The most recent articles of the writer Share your opinion, the army and the police, they are responsible for the settlers' violence
Yanif Kovovski, Herill's Amos and Hajar Sizaf
The army and police continue to reside with the increase in national crime incidents by the Jews in the West Bank.The Minister of Defense, who toured the West Bank last week, heard from the representatives of the two devices, conflicting interpretations related to the causes of the difficulties they face in their confrontation with this phenomenon..A high -level security source told the newspaper that what is meant is that the failure of the security establishment all stems from the failure to understand its mission in the regions and the absence of the incentive, pointing to a "favorable atmosphere" created by the political level..
بالأمس قال الناطق بلسان الجيش الإسرائيلى: «من واجب الجيش، ومن صلاحياته العمل على منع أحداث عنيفة يقوم بها مواطنون إسرائيليون فى مناطق الضفة الغربية حتى وصول قوات الشرطة إلى ساحة الحادث.The army soldiers are expected to use these powers and not to stand the spectator's position towards events of this kind ».Gantz had previously said in a discussion that took place last December that he expected soldiers leaders to interfere in incidents of attacking Jewish citizens of Palestinians..
وبحسب موقع «واللا»، شهدت جلسة الطاقم الأمنى المصغر فى الأسبوع الماضى نقاشا بين رئيس الأركان أفيف كوخافى ووزير الداخلية عومر بار ــ ليف، الذى قال إن لجنود الجيش الإسرائيلى صلاحيات رجال الشرطة حيال الإسرائيليين فى المناطق، وفى إمكانهم ملاحقة مواطنين متورطين فى حوادث عنف إلى حين وصول الشرطة.In the opinion of Bar -Lev, the army does not use its powers as it should.On the other hand, the Chief of Staff claimed that the minister filmed the reality inaccurately, based on the opinion of the government's legal advisor in 1998, it is better for the police to deal with Israeli citizens, not the soldiers.
كلام كوخافى استقبلته الشرطة باستياء، واعتُبر محاولة لتحميل الشرطة مسئولية ما يحدث فى مناطق خاضعة لسيطرة الجيش.According to a high -level security source, "The army is responsible for the area and it must only use its powers.".The source adds that although the chief of staff believed that the police are responsible for imposing law on settlers, he explained that the soldiers are required to move to prevent settlers from attacking the Palestinians..
لم يدخل غانتس فى تفاصيل الخلاف فى أثناء زيارته المنطقة فى بؤرة حوميش، حيث التقى ممثلين للجيش والشرطة، وذلك بحسب كلام مشاركين فى النقاش، وكرر دعوته الجنود إلى التدخل فى مثل هذه الأحداث، وعند الضرورة استخدام صلاحياتهم وملاحقة مشتبه بهم بارتكاب حوادث عنف.But according to the words of the high -level source, the soldiers stand the spectator's position and "the army does not want to put himself in confrontations with Jews.".
واشتكى ممثلون للشرطة من مشكلات فى التنسيق مع الجيش فى الضفة.Gantz stressed in the discussion that he considered fighting national crime a higher priority, but the police representatives made it clear to him that their leadership has a priority of other priorities.
فى الجيش يعترفون بأن الجنود يجدون صعوبة فى التحرك لمواجهة أعمال شغب يقوم بها يهود.Most of the time, a small force is called to the place.At best, this force works to remove the extremist parties from the place, but it does not pursue a suspect with them, and often at the top of this force is leaders who do not know the rules of the game related to the videotapes accepted in a judicial process.Gantz was said that the army began to use tear gas in these accidents.
فى رأى مصدر أمنى رفيع المستوى، يُلقَى جزء من المسئولية عن ازدياد عنف المستوطنين على عاتق السياسيين.He says: “It is not possible to ignore the atmosphere that allows this.When the army reaches the Humish focus, he hears harsh criticism against him from the political level, and from the leaders of the settlers and security parties.In this way, the rioters realize that they get the support of the power centers in Israel, without this publicly told them, which allows the continuation of violence ».
ويضيف المصدر: «من الصعب جدا أن تزرع لدى الجنود والقادة الإدراك بأن مهمتهم هى المحافظة على أمن الطرفين.They are sent to a practical mission to defend the Jewish population and prevent terrorism, and it is clear with any party standing in the conflict ».In his opinion, in most cases, the leaders are the ones who decide what to do during the violent incidents, and they get mysterious directives from the leadership level.
ويحذّر المصدر: «فى النهاية، هذا العنف سينفجر فى وجوهنا.And its continuation will lead to a security escalation that is difficult to estimate its strength ».Based on information presented in security discussions, the source indicates that Palestinian youth believe that the violent violence of the settlers should be answered.."And if this happens, he will end with several deaths, and he will ignite the West Bank.".In his opinion, this violence destabilizes the position of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, before the elections that will take place in the coming months in the cities of the West Bank, which concerns the authority a lot..
ويوضح المصدر الأمنى الرفيع: «فى إمكان المؤسسة الأمنية معالجة هذا العنف إذا اتخذت قرارا بأن هذا ما يجب القيام به.As the Israeli army can confront and uproot Palestinian individuals, it can work against individuals, or small groups that apply the law themselves.The problem begins only when the fall of the wounded Jews is a failure to fail, while the harm caused to the Palestinians is considered a mistake.If the security establishment informed the leaders on the ground that the harmful harm to farmers and left activists is a failure of their mission, they would have looked at the issue differently ».
مؤسسة الدراسات الفلسطينية