The most prominent features and disadvantages of PlayStation 5 after its official issuance in the Arab countries

PlayStation 5 devices in many stores for electronic devices in the Arab countries have officially arrived with the launch of the offers of white Friday or Black Friday during the month of November, where white Friday days are characterized by the presence of offers and discounts on many PlayStation devices to attract more customers and buyers.

The Sony Electronics platform had unveiled the new Playstation version in mid -June, and the platform announced the start of its launch in the market in two phases, the first was on November 12 in some countries: (USA - Japan Mexico - Australia - Canada - New ZealandSouth Korea), while in the second stage on November 19, PlayStation 5 devices were issued in all countries of the world.

PlayStation 5 specifications

Sony revealed the specifications of the new version of the PS5 in mid -June by carrying out a set of promotional ads, which caused a sensation at the time in all social media, and attracted many attention from fans of electronic games and video games and raised their enthusiasm towards the new Playstation 5.

Sony released two copies of the PlayStation 5, a full version that includes a tablet, and a digital version without a tablet, and the design of the new generation of Playstation in white and black color came in proportion to the design of the toning control of the same colors.

أبرز مميزات وDisadvantages of PlayStation 5 بعد صدوره رسميا في الدول العربية

The PS5 carries a vertical design similar to the Xbox Series X, Microsoft, and it can also be installed horizontally through some simple steps that it was explained by “Yashiro Outory”, deputy head of the mechanical design department at Sony through a clarification video, where he also reviewed the components of the internal deviceBy fully dismantling the PlayStation 5 for the first time since its release was announced.

The video duration reached 7 minutes, in which Uturi revealed the cooling fans inside the device, in addition to the perpetrators of the air filter entering dust and plankton, which users can easily clean by using the broom (air plateau).

The PS5 contains a SSD tablet with a storage capacity of 825 GB, and the NVME SSD entrance to add a standard storage unit, and a 16 GB RAM.

Playstation 5 accessories

The Sony platform has announced the provision of a number of advanced accessories for the PS5, including:

Playstation 5 prices

الإصدار الكامل (التقليدي)الإصدار الرقمي (بدون مدخل أشرطة)
500 دولار أمريكي400 دولار أمريكي
2300 ريال سعودي1840 ريال سعودي

In the same context, the Russian company, "Caviar", which specializes in selling high -price products famous for its gold and jewelry phones, announced the launch of a luxury version of the PlayStation 5 under the name "Golden Rock" or "the golden rock", and the name came due to the imaginary design of the device thatIt may make it one of the most expensive electronic devices in the world.

In the middle of February of the current year 2021, Caviar revealed the launch of the gold version of the PS5 device, as the device is covered with 4.5 kg of 18 karat gold with controllers made of the original crocodile leather dyed in black, and the price of the device reached approximately 500 thousandUS dollars, and the company revealed that it received 1342 applications in advance for purchase despite the high cost, as pre -booking can be requested through the company's website.

The company had released various other designs for the PS5 of the carbon and skin under the name "Caviar's Carbon and Black Leather PlayStation" with the same original design for Sony, and the price of the carbon version of the device comes 5839 dollars and is covered with carbon fibers from which modern and sports cars are characterizedThe device covered with crocodile leather came at a price of 8140 USD, equivalent to approximately 30,500 Saudi riyals.

PlayStation 5 features

  1. إمكانية تشغيل ألعاب منصة ps4 عليه حيث يدعم الجهاز الجديد ميزة توافق اللعب كما أن التقنية المستخدمة في جهاز بلايستيشن 4 موجودة داخل الرقاقة الخاصة بجهاز ps5.
  2. احتواءه على قرص SSDبسعة تخزين عالية تصل إلي 825 جيجا بايت، وسرعة القرص تصل إلي 5 جيجا بايت في الثانية.
  3. كِبر حجم الجهاز مقارنةً بحجم جهاز الإصدار القديم ps4، وبالتالي ساعد ذلك في تحسين الأداء.
  4. زيادة حجم ال CU التي يحتوي عليها المعالج مما يؤثرفي أداء المعالج، وحجم الطاقة المستهلكة، وبالتالي تقليل صوت الضوضاء الناتج عن ارتفاع صوت المروحة.
  5. يدعم أجهزة التلفاز والشاشات بدقة 720p فما فوق بالتالي يمكن الاستمتاع بتحسينات الشاشة وجودة الألعاب دون الحاجة لشاشة بدقة 4k.

Disadvantages of PlayStation 5

  1. عدم التمكن من توسعة سعة التخزين رغم وجود مدخل في الPs5 لإضافة وحدة تخزين إضافية، وذلك لاحتمال حدوث أخطاء أو بطئ أثناء تحميل البيانات.
  2. حدوث بعض المشاكل أحيانا عند تشغيل الجهاز من إعداد وضع الراحة “Rest Mode”.
  3. زيادة السعة التخزينية لألعاب الفيديو الجديدة بشكل كبير، وبالتالي صعوبة تنزيل جميع الألعاب علي جهاز بلايستيشن 5.
  4. حدوث أخطاء عند بدء جهاز ps5 في تنزيل التحديثات بعد توصيله بالإنترنت، وتسجيل الدخول بإستخدام حساب المستخدم (PSN).

Also, the PlayStation 5 devices are currently suffering from a significantly noticeable defect, which is not a technical defect within the device, but a commercial and marketing defect where many fans of electronic games around the world complain about the disappearance of the Playstation devices, and the inability of Sony to match the amount of demand from consumers on the product,And that is after a very short period of time since its issuance was announced and released in all stores in all countries of the world early last month.

A report of the Bloomberg Agency indicated that the disappearance of the product from the market quickly is due to the purchase of brokers and retail stores, a large number of PS5 devices, then reselling one unit at double prices that may reach twice or three times the original price, as traders exploit Sony's inability to keep pace with the huge requests onThe devices in the market, which causes fans of electronic games to buy the PlayStation 5, at any price, because there is no other way that makes it owning the device unless it is waiting for a long time.

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