The importance of innovation for all people

There are many definitions of innovation because it differs from the perspective of one person from another, and I see it more appropriately with this definition “is to study a problem, deficiency, weakness or need and to come up with theoretical or practical solutions that can be implemented that will solve it in a very large way.”

Innovation is important to human beings because it permeates every part of our life and in every product. If we look at more than a thousand years, wheeled carts were a great innovation for transportation, and today we see high-speed travel through space, video calls today, if someone saw them a thousand years ago, they would stone us and accuse us. By heresy and quackery, and if humans continued to innovate without political challenges, lobbies and conspiracies, we would have come up with many technologies that contribute to the elevation of human beings in all parts of their day and life.

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Innovation is very important in achieving leaps in services. Even the creation of the cover for beverage containers that are not thrown away is a pioneering innovation in the interest of humans. Before that, iron covers were everywhere and harmed people. Among the distinctive innovations were the innovation of plastic, nylon, cork and even long-life milk, and hydroponics within Its plastic houses and many other things that are difficult to enumerate in bone folders. The isthmus between innovation and development

Many of us confuse innovation and development, while the other is in the circle of improvements to existing things, such as adding new features to an existing system, while innovation is an update and a major addition that makes a difference.


Among the examples of the difference between innovation and development is the example of engines. If we came with an 8-cylinder engine with a capacity of 450 horsepower, using the development, we reduced the number of cylinders to 4, and added turbo engines and other improvements and technologies that make the new engine give 450 horsepower with half the fuel consumption and the same power, and this It is a development on the motor, while the innovation of electric motors adds another aspect to the whole. Here we say that it is an innovation.

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Among the examples is the retractable phone, such an innovation that made a big difference in the world of smart phones and how it is a simple phone with full services and then turns, once opened, into a full-size tablet device for reading, writing, blogging, drawing, watching and innovation, and here we see the big difference between an update for tablets and the innovation of the fold .

One of the innovative solutions is solving the physical problem of the battery size, as it was overcome by inventing the speed of new mechanisms to charge the battery very quickly. This innovation is important in our topic because it looked at the problem from several aspects and innovated in a possible aspect, which made a big difference and a wonderful addition.

Who can innovate?

Everyone can innovate, and the fields are unlimited for innovation, and the matter needs to search for a problem, a challenge, or a need. For example, applications for orders found a need and a problem, and it was the innovative method of food requests in all its aspects. The Hesabati application is an innovative way to list your accounts, home cultivation of vegetables inside the house With devices, an innovative way in foodstuffs, modern irrigation methods, smart aids, smart lights, portable power generators on the battery, an innovative alternative to petroleum electric motors, there are many innovations even in cooking, decoration, clothing and electronic services.

innovation steps

First, finding and defining the problem, challenge or need, secondly thinking within all angles and dimensions, thirdly proposing possible and improbable solutions, fourthly finding practical or theoretical solutions for all possibilities, fifth, experiments, sixthly verifying the appropriate timing for the proposal, seventhly implementation.

And every one claims a connection with Layla.

Lots of companies claim to be innovative and every year they show some improvements and then hang all the ads on it, innovation is to come up with something new and unique that has value.