The phenomenon of the western extreme right in the face of the Islamist Islamist speech: Accounting Western Security Strategies (*) - CAUS - Center for Arab Unity Studies

an introduction:

The various terrorist attacks that have occurred during the last two decades from 2001 to 2019 around the world raises a central question about this increasing tendency towards violence and brutality resulting from the different faces of terrorism and extremism.What can be described by the dominant feature in all the terrorist operations that the world knows, lies mainly in the size of the losses among civilians and devoting the other hatred.No matter how many motives and causes, no explanation that permits violence and intimidation can be accepted to destabilize societies.

For this, the international community is required to condemn all kinds of terrorism, eliminate all the main motives and engines that contributed to the production of all the perceptions of extremism and closure, and to confront all stereotypes on Islamic terrorism that participated in its production more and more established Western convictions and the Western media that reduced extremism in Political Islam, its groups and currents, and allowed at the same time the spread of intolerance, racism and hatred of foreigners through its official policies and institutionalizing its extreme right -wing parties that installed the narrow wave of identity, with the aim of reaching the votes of voters, taking advantage of the bad social conditions.He has recorded a clear progress to the right -wing populist parties in recent years, such as the National Front Party in France, which has become the third political power, which refuses to coexist with immigrants, especially Muslims, and demands that they be returned to their countries of origin..The issue of immigration represented the cornerstone of the populist right to win the new generations of European youth, and to throw them into conflict relations with immigrants of Arab Muslim origins, which explains the high hatred and the establishment of individuals and groups affiliated with this current with intended violent incidents against immigrants.

Understanding extremism requires in advance..According to some trends, extremism indicates the paths of formation and upbringing, and in other cases, it may be related to inspection and analysis of results, meaning giving priority to the outputs resulting from the violent practice of extremist groups.Moreover, extremism does not always mean in its significance, meaning and purpose, the practice of terrorism [1].This deficiency in clarity about what extremism distorts the understanding of violent extremism [2], in particular when there is a complex misunderstanding of the social, political, psychological and cultural factors that involve clear complications that represent security threats with great priority.

There is no single meaning and dignity to define "extremism" in the same way and style;Some trends, the violent action is the cornerstone that captures its interest and has priority, and for this it focused more on the repercussions of violence without taking into account the origin of extremist ideologies.For other directions, the ideology that may lead, or not lead, to violence is the focus of basic attention.In spite of this, all definitions realize the idea of extremism as a very single process, and cannot be predicted to a large extent, as is the case with the individual wolves operations in which the perpetrators of crimes and terrorist operations are denied by militants from white nationalism, their affiliation with any groupTerrorist, but rather their abhorrent racism from extremist ideas for a number of glorified thought leaders to excel the white sex over the rest of the races and Christian religion over the rest of the religions [3].

This paper tries to address each of the stages of extremism as well as its main outputs.Based on the firm certainty that extremism is known to all religions, beliefs and civilizations, and that terrorism is multi -colored, shapes, roots and no homeland and no land. Countries and societies, through the deep understanding of the main motives of those structures that are sunk in intolerance and hatred, which find in the regional and international environment as in internal conflicts of the economic, social, cultural and psychological nature, the appropriate climate to push many social groups to accumulate in the arms of extremist thought, and its shelter from the scientific tendency And the wild liberalism that threw these groups to the margin.Also, the deep assimilation of the phenomenon paves the way for a comprehensive strategy facing all kinds of possible extremist threats.

First: The similarities and the difference between Islamic terrorism and terrorist terrorism

Without a doubt, those who contributed to the rise in the western populist extremism, the existence of the centrality of a systematic ideological discourse, which is supported by the Western media, is assumed that political Islam is the main driver of extremism in the West..But in reality, the difference between right -wing extremism and Islamic extremism is a very thin line steeped in conservative violence [4].Both, despite living in light of modernity, the prosperity of the women's movement, secular currents, urban elites and the development of knowledge and education skills, prefers the language of violence, artillery, militarization, geneticism, expansion and nostalgia to the glorious past.They are essentially two sides of one excessive and disturbing coin in the province and extremism.

During the past two decades, Western governments have focused their efforts to fight extremist Islamic groups of all kinds, including Al Qaeda and the Islamic State, however, local extremists from Western countries [5] whom the idea of extremism inspired them is a more worrying problem at the present time.Despite the organization of many conferences, meetings and awareness seminars, the focus remained on the confrontation of "jihadist" terrorism and not internal terrorism that includes the threat of extremist terrorist groups, especially those that believe in the superiority of the white element, and make Muslim immigrants its supposed enemies, and seek to eliminate them, taking advantage of the rise of many One of the extreme right -wing populist voices that managed to reach power in many western countries, led by the United States of America, after the arrival of US President Donald Trump to power in 2016, and what followed this stage of the emergence of a new wave of extremism and racism, especially against Muslims yet Achieving the extreme right of many electoral gains in a large number of European countries, as the recent European Parliament elections during 2019 resulted in the progress and rise of the populist right and the end of traditional blocs in France, Italy and Britain.

After more than a decade of negligence and condoning the escalating current of the whitening movements, which is associated with the expansion of the political division based on ethnic, religious and ethnic contradictions, a new wave of internal or national terrorism exploded unprecedented in the history of terrorist operations.For example, an African American church was a horrific atrocity [6] in South Carolina.Several mosques were attacked and desecrated in the United States [7].The American temples in Pittsburg and San Diego have been targeted for a long time, and were subjected to mass shooting by some white nationalist extremists..These unfortunate terrorist incidents have become an escalating rise within American and European society.

Religious and ideological extremism has always threatened the common interests of both the countries of the Islamic world and the West, as some also consider that straw that broke the camel's back, that is, the frightening panic that constitutes the West tool in force to achieve its interests in the Arab and Islamic region.But other faces of extremism are often ignored as a feature of intolerance in all societies.The right -wing movements are increasing in North American societies and Europe.The strange thing is that these extremist right -wing groups provided many foundations, allegations and speeches similar to those showed by extremist Islamic groups.

Based on the analysis of the discourse of two concepts connected to a conceptual and absent point of view, we seek in this paper to explain the nature of similarities and differences between the groups of radical political Islam and the right -western right movements..We also try to dismantle this discourse and the views of each of them and their role in fueling racist strife, marginal ideas and victory for intellectual and radical chauvinism.That is why decision makers, researchers and interested people need to understand right and Islamic extremism as phenomena that have common denominators and motives with driving forces that have a great impact, that at the local level or at the international level.

Since the end of the Cold War, global politics has turned attention and attention to the Islamic world, as is more than thinking in Muslim minorities in Western European societies as religious groups instead of describing ethnic or cultural minorities..This stereotype gives a bad impression among Muslims, and it explodes within them everything that is negative and hostile to the West and its exclusive culture.

ظاهرة اليمين المتطرف الغربي في مواجهة خطاب أسلمة التطرف: مساءلة الاستراتيجيات الأمنية الغربية(*) - CAUS - مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية

Political elites in the West are taking advantage of all tensions and a cultivation of Islam and Muslims to achieve political gains at the national and international levels.Western policies have put Muslim minorities under the revealing lights, and they were able to impose some ready -made concepts on the ordinary citizen, as all the media recruited to persuade their citizens of simple generalizations of accusing Muslims and Islam of being a source of terrorism and violence, attaching all terrorist operations to this group, and making terrorism against Islam a Muslim matterwith it.

Also, the levels of frustration among some Muslim youth often lead to their choice of going to the point of no return, and moving them from the state of loss of hope to the state of revenge, fragmentation and hatred.The resistance reaction of Western racism is more and more to join Islamic groups, and their extremist ideas, as many Muslims do not fight for their local societies, but for a imagined global project, lead to more void at the local level full of right -wing policies thatIt is prepared locally, but sponsored and guided by national policies of right -wing origins.

At the same time, extremist right -wing attacks and fear of Islam lead to the phenomenon of chronic phobia from the Islamic religion, and this is related to a local cultural context.It reflects a shift within right -wing extremism in general, and with the condemnation of many groups and individuals - including Brevik - for Nazism, fascism and anti -Semitism, but they do not refrain from expressing their buried desire to maintain their narrow identity of collapse and erosion as a result of the threat imagined of the danger of Islam on the structure of societiesWestern social and demographic [8].

On the other hand, a large percentage of the terrorists "individual wolves" were only busy with the new Nazi symbolism, the heroes and symbols of the right -wing currents and their ideologies..However, there is a relative deficiency in treating and analyzing the threat caused by right -wing extremism in North America and Europe [9].Pavlu Labeshin, a right -wing terrorist who was convicted of the death of 82 -year -old Muhammad Salim from Birmingham, admitted to killing the latter, for nothing but because he is a Muslim religion..

Despite the great differences between the extremist right and Islamic extremism in terms of upbringing, intellectual roots, goals, tactical and strategic plans, they share many common denominators, the most important of which are: mechanisms used on their part to attract the attention of victims, glorify jihad and killing through the exploitation of the Internet or otherwise - they are similarvery.It is also the way in which two forms of violent activity are on the sidelines of a much wider movement [10].There are no "individual wolves", at least, not in a single killer sense, without a link or the bonds that bring him together with an extremist group, whether virtual or real.In a "statement" published by the Creyst Cherish attack on the Internet, for example, in which he stated that he is not a "direct member" of any group or organization, but he interacted and inspired by these currents many of his extremist and fanatical ideas, as he reached the killing of innocent people in cold bloodIn place of worship.

The two currents also participate in another common element, which is the belief that "resistance" of tyranny is a duty.Hard Islamic thinkers say that rulers or ruleback regimes should be toppled if they stand on the way of enlightened and sincere judgment..The right -wing extremists also view the government as a persecuting of their imagined society, known as "race" and sometimes by belief, and they believe that this political authority must be disposed of as long as their presence is opposed as a human group that has the advantage of living and continuing in its countries of origin without allowing others and immigrants to enjoy the same rights and freedoms.

Both Islamists and right -wing extremists believe that their societies face an existential threat, and this imposes an obligation on the individual to confront this reality and try to change it..As for the Islamists, historically, the prevailing belief is that the West worked to exploit the Islamic world for more than 1000 years, and he also devoted the reality of division and diaspora by supporting corrupt regimes in the Islamic world to continue to exploit its goods and depend on the future of its peoples.This explains their position on the West, not as a civilized actor, but as a colonizer that contributed to tearing the Arab and Islamic world, and this is what requires them to jihad..

The reactions to the Crayst Church attack in Australia are the symptoms of the common cumulative extremism between extremist Islam and the extremist Western right..Both ideologies feed on such terrorist perceptions, and use some terrorist operations to give legitimacy to each other and strengthen them, through their joint adherence to a global vision related to the conflict of civilizations between Islam and the West.The terrorist attack by one of the groups calls for the revenge and readiness of the other group to make similar strikes to the other other current.

We may believe that these two hateful ideologies - white superiority and extremist Islam - are totally contradictory, but their views around the world are similar to the extent of congruence;Both of them have the madness of greatness, and they show a toxic mixture of superiority and a sense of arrogance towards the other, and they despise less extremist individuals in their societies, and they melody to the imagined past of cultural domination.These totalitarian premises from which each stream starts, you find a basis for them in the fantasy botto in their body and their intellectual reference.Islamic groups took the idea of the Islamic caliphate and defended it strongly.These groups are similar in this data, and they interfere with them like the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda and the Islamic State.On the other hand, the western extremist right is the same, but from an ethnic and religious standpoint, it follows the contempt of peoples and other cultures and is considered unable.

The contempt of "Western" modernity is another feature that is shared by extremist Islam and the extremes of the far right.Hassan al -Banna, the founding father of political Islam, indicated in his writings, according to what Tarant spoke about, that the West drowned the world in the brutal material and capitalist life, while spreading their toxins to control and dominate the Islamic countries that fall under their control, and he is convinced that the West has become a "society fromThe nihilism, consumer and individual tendency ».This contempt of many aspects of modernity translates the desire for eagerness into a more supposed and white, and longing to the ancient imperial bone when the world was under the leadership of the European Empire or the Islamic Caliphate in relation to the movements of political Islam.

The gap is more severe in the way to deal with Islamic extremism and the extreme right of the white and narrow nationalist majority, as it appeals to extremism, similar to ISIS, a small minority within Western societies..Even when the attractiveness of its ideology is more suitable within Muslim majority societies, the attractiveness is very small in Western countries.Moreover, the continuation of these extremist Islamic organizations cannot be imagined for long periods, given the widely made international efforts to fight and crush them permanently..

On the other hand, when it comes to the extremism of the oath and the victory of white nationalism, sympathy is much greater in Western societies than any kind of sympathetic ideology with ISIS..In fact, even when we compare the gravity that characterizes the ideology of the Islamic State in Muslim majority societies, we may face a relatively more problem with the superiority of white extremism.Nevertheless, strict national currents are not dealt with in proportion to the threats they raise in Western societies [11].

We can compare this to how to confront the problem of sectarianism in the Arab and Islamic world, as sectarian conflicts in these geographical regions targeted among their goals that are non -Muslim religious societies such as Christians or Yazidis, and have claimed the lives of many innocent people of these minorities, and currently face with great strictness fromWest side.When it comes to the rights of non -Muslim minorities, the West rises and does not calm down, while the sectarian discourse is its main goal is to manipulate geography and the geography of large parts in the Islamic world, and its impact in the short and long term is not reckoned with, as a basic engine of chaos that has become a basic advantageFor this geographical area of the world.

The main difference lies in how Western governments deal with Islamic extremism and extremist right.Since 2001, governments all over the world have dealt with Islamic extremism with a lot of rigor and seriousness by following his activities via the Internet, and monitored and monitored its financing sources, searched for potential terrorists, and worked through communication platforms to stop the spread of extremist Islamic groups and stop the recruitment and polarization process other thanDirectly pursued by these groups.

In contrast, these governments did not deal with the same seriousness and rigor with extremist right -wing groups, but many of them continued their campaigns on the Internet, reviewing the extreme right ideas of immigrants..For example, and not limited to, after several hours of the terrorist operation in New Zealand, it was very easy to find the video on the Internet and prevent it from circulating widely in various social media applications, but a great deal of ignorance and logic of achieving commercial gains, spreading and intimidatingPeople.The US President did not take any denunciation of the murderer, as an Australian politician, after the attack, expressed his implicit support for the murderer and the attack on the two mosques..On the other hand, there are a few private government programs to fight the most extreme varieties of this violent ideology, and only a little time is devoted to thinking about ways to confront them.

It is generally noted that when it comes to the western extremist right and the dominance of white nationalism, the speech of reducing its seriousness and simplifying its premises becomes the prevailing speech of politicians and the Western media..For example, the Daily Mirror newspaper in the United Kingdom described the criminal in the Crayst Church incident in New Zealand as a "angelic child" who grew up in an ordinary environment to become a terrorist later..The Australian newspaper Daily Mail described him as "a young man in the horror school" then turned into a collective killer - justifying that he suffered a difficult childhood as a result of his obese shape, which contributed to his denying and his killing of a group of Muslims in the New Zealand mosques while performing Friday prayers.

We realize in the Arab world the size of the threat of extremist Islamic groups, such as ISIS and Al Qaeda, where Muslims were generally the main victims of this type of extremism.But the extremists in these organizations cannot imagine the heart of the Western scales and the threat of its constitutional, political, social and cultural systems, regardless of the intentions, desires and projects associated with such extremist intellectual currents..The existential threat [12] represented by the extreme right can be described on the security and stability of Western countries, after the terrible incident of Muslims in the New Zealand mosques, as the most dangerous in its kind in practice and must be dealt with with more seriousness, insight, security and media follow -up, and trying to dismantle thisRacial discourse that builds the foundations of its existence on narrow strife and racist structures that strike coexistence and tolerance in the core.