It extracts water from the air.. An Egyptian engineer receives the Geneva Prize for invention| Video | Today's electronic news portal

Engineer Mahmoud El-Koumi, winner of the Geneva Invention Prize, said that he invented a robot to extract drinking water from the air, noting that it is in line with the state’s 2030 plan for sustainable development, as it links artificial intelligence to space and water generation technology, and is considered the first robot to generate water on Mars.

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يستخرج المياه من الهواء.. مهندس مصري يحصل على جائزة جنيف للاختراع| فيديو | بوابة أخبار اليوم الإلكترونية

Al-Koumi added, during an interview with the “Good Morning Egypt” program, broadcast on the Egyptian Channel One and the Egyptian satellite channel, and presented by the media, Hossam Haddad and Hadeer Abu Zeid, that the conditions on Mars are much more difficult compared to Earth, so the device on Earth needs only 15% of moisture to operate it. On Mars, you need a larger percentage.

He pointed out that the robot can condense moisture on the surface of Mars, and the robot was tested in the same conditions as on Mars, whether in terms of temperature or humidity, pointing out that the Minister of Environment provided him with a laboratory to analyze water, and she adopted the topic and saw that it was promising, thanking her.

He explained that the robot can explore areas in space with the highest humidity to set up a water generating station, pointing out that the state's approach to artificial intelligence and technology was for him the incentive to manufacture such a project in Egypt.

He pointed out that this invention on earth deciphers the code of the Egyptian civilization, which is the human connection with ordinary water sources since the dawn of history, pointing out that desalinating sea water is very expensive and more than the cost of ordinary water, as the cost of a liter of ordinary water is 20 cents, while the cost of a liter of water in the device is 1.5 cents. Just.

He stressed that with the least energy in the robot device, water can be generated in large quantities, and it can be used in the desert through solar panels, and thus many cities can be reclaimed in the middle of the desert without high costs.