their desire for chicken as "the most behavioral meat because it is a barbecue ... and a cooking", as it enters many kitchen recipes.

They exaggerated the interrogation of the chicken and its nutrition, so that their scrubs were "advertising the peeled walnuts and watered milk milk" so that this is an increase in the quality of its meat;Ibn Abi Asiba (d. 668 AH/1269 CE) also tells us about the "layers of doctors".

Some ministers did not monopolize the pleasure of food without people;Some of them were asking for feeding as he enjoyed it.Therefore, Abu Ishaq Al -Saba (d. 384 AH/995 CE) - in the Book of Ministers - reported that the Abbasid Minister Ibn Al -Furat (d. 327 AH/939 CE) had two kitchen, one for the private and the other for the public, and the latter was submitted to the latter of the sheep of the sheep and thirty and hundreds of chicken.

And Al -Dhahabi quoted - in 'History of Islam' on the king of Faris Amr bin Al -Laith Al -Safar (d. 289 AH/902 CE) as saying: “My kitchen was carried on six hundred camels!”As for his brother - who took over the kingdom before him - Yaqoub bin Laith Al -Saffar (d. 256 AH/870 AD), the fate in his kitchen was accommodating one of the four goats!

Among the rituals of food in which the kings of Bani Al -Abbas mastered their conduct of the competitions of cooking and their participation in them sometimes, and Al -Masoudi (d. 346 AH/957 AD) tells us in 'Al -Gold Program' - a funny competition in that was one of the participants in which the safe and his crown prince (d. 227 AH/842 CE).

The secret of an ancient, and one of us might desire "Street Food" and sees him as a milestone on cooking the house or restaurant with the risk of not being clean in it, but there is a secret in eating the streets old that we have not been converted to from the days of Al -Mutawakkil (d. 247 AH/861 AD) and until today.

Al -Masoudi narrated on the authority of Minister Al -Abbasi Al -Fath bin Khaqan (d. 247 AH/861 CE) that he said: “I was with Al -Mutawakkil and he was determined to explain the Jafari (= one of his palaces), and he was directed behind the remorse and the singers, he said: So we made it woven while he was leaning on me while I was talking to him.We got to a place that supervises the Gulf, so he called a chair, so he sat on him and came to talk to me, as he was confused with a traveling travel from near the Gulf shore, and a salt in his hands is a great amount of cooking in which a cooking of beef was cooking, and its smells have passed, and he said: O Fateh, the smell of the pouring and God!Woe to you, you do not see what is better!

So the mattress took the initiative and they took it out of the hands of the navigators .., and they came to the destiny to the destiny, as it was looked at it, so it was placed in our hands, so its wind was developed and its color was improved, and he called a loaf, so he broke from him a fraction and pushed it to me, and he took from it like it, and each of us ate three of us, and accepted the remorse and the singer, so he made, so he made, so he madeEach of them is bitten by a bite of fate, and the food is accepted and the tables were placed.

When [Al -Mutawakkil] emptied from eating it, he ordered that amount, and it was emptied and washed in his hands, and he ordered that a dirham to be filled, so he came with the beginning of (= one thousand golden dinars/ten thousand silver dirhams) and I finished it, and he preferred from the dirhams the amount of two thousand dirhams, so he said to a servant who was in his hands: TakeThis destiny, so go to it until you pay it to the owners of the ship, and say to them: This is the price of what we ate from your destiny, and pay to those who cook it, the preferred of this bed of the dirhams, given to him to improve it cooking it.Al -Fateh said: Al -Mutawakkil often said that if he was mentioned, the salt was mentioned: I did not eat better than the pouring of the owners of the ship on that day.

Al -Masoudi also tells us that the Abbasid caliph Al -Mustakfi (d. 338 AH/949 AD) sat one day, and he made a "menu" (Menu) his table what is mentioned in Mahfouz, his sitting in the hair in the hair, and he said: "Bring, what did each of you promise" fromTypes of his favorite foods?We can only eat what you describe;It was described as dignities (= type of Adam) from the poetry of Ibn Al -Mu'taz (d. 296 AH/907 CE), and “Birds” (= said cooking with sour materials) from the poetry of Abi Al -Fath Al -Ramli known as `(Or the Sunbosque/ Sanboush = Al -Sanbousa) from the poetry of the crushing of Ibrahim al -Musli (d. 235 AH/ 849 CE).

The matters of the Abbasids were found in the kitchen and the materials prepared for food were varied, such as the Nargil oil, which the rice was kind;Al -Thaalabi (d. 429 AH/1039 AD) also benefits us in the "orphan of the age".Ibn Battuta (d. 779 AH/1377 AD) - on his journey - describes the method of extracting this oil;He says that its owners "take the hookah after its maturity and fall from its trees, and they remove its peel and cut it definitely and make it in the sun.

Food hygiene, they were interested in the food making environment and the cleanliness of its employees;They required the cook to cut his nails and wash his hands always, and wash his pots times until they reached the case with each other not to see the cooking in the pottery flying twice, and he sees replacement every day to purify them from the corrupt food deposits for cooking and harmful to health;As Ibn Sayyar says in the "Book of Cooking".Aladdin Al -Ghazuli (d. 815 AH/1412 AD) - in 'Mutla'a Al -Badour' - narrated that one of them was lengthening his hand washing and saying: “The ruling of the hand is that the time of washing it is the amount of time of its eating.”

The issue of hygiene takes us to the official body that was devoting to quality control and hygiene in the markets of Muslims, which is the "calculation" device, so it was one of its branches a department specialized in monitoring food industries to protect consumers' health after scientists obliged to "be on bread and cooks calculated";As Imam Ibn al -Qayyim (d. 751 AH/1350 AD) says in “Informing the Apostles of the Lord of the Worlds”.Therefore, we find in the books of "Al -Mahsabin" adequate details about the conditions of public restaurants and bread ovens from which the common people fed.

Among these accountants is Jalal al -Din al -Shafi’i al -Shafi’i (d. 590 AH/1194 CE), who took over the presidency of the calculation in his time, and wrote his book Al -Mataa 'The end of the cute rank in the honorable account request, which puts us in the heart of the Levant markets in the sixth century AH/12 AD, especially restaurants,About half of the sections of the book (15 chapters) are devoted to food -related professionals with industry and catering.

Al -Shizri reminds us of the conditions of quality and hygiene in bakers, and he says: "The ceiling of their shops should be raised, and the woven ceilings are made (= = chimneys) wide from which the smoke comes out so that the Muslims are not harmed, and if the bakery is emptied from protecting it, wipe inside the enlightenment with clean rags ..., and the calculated orders themBy cleaning and covering water vessels, washing and cleaning the pads, and what is covered by bread, and what is carried on it.

He adds that it is one of the supplies and honor of food that "the dough does not knead with his feet, with his two knees, nor with his elbows, because this is a humiliation of food, and perhaps a diameter of his race ... so he does not knead except with a saliva (= a garment without a quantity) or with a veil (= wool cloak) cut sleeves,And he is a third (= he wears a domalty) because perhaps sneezed or spoke, and something of his attachment fell into the dough, and a white gang is tightened on his forehead, lest he sweats, and something falls from him in the dough, and his arms shaved so that nothing will fall from him in the dough ... ".

Microoring control, the control was accurate on restaurants, so it included combating the types of cheating in food, imposing strict cleaning procedures for utensils in which food is prepared, the cleanliness of its maker, the safety of materials and components from cheating and mixing, and allocating ovens and skirts for each type, And they obliged frying oil.

The accountants of the Hesba apparatus also imposed on bakers who provide a service "delivery of bread" to Delivery that "their servants and their rewards are a boys without puberty, because they enter the homes of people and their women."According to Al -Sizari.

It appears to us from the book Al -Shizri that the general foods - of bread, sweets, meat and the like - were sold by weight, and therefore they were threatening to control the accuracy of the scales; In the chapter on the account, he says: “The accountant should weigh the lambs before it is lowered [in] the enlightenment and writes it in his notebook, then returns it to weight after taking it out. Upon weight, which is meat so that they do not hide the iron ginger and the document of bullets, and the mark of the ripening of the barbecue is to attract the shoulder quickly.

Al -Shizri Al -Marshusi warns of the necessity of preventing restaurant owners from mixing the meat cooking, "Do not cook mutton meat or camel meat with beef, so as not to eat it (= the same for recovery) from the disease, so it is a reason to deny it (= relapse of its health)."

It also guides them to the methods of cheating of sausage makers who mix meat with kidneys, onions and spices, "and some of them stuff the snook with grilled fish meat and spices, and some of them cheat it with the legs ... peeled and the whiteness of the onions. All of this is known that the [calculated] sausage before frying it, so what appears to the eye".

Cheeser chemical chemical chemical to a type of fraud in which the workmanship of the food chemistry mentioned by the philosopher Yaqoub Al -Kindi (d. 256 AH/870 AD) enters his strange book, the title in his time 'cooking chemistry'.

And from that, "the colors of meat that are stained without meat, and a lean as a non -core, sausage without meat, none of eggs, sweetness without honey or sugar, and types other than their elements that are prolonged."Al -Shizri added that it was justified by saying: "Were it not for me that I am afraid that those who have no religion have been alerted to cheat the foods, I would have mentioned many of this."

The cooking was not only limited to males, but the maids were innocent, especially during the era of the Fatimids;Where Al -Maqrizi (d. 845 AH/1441 CE) states us - in the "behavior in the news of the kings' - the presence of the slave cooks in their palaces, and he says:" And they have a strange industry and an advanced presidency. "He added that in the house of one of his friends is two female neighbors, "each of them improves eighty colors of the transfer (= pluralism: fried) except for the rest of the food colors!"

The distinction of Egyptian cooks and their mastery also testifies that when the King of Diyar Bakr Nasr, the state, Ahmed bin Marwan Ibn Doussa, wanted the Kurdish (d. 453 AH/1062 AD), that his nails reached a high level in the mastery of the workmanship of the cookTo the Egyptian homes, and fined (= spent) to send them a large number [of money] until they learned to cook from there;According to the historian Ibn Al -Atheer (d. 630 AH/1233AD) in his book "Al -Kamil".

However, Aba Al -Ala Al -Maari (d. 449 AH/1058 CE) saw that more than the efficiency of the chefs of Aleppo;He mentioned - in the "The Message of Forgiveness" - that they will take care of the kitchen of Heaven when he calls the caller in it: "Bring Paradise from the chefs who live in Aleppo over the time!"

The presence of Ramadan, telling us the books of the cooking that our Ramadan tables are ancient in Muslim kitchens;Where we find in the book 'The link to the beloved in describing the good and good' 'by Ibn Al -Adim (d.- In his book "The End"- it is "wine ... taken from wheat, and the people of Egypt often drink it."It is a Ramadan drink that is still with the people of Hijaz to this day.

As for the book of cooking by Muhammad bin Hassan Al -Baghdadi (d. 637 AH/1239 CE), we find an old recipe for what is called today in the modern kitchen, "Slow Cooking", which is leaving the dish for a long time on the fire or in the oven.

The funniest thing that I stood on - when Al -Baghdadi - is that the French cook called "Bœuf Bourguignon" - in which the veal is cooked in the French way for six hours - was known in our Arab homeland since the seventh century AH/13 AD.

This is despite the fact that this cooking did not reach the new world (the Americas) except at the end of the twentieth century, when it introduced it to the American cuisine, the American intelligence agency (CIA), Julia Child (d. 1425 AH/2004 AD) when she went to cook at the end of her life.

Al -Baghdadi informs us about the old name of this food, which is a "tineri squash", and the way to prepare it: "to cut the meat and throw in the virgin, and make it with it (= spices) and spices, and the molasses are dissolved with vinegar (the western today puts the wine of grapes instead of vinegar), and this is dyed.All of it is saffron, then its salt is adjusted, and the light is covered with the head from the beginning of the night to the ball, then it is raised. "

Zaribiovi's kitchen, Andalusian cuisine during the sixth century AH/12 AD;We find the "Bonless Chicken" recipe, which was a reference to the Andalusian manuscript of the author dating back to the sixth century AH/12 AD, and was published by the Spanish orientalist Ambrosio Miranda under the title "The Book of Cooking in Morocco and Andalusia in the era of the Almohads."

In this book, a male was mentioned for the machines that should be available in the cook, such as: the seat, which is advisable to be marble or wood, while copper spoils some of the stretching of food, such as salt, garlic, wet coriander, onions and mustard ... because copper is subject to rust and change.It is also taken from hard wood, script and spoons, and the painting on which the meat is cut, and the candy and cakes, and it should be smooth in the very sliced.

In this Andalusian manuscript, we also find the Andalusians preferring the way to serve food, or a dish after the dish, without gathering all dishes and items on the table once.It is reported that the colors presented at the Andalusian table were seven colors, especially in the banquets of weddings;And it started with the legumes, mediated with pickles and honey, then another color separated by them, and it is sealed with the messenger.

Then he says: “Many of the largest people and their followers were drawn to be placed on each table in the hands of men, single colors after another color, and it is better for my life to make angry (= ceramic utensils) are all on the table, the most beautiful, the most polite and the funniest,It is the method of the people of Andalusia and the West, their superiors, their properties, and those with credit from its people, from the days of Omar bin Abdul Aziz (d. 101 AH/720 CE) and the sons of illiteracy to Halm.We see that this tradition is still in force in the countries of Morocco, with a difference in the number of items.

We should not leave the Andalusian and Western cuisine - in which we will conclude this historical tour within the world of cooking in Islamic civilization - before we mention the founding role in developing this kitchen and its furnishing with cooking spin, a role played by the Iraqi musician Zarb Al -Mawsali (d. 243 AH/857 ADSince his arrival in Andalusia in the year 206 AH/821 CE, it may be the origin of the arrangement of the table mentioned by the unknown Andalusian author.

Al -Maqri (d. 1041 AH/1631 CE) said - in 'Nafah Al -Tayeb' - that Ziyab was good from “the skill of the royal service unless one of the people of his manufacture [lyric] found him, until the kings of the people of Andalusia and their properties took it as an example for his etiquette and improved from his feedingSo, until the last days of the people of Andalusia attributed to him, it is known to him: From that ... from what they invented from the cooking: the color called them with the Taafis, and it is artificial with wet coriander water is sweetened with the tubes and kebabs, and they followed the color of the transfer attributed to Zerib.

Al -Maqri adds that "what people took from him in Andalusia, his preference for the vessels of fine glass over the vessels of gold and silver, and his arousal of the obedience (= plural: the rug) is the blood (= the skin) soft soft on the nails of the linen, and its choice is a travel (= traveler).On the wooden tables, as the harm (= dirt) disappears from the Adem with the least smear.

The orientalist Levi Provencal (d. 1376 AH/1956 AD) - in his book “The History of Spanish Muslim” - assigned a group of “any food” and the etiquette of the table that Zriana brought with him from Baghdad; He said: "Zeriab taught the people of Cordoba to prepare the most complex Baghdadian food, and the arrangement of meal dishes on elegant tables, so he told that the food would not be provided at once, or as it agreed, but rather the soup must be started, and the meat dishes and birds are followed by hot spices, then the sweetened dishes, so the sweets are made. From walnuts, almonds, honey, or perfumed dried fruits stuffed with pistachios and pistachios.