The iPhone battery "lasts" long after shipping .. How?|Yemen Voice News

Ways to help prolong the iPhone battery energy after shipping

The American PCMG magazine, specialized in computers and electronics, states that the longest duration of one shipment can be achieved through:

بطارية الآيفون

1.Low power mode: The aforementioned method is an effective "weapon" in exchange for battery running out;Thus, the smartphone will perform the most important tasks, with disrupting the activities in the background, such as: download and the latest mail messages...It operates automatically low power, when the battery reaches a0%, but this can be done manually by moving to "settings", as the "battery"..Then, the user will find the Low Power Mode button that requires activation.Thus, the battery color will turn yellow.

a.Screen brightness: smart phone screens have become brighter in the dark, but brightness drains the battery!On the other hand, it is easy to blackmail the screen, by moving to controlling brightness levels in the settings, manually or using the scrolling tape, through the control center, gently pressing the "icon" of brightness and moving the tape up or down.

خدمات الموقع الجغرافي تستهلك طاقة البطّارية

P.Stopping the geographical location services: Geographical site services benefit maps and navigation applications, as well as applications that display restaurants and nearby cafes, but they consume the battery energy.Therefore, it is advisable to turn off the site services completely via settings, then privacy, and move to site services to cancel them..

P نقاط تجعل بطّارية الآيفون تعمّر طويلًاشركة " آبل"توصي مستخدمي هواتفها بتحديث البرامج في كلّ الأوقات

CNBC refers to other points that help save the iPhone battery energy, and to ensure charging remains as long as possible:

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