The Swedish Emergency Agency publishes information for citizens: money, food and shelters ... the most important thing to think about now

Sweden Radio published information in the name of the Swedish Civil Emergency Agency, MSB. وأنالاجتياح الروسي لأوكراني جعل المواطنين في السويد في حالة من المتابعة للأحداث في أوكرانيا والتساؤل إن كانت الحرب سوف تؤثر على السويد وعما يجب علينا القيام به وأخذه بالحسبان على سبيل الاحتياط.

وكالة الطوارئ السويدية تنشر معلومات للمواطنين : النقود، الطعام و الملاجئ ..أهم ما يجب التفكير فيه الآن

The Emergency Agency advised the citizens in Sweden put a sum of money in cash at home, and it is preferable to be in multiple cash categories, and that in a booklet “on disasters or if the war occurFor example, in addition to storing lamps and providing a batteries radio, stressing that every person should think about an answer to the question of his concern, "How can I manage my affairs if I do not get immediate assistance from the government?".

The MSB Civil Emergency Agency also indicated that we are Winner Streum, that one of the most important things that must be thought about is food, water - heating and communication, noting that the quantities that must be stored in the house differ from one case to another according to the nature of the house and the number of family members, even if it wasAt home children and pets. ووفي موقع MSB من هناتوجد خارطة رقمية لجميع الملاجئ في السويد، ويمكنها تحديد مواقع الملاجئ القريبة والتوجيه إليها .It also includes an electronic booklet "on disasters or if the war occurred", distributed by the Civil Emergency Agency earlier, and includes all the necessary information.She stretched to verify the authenticity of the information and that it was not transferred from unreliable sources.Sweden Radio