Tamek responds to the "American Foreign Ministry": You crushed your nose in a pure Moroccan criminal case
Mohamed Saleh Al -Tamak, a former Moroccan diplomat, responded to the statement of Nid Price, a spokesman for the US State Department, about "Moroccan justice and freedom of the press, after the sentence was issued to imprison the prisoner of the public right called Suleiman Al -Risouni to 5 years in prison.".
Al -Tamak said, in an opinion article that the electronic newspaper Hespress reached a copy of it: “I am not able, as a former Moroccan and diplomatic citizen, except that I expressed my displeasure and my great shock as a result of the humiliating statement made by the US State Department spokesman regarding Moroccan justice and freedom of expression, and what was this.The statement from touching my dignity and the dignity of the entire Moroccans..
The former Moroccan diplomat, a spokesman for the US State Department, addressed: “With any right dare to cram your nose in a shameful Moroccan criminal case before the judiciary concerning a Moroccan citizen who has been trouble in his name, and goes to the point of giving the sermon and lessons to Moroccans?”.He added, "How do you deceive and allow yourself to judge what is identical or contrary to the Moroccan constitution?".
“How do you dare distinguish between Moroccans who rise to some of them and detract from the value of others, as is the case for the two victims Adam and Hafsa?Are the Americans who are exposed to sexual assault, whether male or female, are the highest and more human than their Moroccan counterparts?.
He continued, asking, asking: “Why do you pay all this interest to these two cases, in which they were long in the courts and in the media?How many of these two journalists wrote articles and fees from the investigations that the hand of censorship affected?.
"What is the secret of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs's keenness not to raise what is currently in Algeria or what happened in South Africa recently?" Said the former Moroccan diplomat..
The article was surprised, "Why all this demand for Morocco in the current circumstance?Is this not a flagrant and unjustified bias for a fragmentation of Islamic and leftist extremists, their only one is the creation of confusion and jelly, at the expense of the great majority of Moroccans? ”.
Saleh Al -Tamek expressed his "deep concern" regarding the position taken by the US State Department spokesman, and said in the same regard: "I hope that his statement will be a note of cacophony, otherwise his risks do not herald goodness in relation to the future of American -Moroccan relations.".
The US State Department spokesman, Nid Price, said that the United States of America had "disappointment" due to "reports on a court ruling in Morocco on journalist Suleiman Al -Risouni five years in prison".
Price added, in a statement issued by the US State Department: “We record that Mr. Al -Risouni claimed that there are violations of the guarantees of a fair trial.We believe that the judicial path that led to the judgment contradicts the basic promises of the Moroccan regime on the fair trials of individuals accused of crimes, and it contradicts the promise of the 2011 constitution and the agenda of reforming His Majesty King Mohammed VI..