Features and disadvantages of Windows 11 are now known in detail

Features and disadvantages of Windows 11 are the main concern of many individuals today and those who want to update the version installed on the personal computer or laptop to this new version of the Windows operating system, which has just been released through Microsoft International, so the following lines will clarify everything related to thisThe new version in detail.

Features and disadvantages of Windows 11 تعرف عليها الآن بالتفصيل

Features and disadvantages of Windows 11

Technology, software and operating systems have made a large number of reviews and evaluations for the new Windows 11 operating system in order to determine the most important features and disadvantages of updating and version of the new Windows before users started installing it on the device, and the features and disadvantages of Windows 11 came as follows:

Features of Windows 11

Disadvantages of Windows 11

There are some drawbacks to update Windows 11, which some have indicated, such as:

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