Jordan: 45 deaths and 2386 new injuries in Corona
The Jordanian Ministry of Health announced the record of 45 deaths and 2386 infections of the new Corona virus in the Kingdom today, Monday, bringing the total number to 8,660 deaths and 70,4540 injuries.
This came in the media summary issued by the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Health today, Monday, according to the Jordan News Agency (Petra).
The summary referred to the recording of 2790 cases of healing today in domestic insulation and hospitals, bringing the total healing cases to 671127 cases.
He added that 20434 laboratory examinations were conducted today, Monday, bringing the total number of tests that were conducted since the beginning of the epidemic until now 6630,787 examinations, pointing out that the percentage of positive examinations for this day reached approximately 11.68 percent, compared to the percentage that was recorded yesterday, which amounted to 10.38 percent.
حاسوب لوحي للألعاب من لينوفو «الشيوخ» يقف دقيقة حداد على روح محمود الكردوسي: «سخر قلمه لخدمة وطنه» نص كلمة رئيس مجلس الشيوخ في ذكرى الإسراء والمعراجإقرأ أيضاً10 دول تسجل أعلى نسب إصابة بكورونا في آسيا.. بينهم دولتان عربيتان (إحصائيات)الأردن يسجل وفاة 97 وفاة بفيروس كورونا خلال 24 ساعةالأردن يسجل حصيلة قياسية جديدة في عدد الوفيات بكوروناFacebook Twitter E-Mail WhatsApp Telegram