The president's succession is the responsibility of all the people, not the centrality of Fatah alone
Written by: Ibrahim Abrash
At a time when a glimmer of hope has returned to return to the reconciliation dialogues in Algeria, perhaps it may occur even if a relatively penetration in the division file comes the differences over the Central Council of the PLO to abort the spark of hope for reconciliation and enhance the state of division and estrangement not only between the PLO and the factions outside it but between the leadership of the organizationAnd some of its factions.
The controversy over the convening of the Central Council is part of the system’s crisis and reflects the depth of the crisis, the divergence of positions and the difficulty of national reconciliation, if it is not fraudulent, and that the differences on the PLO and its central council are endorsed at the expense of other issues.A struggle for leadership and leadership and an attempt to conceal the state of impotence and failure to confront Israel and conceal the dilemma of each party, whether the peace and political settlement project or the project of jihad and resistance, and the essence of the dispute is not on the PLO and restore its liberation approach but rather to its symbolism and the succession of the president.
The recent differences relate to the succession of President Abu Mazen and the fears of the forces opposing the Fatah movement that the latter would establish conditions in the organization in anticipation of reconciliation sessions in Algeria and the possibility of President Abu Mazen's absence from the political scene, and here is the stall of the Persians and the Constitution of controversy over the Central Council.
The arrangements that are taking place to succeed President Abu Mazen raises many questions.Although the Fatah movement, with its national symbolism and its struggle history, and as dominant on the PLO and the political system, are not like the rest of the parties, its decisions and political orientations are reflected on everything related to the PLO and the national issue in general, despite this, the caliphate of the president is not a pure fatwas but rather it is itA national issue, and the PLO is not exclusive to anyone who believes in the national project and does not have an external agenda.
The matter will be understood if what is going on in the Fatah movement and the central council of arrangements is limited to the succession of the head of the Fatah movement, but what is going on is related to the next president and the upcoming leadership of the Palestinian people because whoever nominates the Central Committee of the Fatah movement for high positions in the organization, the legitimate and only representative of the Palestinian people, noYou can contradict it, neither the organization's execution nor the dominant central council from the Fatah movement, and this is what happened already.
And with our respect for the Fatah movement, we say, this is not how the people are taken and future leaders are made, as it is assumed that the most eligible to lead the people is the one who enjoys popularity and compatibility and the most close to the people and its sensitivity to their suffering and not the most close and deal with Israel !!!, and in the Fatah movement many believers believersWith the principles of the Fatah movement and its political approach, who embrace the respect and confidence of the Fatah and respect the majority of the Palestinian people and other parties.
When he ascends to the higher leadership sites in the Fatah movement, the authority and the PLO most closest to Israel and the most acceptable to Israel, this will lead to competing and affiliated with cadres and (leaders) and every greed for power to get closer to Israel and express goodwill towards Washington and its policies and try to win and their satisfaction,While national leaders and militants are marginalized or given leadership sites that are not influential under the allegations that they are good and weak people and they have no charismatic or leadership personality !!!etc.
When your enemy makes your future leadership, you must and your national case compensate.
We realize that the people in the end are the ones that will be elected by those who rule when holding the elections, whether it comes to the president or the Legislative Council, but there are those who believe that at least public elections will not be held in the short term, and therefore those who hold leadership positions now and who will succeed the president will live in their positions long andThey invoke that they came in a legitimate manner through the institutions of the PLO and that they are continuing in their positions until the elections and the end of the division!.
However, the situation remains without general elections is unacceptable from the people and even from the external parties that may impose general elections in Palestine at any time, so we hope that the Fatah movement will improve the choice of its future candidates for the presidency and the membership of the Executive Committee, but if some believe it is notElections are held and things will continue as they are, which is what Israel wants as well. This is not only wrong thinking, but it is confiscation of popular will, insulting to it, and in harmony with the occupation..
In this statement, we are not stabbed with the Fatah movement or an abuse of the president, as many who criticize the state of power, the Fatah movement and the PLO are based on the position of national jealousy and the keenness on the national project and out of respect for President Abu Mazen and refusing to exploit and employ his health to manipulate national institutions and confiscate the people's right to choose their future leadership And we are repeated again and we warn against converting President Abu Mazen into a scapegoat by loading each of the stage and exploiting his name and being at the head of the political system to legalize the arrangements and sharing interests and links with the Zionist entity under the pretext of managing the affairs of people and solving their human, economic and social problems.
Now that the council has been held and did not bring anything but filling the vacancies in the highest positions, which is the main goal behind the convening of this session and repeated recommendations that its adopts know that it will not be implemented, the PLO has become more weak in the face of any Palestinian alliances outside the organization, which will give more justifications to the two skeptics of representing the organizationFor the Palestinian people and the eligibility of the Fatah movement to lead the organization.
Finally, the people were understanding and met with the leadership and presidency of the late Abu Ammar because he is the symbol and the founding leader of the Palestinian revolution and because he also came as head of the Palestinian Authority through the general elections, and President Abu Mazen came as president of the PLO by virtue of his position in the organization historically and that he is one of the historical leaders as he became the head of the Palestinian AuthorityThrough the elections, as for after President Abu Mazen, there will be no legitimacy except for those who are intended by the people democratically, and the people will not be deceived by the people of the temporary president because this president will work to perpetuate the situation and always become temporary..