The nuclear button is under the finger of the president
The world holds its breath for fear of the outbreak of a nuclear war between adults that burn in its fire, the adults and children together in light of the deterioration of the Russian -Western conflict, and reaching the outskirts of the nuclear war, whose results will be devastating on the entire land, not only the European continent, where the five states are permanent members of the Security Council (Russia, the United States of America, China, Britain and France) by possessing nuclear weapons, despite their claim that the nuclear weapon it possesses is not directed against each other or against any other country in the world.Moscow: We do not want to press the nuclear button
قالت المتحدثة باسم وزارة الخارجية الروسية ماريا زاخاروفا: إن موسكو لا ترغب في الوصول إلى سيناريو «الضغط على الزر النووي» في العلاقات مع الدول الغربية تحت أي ظرف. وردًا على سؤال بشأن الأسباب التي يمكن أن تجعل روسيا تلجأ إلى استخدام السلاح النووي، قالت: «نحن ننطلق من أن هذا السيناريو المروع لن يتحقق أبدًا وتحت أي ظرف كان».واعتبرت أن هذا السؤال قد يكون نتيجة إلى «خلط» بين روسيا ودول أخرى، بقولها: «يبدو أنكم تخلطون بيننا وبين الولايات المتحدة، فلم تتحدث روسيا الاتحادية عن ذلك قط».وأشارت إلى أن روسيا أعلنت مرارًا موقفها من إمكانية استخدام الأسلحة النووية.Nuclear bag..How do the missiles launch?There was an emergency, such as the assassination of the American president or his sudden death, and then he remains with his deputy, who takes over his full powers, including the matter of military operations or the launch of nuclear weapons..Inside the bag includes a communication tool that is essential that occupies the largest size of the bag, in addition to a black book containing a list of possible goals and the available bombing methods, and a small size card that includes the secret code of the US President to confirm his identity, in addition to a list of safe shelters and fortified nuclear strikes for enemies and instructions to useThe emergency broadcast system, and to return to the communication device here, directing the matter is not done by pressing a button, but by managing a key to confirm the matter.Directing the order to launch the missiles is not the end of the chain here. Initially, the American president must consult with a group of advisers who direct him to any behaviors are legal and any of them (with the fact that the factors specified for that are confidential and not available to the public), but the advisor’s directives are not compulsory, meaning that their role comesAs a advice only, the American president can work alone and direct orders, ignoring their directives and advice, but of course these orders are not completely mechanism and the key management does not mean launching weapons immediately.North Korean leader: The nuclear button is always on Maktabibi, North Korean President Kim Jong Un is keen to enhance nuclear warheads and ballistic missiles, and the documents documented about him: “We have to produce large quantities of nuclear warheads and rockets and accelerate their deployment” and saying: “The nuclear button always exists onMy office, the United States must realize that this is not blackmail but rather reality ».He reaffirmed that "his country has become a nuclear force, and that it is able to face any nuclear threat from the United States and it has a strong deterrent force that can prevent the United States from playing with fire," he said, he said..The number of nuclear bombs in the Great countries 6.500 thousand USA 5.550 thousand China 350 India 290 UK 225 nuclear bombs Source: Stockholm Institute for Peace Research