The political declaration of civil resistance .. a comprehensive offer

Khartoum: Hussein Saad

Civil resistance committees offered a political declaration to start a radical, editorial political process aimed at developing a unified national political vision on the nature of the state, government, economy and power circulation, and the introduction to the advertisement confirmed that it is the political vision that the masses are constituted through the national consultations organized by the resistance and elected unions, and the last period had witnessed newsShe talks about the issuance of the Khartoum State Resistance Committees to a political charter that has been discussed with a wide discussion with the coordination of the committees in the capital of the Niles, and it is expected that the expected charter will find a great welcome and attention from the components of the revolution, political parties, civil society, and the gathering of professionals, feminist organizations, and the Sudanese (neighborhood) street, and it is expected thatThe political charter answers many questions that some have been raising like (what is after the processions and protests, and what is the vision of the resistance committees for the issues of the country's rule and what is their political, economic and social vision) and what makes us trust in the exit of a political charter that is the basis for the unity of the strong revolution that has been torn, and can be developedIf there are slight deficiencies, the second part is that the courage of the resistance committees and its organization of the processions despite repression and curseIn excessive (in hand), while I was involved in the other hand in the situation of a charter for the future and in my estimation of this steadfastness, we must give it its right as it remains because these sacrifices and in light of the political conditions, complications, human rights violations and economic crisis, all of this can only be done through the resistance committees that formed a turning point,It also found at the same time a popular cohesion and solidarity of the masses and sharing pain and pain.In my estimation, this was what would have been up to the sense of (people all people) and their categorical belief that there is a serious resistance (and a weapon and a righteous row) and enjoy wide credibility and sacrifice for the sake of the homeland and the best of its youth.One view of the martyrs, the visit of their families, the solidarity with them, the treatment of the wounded, the injured, and the solidarity with the detainees, and the resistance committees have a high ability to sit in the psychological trauma resulting from the fall of the martyrs, the deadly injuries, the arrest and the kidnapping.The security authorities, there are many evidences for that, but they are all failed. Among those images of the peace of the revolution is the human wall by the revolutionaries of one of the sections in Omdurman in the procession of receiving a marine revolutionaries, there are also media campaigns that were launched trying to stabilize the resistance committees with patriotism and that they are (mocks) or (with the eyeDokua's sweat) besides the ridicule that comes like (the owners of the rushing pants) and other sarcasm that affects (Canadat more broadly, according to the newspaper AlRaida, issued on Monday, January 24, where the coordination of the resistance committees, Khartoum, confirmed that the date for the political charter declared the Khartoum resistance committees is the approaching of the Khartoum Resistance..The official spokesman for the coordination, Eng. Othman Ahmed, revealed in a statement to Al -Jarida that the remainder is a few arrangements, and then the political charter will be announced, the sense of responsibility in the resistance committees, making their slogan (Al -Hayta Al -Watan) and before that, the Mayreno resistance committees issued the region that caught that it caughtThe spark of the December revolution for the first time, announced the "Charter of the People's Authority" and signed by a number of state committees and different regions, (yesterday, today and tomorrow) The resistance committees are considered an essential body in the street (and a number that cannot be exceeded) and the resistance committees are considered one of the bodies that resisted the system of the defunct systemIn June and July 2012, but its prominent role was September 2013 and participated in organizing civil disobedience to topple the defunct regime, as it played an active role in the revolutionary movement in December 2018 and after the coup of October 25, and the resistance committees became a prominent beacon in the struggle, and became internationally recognized bodies,Partisan and other components of it, as it remained welcomed by data for regional and global countries, and in the recent period that witnessed extensive visits to international actors. The news was reported by the demand of those parties to sit with the resistance committees in terms of exit.With a vision to solve the problem of Sudan, and among those parties is a delegation with the Al -Yountasm mission with the resistance committees, which explained to the UN mission to see the crisis through the political charter that is awaiting its announcement

The most prominent axes of political declaration..

We return to the declaration of a civil resistance to touch the most prominent axis and timing, as it came at the forefront of the announcement launched by the resistance committees through the social media after it apologized for the establishment of a press conference that would have been held last Saturday due to the circumstances in the cityThe proposal is the culmination of the struggles of popular resistance since independence, a translation of the revolutionary action into a clear and coherent political vision, and the beginning of the process of converting power into the rules of the masses by extracting it from the traditional and modern elite political club that serves the goals of colonialThe chronic politics that turned the country into a state of conflicts, civil war, groups and loss of national sovereignty, and the proposed political declaration is from an introduction that discussed the modern Sudanese state in the context of a conceptual flying of the analysis of the Sudanese problem, while the terms of advertising included the transitional period and the constitutional legitimacy, the form of governance, economy, social justice, criminal justice, goals and structuresThe transitional period, and the announcement confirmed that the restoration of the entire national sovereignty is necessaryA salon in the way of democratic transformation and fair development, which is the basic battle against dictatorship, considering the December revolution a national project to unify the Sudanese on the basis of the state of citizenship and equal rights within a democratic civil state.

Corruption and displaced people..

The political announcement included several items of it in connection with the definition of the transitional period, which follows the fall of the totalitarian regime with the peaceful Sudanese popular revolution, which is the system based on the Al -Bashir security committee alliance and its allies from militias and armed movements until the formulation of the national transitional constitution through the Transitional National Legislative Council, and the announcement of the establishmentThe transitional period constitutionally on the temporary constitution of Sudan issued in 1956, by activating the transitional national legislative council that is not in line with the unified political declaration of the resistance committees in Sudan, as it does not contradict the political, economic and social reality after the December 2018 revolution, and the system of government in the transitional period is based on the central system that establishesCorporation of local government and paves the transitional period of the election process, and the announcement stated that the general goals of the transitional period are to agree on the pillars and foundations of the comprehensive national development project that constitutes the basis for a permanent democratic national constitution that establishes a civil civil state to achieve social justice in a full national sovereign state besides establishing peace on the will of popular rulesAnd suckingThe vast popularity (stakeholders' conferences) and addressing the conditions of the displaced in conflict areas by owning the decision to voluntarily return or stability in the camps areas and secure basic services and the right to work for all the population in addition to controlling resources and fighting the corruption of the structure of the political corruption and empowerment policies that took place in the period of the rule of Bashir to arrange prioritiesIn exchange for the basic services of health, education and infrastructure in order to establish the foundations of social justice based on permanent dismantling and monopoly of interests.

The countryside is a remarkable presence..

The announcement stressed the need for the countryside to own its political and economic decision through local government systems that allow the countryside to make the most of its local miracles for development, the national evaluation national development project for the aspirations of the Sudanese countryside, and demanded the announcement of the restructuring of the regular devices, the security apparatus and the rescue and demobilization of the militias, including rapid support, the armed movements of theFor a full national army, and called for the announcement to establish a constitutional freedom of organization, all public freedoms and the journalism and the transparency of the state.The fall of the transitional authority, and that the resistance committees in all localities and an alliance with other revolutionary forces believed in radical change in accordance with the general vision of the unified political advertisement and the initiation of the operations of the formation of local councils immediately and before the fallA transitional constitution takes bIts formulation of the Legislative Council, the Council of Ministers and the Judicial Authority, taking into account the separation of the powers of these devices from some of them, and the announcement is the need for localities to form its local councils, and that the localities that fall within their borders are the camps of the displaced people the right to retain their seats vacant until the completion of the process of selecting deputies from the displaced through direct votingThe Legislative Council is looking to nominate and appoint the President of the Prime Minister and the Chairman of the Judicial Head and MP/MP (until the formation of the Higher Judicial Council and the Public Prosecution Council, which are the Chairman of the Judicial and Deputy General/Deputy General with the Classical Committee of the National Transitional Legislative Council).The ministries agents nominate the advice of the Prime Minister /Prime Minister in charge, nominate the two legislative councils to nominate the heads of commission after defining the necessary revolutionary criteria for the occupants.

Transitional Justice..

اكد الاعلان ان الجهاز القضائي بصيغته الحالية هو نظام معطوب وغير قادر على تحقيق العدالة ويجب اعادة يكلته لضمان استقلالية القضاء والايخضع الى اي تاثير ايدلوجي او سياسي ودعا الاعلان الى ضرورة تخفيض الصرف المالي على الجهاز الاداري، ومحاصرة الفساد المالي والسياسيفضلا عن تخفيضعدد الوزارات والعودة الى نظام الهيئات العامةللسكة حديد والهيئة العام للنقل الميكانيكي والهيئة العامة للتقل التهري والهيئة العامة للاتصالات والبريد والهيئة الامة للمياه والكهرباء والهيئة العامة للاشغال والاسكان، وغيرها واقترح الاعلان الوزارت الاتية:وزارة الصحة اوالبيئة ،التربية والتعليم العام والعالي،الري والزراعة والثروة الحيوانية،العدل،الدفاع ،الخارجية والسيادة الوطنية ،الداخلية ،المالية والموارد ، الحكم المحلي، ووزارة الشفافية والمحاسبة ومراقبة الاداء وتم اقتراحها لان طبيعة الفساد السياسي والاقتصادي في العقود الماضية هي طبيعة هيكلية تتعدى فساد مجموعات بسيطة من الافراد والجماعات ولتجنب اخفاقات الجهاز التنتفيذي في حل القضايا الجوهرية خلال الفترة الانتقالية ونسبة لثقل وتعقيد مهام الافترة الانتقالية مثل ملفات السلام والعدالة والاجهزة النظامية يجب انشاء مفوضيات مستقلة على غرارمفوضية Transitional Justice ، مفوضية اصلاح الخدمة المدنية ، مفوضية صناعة الدستور، مفوضية هيكلة القوات النظامية ، مفوضية الانتخابات ،مفوضية تفكيك انظمة القهر والتبعية وغيرها وان تقوم هذه المفوضيات بادرات مستقلة.

People's pension and social justice..

The announcement stressed that the economic factor is a fundamental factor in the construction of the national sovereignty of the ownership of resources and other social and political factors.Other issues that were discussed in this manner, describing one of the pillars of the national development project, and includes the equal distribution of resources between all the different social components, and the political declaration noted that the political and conceptual vision of issues of the transitional period of the December Return as a revolution against military and civil totalitarianism and against military coups and against colonial submission, and sees the declarationThe proposal is that the modern Sudanese national state is a colonial building of a violent nature based on the policies of subjugation, fusion and racism in the colonial reality.The internal pronunciation of local history and does not respect historical continuity, and violence rates between local components have increased due to population and resource engineering policies.

Civil administration..

ويشير الاعلان إلى ان نظام Civil administration هو من مخلفات النظام الاستعماري للسيطرة اللا مركزية يتم فيه فصل السكان المحليين على اسس عرقية وحكمهم بشكل غير مباشر من قبل الزعماء المحليين وفق نظام قانوني واداري مختلف مقارتة بالمناطق الحضرية خصوصا في علاقات الارض والانتاج لمحاصرة طموحات الطبقة المتعلمة التحررية التي انعكست في ثورة اللواء الابيض 1924م وقررت الادارة الستعمارية في بناء تحالفات جديدة في الريف في سياق تغيير نظام الحكم الى حكم غير مباشر عن طريق نظام Civil administration مكنت الزعماء من السيطرة في السكان المحليين في مناطقهم باقل تكلفة واقامت ارتباطا صارما بين الهوية الأثنية للفرد والوصول الى الموارد الاساسية ونتج عن ذلك خاصيتين بحسب الاعلان انعكاس البنية الابوية في دور الزعماء الذين تم اختيار هم في بعض الاحيان من قادة القبائل الموجودين من خلال آليات المكونات العشائرية والاثنية والعنف بجانب الفصل بين السكان المحليين على اسس عرقية استراتيجية مقصودة انشاها الحكم الاستعماري وتم تنظيمها عبر الادار ة الاهلية، ووضع الاعلان رؤية حول نظام Civil administration قائمة على امتلاك الريف لقراره وموارده بشكل عام غاب الريف في الخطاب العام للثورة الا لماما وبشكل سطحي وان دخول المكونات الاجتماعية الريفية في الحراك الثوري هومسالة حيوية لاستمرار،ونجاح الثورة.The political declaration indicated that the dominance through a policy of teams that blocks colonialism is also clear in politicizing religion due to the fear of the Sufi religious methods and the possibility of the return of Mahdia as a result of this fear.The politician of the main political parties led to the surrender of the Sudanese national movement represented by the graduate conference of political and sectarian influences and failed to establish social incubators that go beyond the affiliations of the strong and religious, so I wanted to take advantage of the social incubators of the two large parties and thus the policy (the center) was strengthened through social relations.In the colonial period.

National sovereignty

The political declaration said that the stability of Sudan is in the interest of peoples and global peace, but the problem lies the international and regional community in defining Sudan's stability as conditional on the existence of a uniform military regime, and subject to the international agenda at the expense of the interest of the Sudanese people.Al -Bashir Security Committee for three years that the totalitarian system is the main threat to regional and international peace.The global and the emphasis on preserving the sovereignty of Sudan and the interest of its people and the establishment of balanced relations are the basis of dealing with all external parties and that the Sudanese people take a decision regarding the management of their resources in a way that enhances social, political and environmental justice, and the civil resistance committees in accordance with the proposed political declaration see the restoration of national sovereignty completely is the first step inThe path of democratic transformation and fair development becauseDecember revolution, according to the announcement.It is not only a revolution against the Bashir regime and the security committee, but a revolution of national liberation that restores the Sudanese and Sudanese their decision and their political and economic independence.

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 الاعلان السياسي لمقاومة مدني ..عرض شامل