How to connect Fire TV Stick to Wi-Fi
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All Fire TV Stick devices are ready for wireless broadcasts as soon as they are removed from the box.But you will have to connect it to a network to enjoy all its features.Otherwise, it is similar to the presence of an empty heater that cannot be ignited.Here's how to connect Fire TV Stick to Wi-Fi, with or without remote control.
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quick answer
To connect Fire TV Stick to Wi-Fi, go to the menu settings from the home screen and select the network.
Main sections
Do you need the Wi-Fi network for Fire TV Stick?
بينما لا تحتاج إلى شراء أي شيء إضافي لتجهيز Fire TV Stick ، فأنت بحاجة إلى شبكة لاسلكية قادرة على البث. بمعنى آخر، أنت بحاجة إلى موجه لاسلكي يوفر اتصالاً سريعًا بما يكفي لتلبية متطلبات خدمات البث التي تريد استخدامها.
If you are already using your smartphone or tablet to the content flow, it is likely that your Wi-Fi network is able to keep up with Fire TV Stick.However, the closer your router approaches the TV, the better.Better, consider connecting your TV to your router using the Ethernet cable to get the fastest speed.
Read more: ETIRNET versus Wi-Fi: Do you need a wired connection?
How to connect Fire TV Stick to Wi-Fi
Once your Wi-Fi network is prepared, Fire TV Stick's connection becomes easy.First, mobility settings from the maximum right of the home screen and select the network.
Adam Bernie / Android Authority
Next, select the Wi-Fi network you want to connect to the list.If your home network does not appear, select all the networks.
Adam Bernie / Android Authority
Next, enter the password for your Wi-Fi network, then select the connection.Fire TV Stick should now be connected to the Wi-Fi network, and it is ready to start broadcasting.
How to connect Fire TV Stick to Wi-Fi بدون جهاز تحكم عن بعد
The sofas usually have the eating remote controls on TV.Therefore, if you can put your device in place, or run out of batteries, there are several ways to connect Fire TV Stick to Wi-Fi without a remote control.
If you are currently using Fire Stick with a wireless Ethernet connection, you can use the Fire TV Stick app on your phone as an alternative remote control.Fire TV and your smartphone should be connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
Adam Bernie / Android Authority
You can also create a portable contact point from your phone if you don't have a Wi-Fi network.Learn how to prepare a portable contact point on Android, then use the mobile phone app as a remote control to control Fire TV.Just make sure that SSID and password are the same network previously used for Fire TV Stick.
Otherwise, you can always buy a Fire TV Stick alternative to a replacement and pair with your current device.
Customer electronic control
Instead, the most obvious procedure includes the use of a HDMI-CEC remote control.Half of the name “HDMI” indicates the fact that the remote control device connects to the HDMI port on the TV, while the half “CEC” refers to the “customer’s electronic control”.
These remote controls are universal, meaning that they work with all types of TV and sold in most electronic stores.However, be sure to check this mode on the TV before purchasing one.To do this, go to the settings, display and sound on the TV device to see if the option is available.
Due to not calling all TV brands for the CEC feature, here is a list of commonly used terms:
Read more: Amazon Fire Stick Review (version 2020)
questions and answers
Why is my Firestick not connected to my Wi-Fi?
First, try restarting Fire TV by separating the power adapter, waiting for a minute, and then re -connecting it.
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