Which is the best PS4 PS4 Box and Xbox One?

The hour of change in the world of home gaming platforms has come, and it is time for home entertainment lovers to choose between two platforms, the strongest and best in the next stage, Playstation PS4 and Xbox One, in the absence of any other options waving on the horizon.

Sony has wagered on her device strongly in terms of design, specifications and even price, but Microsoft is a significant competition and has also created on her new platform, and this is what drives us to search for the strongest in various aspects.

And at a time when the battle between the two companies is borrowing, the Sony and Microsoft fans continue to end an endless controversy, in which the two parties try to persuade each other that his device excels on the other device..

It is better?A question that everyone asks and its importance is increasing in light of the two American and Japanese giants' companies taking great and influential steps to market their platforms, before the public says his speech when they are put in the global markets.

From this standpoint, I try to review the strengths of the two platforms and their weaknesses, to dive into the depths of the two devices, and to communicate in a scientific and objective manner for the better.

الإعلان الرسمي عنXbox One وPS4 في معرض واحد

Although Sony and Microsoft spoke in separate conferences months about their two new platforms, the most detailed and deepening conversation was at the E3 exhibition, where the features of the two platforms, their prices and development support were reviewed in addition to some exclusive games.

From the first moment to announce it, the opinions of the public and followers differed about Xbox One and PS4, between those who saw that Sony excelled and who saw the opposite.

E3 Conference Summary: All details about PlayStation 4 PS4 and Sony Conference

Microsoft Conference: All you want to know about Xbox One

Microsoft remedies the position of Sony's victory at first sight

With Microsoft's announcement of its device's support for the feature of preventing the games used, and forcing users to connect to the Internet, it became sure that Xbox lovers suffered greatly sadness and sorrow due to these annoying policies.

And what confirmed this, as soon as Sony announced the support of PS4 PS4 for used games, and giving freedom to the user to use the device without connecting to the Internet, until the "curse" sounds rose to Microsoft, to warn the loss of Microsoft battle and the victory of Sony.

The days passed to surprise Microsoft everyone, with the news that she abandoned the policies that express their in -depth study of the game market, to remedy the situation and postpone the decisiveness until another time with the aim of achieving balance with Sony.But at the same time, we must admit that the image of Microsoft was shaken, and the error brought it into an unenviable position.

This means that we users will be able to play used games, and buy them as inexpensive, as we will be able to use PS4 or Xbox One without the need to connect to the Internet all the time.

The design of the two platforms is different ... but the best is the most attractive

We must agree that the best devices in the design are the ones that carry a wonderful aesthetic touch, which is eager to see and meditate on its planned features with great accuracy, and they are thin and less weight and you can carry them with you wherever you want without difficulties.

Microsoft and Sony relied on the square shape of the Playstation 4 and Xbox One, but there is a profound difference between them in this regard..

The Xbox One appears in the form of a black box, large in size and not very thin, and divided from the top of the device into two parts, the first is completely closed and the second includes a ventilation holes, in addition to those in the sides of the device, but does it not resemble primitive satellite devices?Was it not Microsoft's duty to make it a little thin and more creativity in its form?

Personally, I think Microsoft was not creative as it should be in terms of the design of the device, which will of course be reflected in the mood of the masses for the demand for it.

On the other hand, we must definitely recognize that Sony was greatly created in the design of the PS4, which came with a look similar to a box as well, but its division into two layers, one upper and other lower, in addition to its thinness in general.This design made the Sony device desirable if we rely on the design standard, in addition to that its great attractiveness will push many to acquire it.

From here we can say that the two platforms are very different in the design, which makes the masses choose the best from their point of view.

The price is a strong factor ... Have you lost Microsoft betting?

I am sure that many of you will resolve his choice based on the price of the device, away from the design, specifications and support available to it.

The price of Xbox One is $ 499 in the United States of America, 429 pounds in Britain, and $ 599 in Australia.

While the PS4 is available at $ 399 in the United States, 349 pounds in Britain, 399 euros in Europe, and in Australia it is available at $ 549.

By adopting the price factor, the PS4 platform appears to win the bet again, so that Xbox One will be the second option for many people who depend on the cheapest price to acquire products.

The first platform to reach the market ... may be the best -selling

When the specifications and capabilities are converging between Xbox One and PS4, it may be the predominance of the platform that will be offered in the global markets first, as it will achieve significant sales from the first sight, which will make the situation difficult on the platform that is still the warehouse wind.

أيهما أفضل البلايستيشن PS4 أم اكس بوكس وان Xbox One ؟

Microsoft set up next November as the date for the chest of Xbox One and its arrival in the global markets to obtain it by users.

But it seems that Sony may pay the price of its delay PS4 and its provision in the event that it does not reach the global markets until weeks after the availability of Xbox One, which could happen.This means that the Xbox One platform may achieve significant sales at a time when you will try to catch up with the PS4.

The processor cannot resolve the choice in this case

It is a coincidence that we see a great similarity between the two platforms, each of which has an eight -core processor, and from the manufacturer itself AMD.

The AMD processors for each of Xbox One and PS4 provide a greater ability to run the most demanding games, and to save the electric power consumed, in addition to the speed in the transition between games and services, implement orders and processing different data.

From this standpoint, we can say that the processor will not be a crucial factor to determine the choices of users.

It should be noted that this factor was decisive in the past, when Microsoft relied on IBM PowerPc processors while Sony relies on Toshiba and IBM processors processors.

PS4 يتفوق على منافسه في معالج الرسوميات

None of us can deny how important the graphics processor is in home gaming devices, which allows users to use games according to a certain quality of the image, the speed of translation and representation of verbs and movements.

At the same time, the observer cannot prefer the Xbox One graphics processor over that included in the PS4, unless it is unaware that the Sony process is made of AMD and is 50 percent stronger in graphics processing, and the provision of electrical energy, unlike the graphics processor in Xbox OneWho lacks these features.

Thus, if we adopt a graphic processor worker, Sony will outperform Microsoft and achieve much stronger sales of them.

من الأفضل لناحية الذاكرة العشوائية ؟Xbox One أمPS4 ؟

An important question in light of the arrival of the two devices primarily with the same random memory, but their difference in terms of performance makes things clear.

The Xbox One platform comes with a random memory of 8 GB DDR3, while Playstation Ps4 comes with a random memory of the same size but of a better type which is DDR5.

To clarify, the Microsoft device only allows 5 GB out of 8 GB, while the Sony device provides a larger area of 7 GB out of the 8 GB that it provides.

Hence, the size of the vast difference between the performance of the two memories and the impact of this on the strength of the two platform.

The result is equal to the victory of the Japanese masterpiece over the American monster in one of the most important factors for many.

Who is the platform that has a better control hand?

The more comfortable the hand of the home gaming device in the hand, and it has more capabilities, and includes buttons that facilitate play, the better it is.

It is known that Microsoft and Sony have not seen any revolutionary changes in the figure such as those witnessed in 2000 and 2001, but it recently witnessed a great improvement in performance, and she got additional capabilities to achieve ease of controlling.

Control hand known as Duelshock 4 for PlayStation 4 has seen many changes and improvements compared to the previous version known as Dualshock 3.

In this regard, the famous broadcaster Jeff Cannata stated on the CNET TV channel that the PlayStation 4 control is much better than those with Xbox One whose fans foiled, "stressing in return that the hand of the PS4 control is comfortable and distinctive, but rather it hides a lot of strong capabilities.

Here too, Microsoft failed to convince us that she is better than Sony.

Xbox One Kinect in the face of PS4 Eye

The linen for Xbox and comes with a lot of tremendous features, as it has a 1080 -pixel sensor, and has witnessed an increase in the field of sensing and monitoring by a rate of 60 percent, and supports infrared rays, as it works in the dark.The development of Xbox One Kinect has reached a level that enables it to monitor the player's balance, and the extent of his interaction with the game through his heartbeat.

On the other hand, the PlayStation 4 also came with a PlayStation Eye, which is also a visually header of movements, and has two camera cameras per 1280 in 800 pixels, in addition to his support 4 microphones, and his field of vision reaches an angle of 85 degrees.

This is not all ... PlayStation Eye is also supported by PlayStation Move technology to locate the players so that each of them gets a specific light color that stems from the device's control tool, as well as its ability to identify faces.

On this basis we can say that the two devices are strong and fierce competitors, but we have to take into account the size of both Xbox One Kinect and Playstation Eye when determining the best platform, and I see that the PS4 exceeds this aspect, but regarding the performance you will settle the matter.

PS4و Xbox One و السباق للحصول على دعم المطورين والشركات المطورة

Even if a device comes with supernatural specifications and amazing capabilities, development support and more software additions are determined by the fact that a device will succeed on another.

In the field of home games, a specific platform for the lion's share of famous and new games is a necessary matter for the giants of home entertainment industry..

And considering Sony and Microsoft, in addition to Nintendo, they have been the giants of this sector for a long time, they have been trying from the time of contracting with the most famous studios to obtain recreational and exclusive content, even for a certain period, in addition to developing many serial games.

Did you ask about the truth of the cause?

The answer is that whenever a specific platform has important and exclusive games, the more users move to it from other platforms, with the aim of playing their favorite games..

And with Microsoft's announcement of the Xbox One, it has unveiled many exclusive games that enjoy large fans of lovers, including Ryse: Son of Rome, Dead Ruleing 3 and Forza Motorsport 5 in addition to Killer Instinct, Lococycle and also Kinect Sports Rivals.

And there is an important game that will also be available on the Microsoft platform, but it is not exclusive, which is Call of Duty: Ghosts, which awaits the lovers of shooting games from a first endoscope, as well as a large list of games available on the remaining platforms.

On the other hand, Sony also revealed during the PS4 announcement of many exclusive and exciting games, including Killzone Shadow Fall and Driveclub in addition to KNACK and Diablo 3 that will be launched on the first day to provide the device.

Sony revealed important addresses that will add more entertainment content to its new device, including Watch Dogs and Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag in addition to Infamous: Second Son and The Order 1886, and do not forget the Witness and other games.

The two companies also announced their continuous endeavor to provide more games and development support for their platforms, by spending more money to stimulate studios and development and production companies.

Depending on this standard, choosing the best platform will be on the part of users who prefer games than another.

Which is better in your opinion?

The main factors that will make you determine the home gaming device we talked about in detail, and there are some other factors such as obtaining services such as chatting and free play in addition to watching the most important channels and programs, whose quality and cost differ from one platform to another.

Personally, the best Playstation 4 because of its impressive, attractive and unplanned design, in addition to its ability to provide the best possible experience for the next generation games at a lower price.But this does not mean that I am also not enthusiastic about Xbox One, so its superiority in the global markets is still possible, especially with the spread of rumors and news about Microsoft's intention to update some of the features of the device before its launch.

Thus, it can be said that the battle between the two domestic entertainment giants is wide open in light of their retaining important papers and perhaps profit..

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