"It is compulsory to present the marriage contract" that infuriates tourists and deprives hotels of financial income

Many young male and female tourists complain about the continued operation of hotels and rental houses in tourist areas with the principle of “obligation to present a marriage contract” in order to agree to settle in the units or houses whose owners insist on claiming this document.

Over the past period (the start of the summer season), the problem was raised on a large scale, as young people reviewed their experiences with their students being denied access to hotel rooms and rental homes in many tourist areas, despite presenting all their identity documents.

Large categories of young male and female tourists object to the adoption of this law, by virtue of the rational and legal capacity that they have in order to make decisions. While some believe that allowing these young men and women to enter the rooms of the tourist units includes violations of the laws in force in Morocco.

Despite the legal prohibition, many young people choose to take risks sometimes; But without the risk of evoking the desire of the shop owner sometimes to collect his money only, without going into the rest of the details.

Article 490 stipulates that “every sexual relationship between a man and a woman who is not bound by marriage is a crime of corruption and is punishable by imprisonment from one month to one year.” However, those calling for dropping this chapter believe that the private lives of individuals should be immune from any interference of the authority.

Lahsan Haddad, the former Minister of Tourism, stated that hotel owners want to put an end to this problem; However, it is linked to the decisions of the local authorities, stressing the importance of reconsidering this fact.

And Haddad added, in a statement to Hespress newspaper, that those young people who talk about the age of majority have full right to this opinion, noting that hotel owners only implement instructions.

The former minister explained that the principle of “compulsory presentation of the marriage contract” to approve the settlement of tourists in units or homes designated for rent is no longer applicable in many Islamic countries, welcoming the identity verification given; However, interference in the personal lives of adults is unacceptable.

And Haddad added, within the same statement, that the issue deserves reflection on the part of the authorities, acknowledging in the same regard that he understands the extent of constraints, and added: but it must move.