The world of "metaphors" .. feverish compete for the purchase of its virtual "real estate", subscribed to our postage and reached interesting topics
"Neil Stephenson" formulated the term "Metavers" in a science fiction novel nearly 30 years ago.In recent years, many technology companies have become the ambition of "metaphors" to enable "virtual reality" and "rich and augmented reality" environments globally, which will allow billions of people to work, play, cooperate and mix in completely new ways.
In fact, the "metaphystere" may be the next main platform in computing after the global web and mobile network.
There are strong reasons for the belief that we are on the threshold of the great transformation in the field of computing;The transformation of realistic and overwhelming experience will be able to spread widely.
The animation created by computer in the films today can be almost not distinguished from the live movement clips, as the games today provide realistic graphics experiences, and the virtual reality screens and augmented reality have witnessed rapid progress in recent years, creating this rich and immersive experiences.
The interest in the "metaphors" has increased since last October after the "Facebook" decision that made this idea its new project, and the group went further by launching the "Mita" name on its mother company.
The technological advisor for companies that wish to enter "Metaavirus", "Cathy Hack", noted that the strategic transformation point "allowed millions of people to discover the term much faster" than she expected.
The epidemic, which occurs once in age, forced many to rely on digital technology as the only way to communicate, cooperate, learn and preserve our lives.
What is required to make "metaphors"?
All that is required to put two people in a completely virtual environment is convincing and detailed symbolic images of clothes, hair and color color, all of which are presented in the actual time, and based on sensors data that captures 3D creatures, gestures and sound in the real world.These sensors transmit data with very high ranges and low transition periods, and a model that embodies the environment, which may contain real elements and simulation.
Now, imagine solving this problem widely - hundreds of millions of users at one time - instead of two people, and you will quickly realize that the infrastructure of computing, storage and networks today is not simply enough to achieve this vision.
To provide these capabilities on a large scale, the Internet infrastructure will need significant updates.
What is the Intel Metafers project?
The basic building blocks of the metaphors on which Intel work can be summarized in 3 layers, and they are hardly working on this in many vital areas, according to a report published on the company's website. For the highest intelligence class, Intel focuses on the work of Intel.On a unified programming form and tools for software development and open libraries to enable developers to publish complex applications more easily.
The Meta Ops describes the infrastructure that provides computing to users to exceed what is currently available to them.
As for the descriptive computing layer, it is the raw force needed to run these experiments in the environment of "metaphors".
Intel Core processors provide some of the best games for decades, and they are especially good in creating many games today, virtual and augmented reality experiences (VR/AR), realistic animation in movies on computer devices and workstationsSupported by Intel processors.
Intel -advanced processors, infrastructure processing units and fifth -generation solutions block the gap between the cloud and the user, which will be extremely important to the huge computing distributed by the metaphystere network.
This new structure requires much more, and the new XE structure aims to accelerate and present these wealthy and comprehensive experiences to expand its scope with the customer, including "Intel Arc Alchemist GPU" for games and creativityAnd Pont Vecchio to accelerate high performance and perception, both of which will be available next year.
In addition to these 2022 Intel products, there is a multi -generational road map for high -performance XPU units.
Intel believes that a widespread overburden computing, which works widely and can reach in actual time, needs an increase in mathematical efficiency a thousand times from the latest technology today.
There are many developments through transistors, mobilization, memory and inter -delivery that will help to reach this goal, and they are in the process of setting.
Intel has participated in some of these technologies at the IDM conference, as well as equipment improvements, and they also need new algorithms and software structures to reach the "metaphors" environment.
Today's Internet was able to change our world because it was built on open standards, and Intel says they are committed to creating the future Internet by taking advantage of the current industry standards and increasing them and creating new standards. Fatel compete for the purchase of "metaphors".
The spending of millions of dollars to acquire virtual lands may seem a crazy idea, but the enthusiasm for parallel worlds pushes investors to heavily depend on the digital real estate sector.
The company "Ribablack Rilm" in New York announced weeks ago that it had spent a record amount of $ 4.3 million to buy land via "The Sandbox", a platform that allows the entry of a virtual world in which the participants can chat, play and even in concerts.
On the opposing site, "Distralland", the Canadian company "" specialized in cryptocurrencies was spent $ 2.4 million last November on the purchase of a property.
A few days before that, the small Caribbean State of Barbados announced that it intends to create an embassy in "metaphors", a network of interconnected virtual spaces that are sometimes described as the future of the Internet.
The Dap currency database showed that more than $ 100 million spent a week on real estate purchases through the four main "metaphors" sites, which are "Sandbox", "Disletrand", "Cryxo Foxs" and "Somanum Spice".
"Halak" said that the great activity in the market in which the owners, tenants and real estate developers interact is not a surprise.
"They translate into the virtual world" what they master well "in the real world.
"Halack" explained that these sites need some time to become a real "metaphystere" that allows users to explore parallel worlds through virtual reality helmets, but digital properties are from now on financial assets, such as the real real estate themselves.
She added, "It can be built on, leased or sold." has an important plot of land via "Dysterland" in the "Fashion Street", the platform intends to turn it into a destination for the virtual stores of luxury groups.
"If I had not conducted research, I discovered that it was high -value property, it would have seen it completely mad."
Polishing and organizing parties!
"Kegel", who worked for 20 years as a bank specialized in investing in the real estate sector, said that virtual lands constitute a similar opportunity for the commodities of the real world, as it is located in a modern and crowded neighborhood.
He explained that it is "places for advertising and events in which people will meet," referring to a modern music festival that attracted 50 thousand visitors via "Decalland".
Luxury brands have already started entering the world of "Metaavirus", as a handbag from the "Gucci" brand, for example, was sold on the "Roblix" platform with more than the price of its material copy.
Kegel hopes that the "Fashion Street" neighborhood will become an equivalent to the "Fifth Avenue" street (Fifth Avenue) in New York.
As for how to achieve income, it can be "simple, such as having an advertising plate, or complicated such as having a store with a real employee," he explained.
He added: "The customer can enter the store with its symbolic image (Avatar), and take a look at 3D models for shoes that he can carry with his hands, and he can ask questions" on the seller.
A real estate developer sparked attention in 2006 when she sold land for a million dollars in the virtual world of "Alexander Live", a pioneering site in the field of "metaphors."
"Square Live" is still working, but its new competitors are indicating one major difference.
On the "Disletalland", all purchases, whether they are related to real estate or virtual artworks, take place through the technique of non -replaceable symbols (NFT).
Some Internet users spent tens of thousands of dollars on these digital things, making this concept raised at the same time enthusiasm and suspicion.
Kegel expected that digital ownership will become prevalent in the coming years thanks to the technology of the series "Blockchain") for digital transactions, which guarantee the safety and transparency of transactions.
He said: "I can see the history of the angel, the cost of the offered commodity and how it is transferred from one person to another."However, the investment involves risks, the most prominent of which is the fluctuation of the value of encrypted currencies used to purchase the "NFT" goods.
Although the virtual concerts on "Roblix" or "Fortnite" attracted tens of millions of curious people, the scarcity of data on "metaphors" indicates that the use of its specialized sites, including "Designalland", is very far from existing social networks such as "Facebook"Or "Instagram".Consequently, the value of real estate investments in metaphors will depend on the number of people visiting these sites.
"I know this might seem a little stranger, but there is a vision behind all of this," Kegel said.
Source: News sites