The muscular system speaks by: Irfan Yilmaz

(Turkish Zaman) - Dear Abdullah.. I want to talk to you a little.. I am your muscular system with which you move and reach whenever you want. As you know, rocks are characterized by solidity, and trees are living and solid creatures at the same time, but they are unable to move, embedded in the ground that does not vibrate or move, because they do not have a device that enables them to move. As for you, Abdullah, you were created in the best manner, and you can move as you like. And if all animals are able to move - to different degrees - by means of their muscle tissues, then know that you were not created to be like animals seeking and grazing only to satisfy their desires and desires without any awareness and awareness, or you were not created to be like trees planted in the ground unable to move and move, but God made you his successor In the earth, you walk in it and walk in its paths, God created you to learn and reveal the hidden and hidden in this existence, and to sow the seeds of virtuous values ​​and establish ancient civilizations. But in order for you to truly perform this task, you must - above all - have the freedom to change your positions and switch places, that is, you must have the ability to move as you wish. That is why God made me a complete organ for you, consisting of millions of cells and hundreds of muscles, and placed me to serve you only.

One of my most important characteristics is that I have cells that move by consuming sugars - just like a car engine that burns gasoline - and I have muscle fibers that are able to contract and relax inside their cells, and they give these cells the ability to shorten and elongate, from which the pull force is generated. As a result of this force, I am able to move the bones that I am in contact with, or to move another part of the body, thereby creating mechanical changes. And know, dear Abdullah, that the bones of your body and all your organs - except for your heart - do not have the ability to move on their own, but only respond to the directions of my muscles. It may mean muscle; Organ and tissue together. Being a muscle tissue that maintains the property of contraction at the level of organs and systems, and being created in all parts of the body, I have been formed from a large number of bundles that contain long, thin muscle fibers. In order for you to understand me better, I will explain to you the structure and structure of the muscle in a simple way.. Let's consider the spool of fine thread as the muscle cell, then let's collect a large number of filaments from this spool and make one thin “filament” from it. Let's make this filament into a thick rope. Now you can visualize that thick cord as a muscle in your body. My muscle fibers consist of protein filaments - instead of cotton fibers in the spool of fine thread - the thin actin filaments and thick myosin filaments, which give the muscle fiber the ability to contract. These filaments were lined up against each other like two comb teeth, and upon contraction, the actin filaments slipped toward the myosin filaments, and thus the muscle contraction took place. Then the process of systole and diastole appears, just as the teeth of one comb overlap and diverge with the teeth of another comb.

Dear Abdullah.. I explained to you the characteristics of this great muscular structure and made it easy for you to understand, so I depicted it for you with threads and ropes.. But I ask you now, is it possible for this great structure to form on its own? Could it be a coincidence? The smallest piece of cloth would not have been possible without a machine produced by the hand of a craftsman. So how about every muscle of your body; Those that consist of millions of muscle fibers and surround every bone of your bones, as they straighten and straighten your body.. Do you think those muscle fibers were woven with this appreciation and were positioned with such wisdom until they became in the best straightening without a maker making them, or do you think they were created in vain?

The shape and size of my muscles, which are made up of bundles of thousands of muscle fibers, vary according to their location, the bones to which they are attached, and the tasks assigned to them. There are the "red skeletal muscles" that move the bones of the legs and arms, and they are long, pointed muscles at the ends and swollen in the middle. There are also "smooth muscles" that connect the organs and bones of your torso, with a flatter and more rounded surface.

As for the red muscles, they are found around the skeleton and are characterized by their extreme strength, whatever their shape and size, and they work according to your volition and under your command. You always use my "red striped" muscles in your walk, run, rise and squat. These muscles are composed of a "spindle" tissue structure, so you can see under the microscope striated muscles, which make up the largest part of your body muscles.

The other type is "smooth muscles" or "involuntary muscles", that is, muscles that do not respond to your commands. They move slowly, have long and tiring contractions, and line the walls of your digestive tracts, blood vessels, and urinary tracts. In fact, these muscles have no control over you whether you are going or coming back, because they do not work under the leadership of your skeleton, so they have no concern or concern other than the movement of your internal organs. And your heart, despite its different striated muscle tissue, is also an organ that works outside your control. So you have to know, that what is meant by the muscular system is those striated muscles that play their role in the movement of the skeletal system.

الجهاز العضلي يتكلم بقلم: عرفان يلماز

God has provided your body with many bones to give it its integrity and levelness, and He has made joints between the bones to give it more movement and fluidity, but these joints are unable to move on their own. for example; No matter how well-crafted and well-formed a door or window is, it is unable to open or close without a driving or pulling force. This applies to the joints completely, as there is no joint between the joints that moves without an external force, and therefore it is your muscular system that produces the force that moves and directs your joints. There are in the movement system about (340) muscles. Some of these muscles perform more than one task.. If we take this aspect into consideration, we realize that the muscles of the body accomplish (510) different tasks. Also, most of these muscles move the bones and joints, and some of them can perform different functions far from the bones, such as the muscles of the forehead, face, eyelids, and abdominal muscles.

It has become customary to name the muscle according to the tasks it performs within the muscular system. For example, the name “abductor” is called the muscle that brings a part of the body’s organs to the other part of it, and the extensor is the muscle that pulls part of the skeleton, and the gripper. Flexor on the muscle that flexes part of it, the levator on the muscle that lifts part of the skeleton, the pronator on the muscle that turns part of it inward, the rotator on the muscle that twists that part, the supinator ) on the muscle that runs it outward.

My muscle parts are strong and flexible, which makes you able to perform every movement your body requires with comfort and ease. My muscle parts are also distinguished by their ability to strengthen themselves if they are associated with an organized performance. As it is known, the goal of every athlete in a sports competition is to strengthen his muscles and make them more endurance. And my muscle fibers increase in size and strength if they make intense and rapid efforts over long periods. This is how I gain the strength to do more work and the ability to contract quickly. But you must not forget that genetic factors also play an important role in this contraction, apart from exercise and strenuous efforts. Hence, there is no rule that says that every trainee will become an outstanding athlete, it is all due to the fitness of the athlete’s muscles and bones genetically, it alone enables him to rise to the highest levels through training, and without it we do not have the right to wait for an athlete who does not have the structure Muscular fit for a sport - to be an athletic champion. Although my muscles appear at first glance to be muscles of one shape and pattern, they have different characteristics according to the distribution of my internal fibers and their density, as the contractions and relaxations of my muscle fibers differ among themselves in terms of speed and slowness. The movements that each person is accustomed to doing, and the sports that he can practice also vary according to the distribution of these muscle fibers. There is a difference in the size and distribution of the special muscle fibers between the sports runner who runs short distances (such as 100 meters) and the runner who runs medium distances (10,000 meters).

The contraction of any muscle is of two different types; If the force acting on a muscle is greater than the resistance of its tissue, then the muscle tension remains constant and its length (the muscle) shortens. This condition may be called “isotonic”, but if the force applied to the muscle is equal to its resistance, then my muscle does not contract, but rather increases its tension, and this is called “isometric”, and the amount of force caused by contraction It depends on the length of my muscle and the amount of its electrical impulses. In order for the movement called contraction to occur, the electrical impulse from the motor nerve fiber must pass to the area between the membrane of my muscle cell and the membrane of my nerve cell. As a result of the chemical reaction that occurs with this electrical impulse, the actin filaments glide over the myosin filaments within a short period of time, thus shortening the length of the myofibrils. During the reaction phase, there is some heat, and it is this heat from my muscles that determines the normal temperature of your body. So when my muscles shiver in the cold air, they produce more heat to keep you warm. Is this not clear evidence that God has wisdom in what He created? My muscles just as they enable you to move, so also protect you from the cold and provide you with warmth with their movements. Perhaps you have now realized why man moves in cold air and protects himself from freezing.

The contractile movements that result from electrical impulses that come in succession from a nerve fiber to a muscle fiber, cause after a period of fatigue the muscle fiber and make it need to rest, then other muscle fibers that have not yet contracted begin to work and carry out those tasks. But if the electrical impulses continue intensively on my muscle fibers and do not allow them to rest, then they will suffer a state of continuous contraction, which is called “muscular spasm.”

In order to obtain harmonious and harmonious movements; From walking to running, and from jumping to sitting... My muscles, which carry receptors for tension, send every moment and through the nervous system data about the state of the muscle, the speed and degree of its contraction, thus closely monitoring and regulating the movements of my muscles. So you don't stagger when you walk and your hands don't tremble when you eat.

Just as every organ of the body and every tissue in it may be affected by certain diseases, I also suffer from diseases of my own. The most common are weakness, disorder of the body, pain, involuntary muscle spasms, muscle inflammation, muscle atrophy or stiffness, and benign and malignant muscle tumors.

Dear Abdullah..Perhaps you have now realized the power and wisdom of the Maker, His Majesty, in each of my muscles, the Maker who moved the members of your body, clothed your bones, and set up your stick. It is impossible for a single muscle fiber to have formed on its own. This has surprised me a lot of those who claim that the muscle cells and the motor systems of all organisms were created by chance or that they are a product of nature.

Dear Abdullah..Perhaps you, too, are making fun of those distorted, perverted biological laws that attribute creatures to nature. (*) Translation from Turkish: Dr. Tariq Abdel Jalil.