For a few days, exceptional discounts from Extra offers for the first time on all sections
Many special discounts are available on the prices of all products and goods in all sections in Extra Market through Extra Online for the first time ever for a very limited time at exceptional prices for everything you love and need, where Extra is one of the most important and largest brands in the Arab world to sellAll the modern products and electronics, and from this article we will show you the details of Extra offers during February 2022.
Extra Market offers
Many exclusive discounts are available inside the Extra Market displays spread in the cities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, among them: a special discount on the price of the traffic device with a engine with a 5 -inch screen with a maximum of 120 kg to adjust the height from Fitgear with a discount of 1200 Saudi riyals, and another discountSome of them are on the price of a exercise bike with a numbered screen of Fitgear and an air wheel with a maximum weight of 120 kg, and another discount on the price of an emo Ranger 2 camera by providing 120 Saudi riyals with a 360 -degree smart verification feature with a privacy mask.
Special discounts today from Extra Market in the Kingdom
Many other special discounts are available on the prices of the external surveillance camera from Isbise with a 360 -degree night vision, 65 IP with dust and water expelling feature, discovery of people, and another download on the price of the I20 Smart vacuumAnd download another of them on the price of the elegant multi -purpose smart camera from Isblis, with a dual -direction microgon from several angles, dual with a 4 -mega -heating lens with night photography, providing 160 Saudi riyals, and the possibility of installments for 12 months at 239 riyals per month.
Saudi Extra discounts today for a limited period in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Special discounts today are available from Extra Saudi, And a battery size of 5200 mAh.
Various exclusive discounts today with all the Extra branches spread in the markets in the Kingdom
Many of the various exclusive discounts are available in all branches of the Extra Market located in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including: a special discount on the electronic treasury price of the Class Pro anti -fire and water brand, and other discounts on the prices of Class Pro electronic storage in black hotels 15 kg.
Several discounts today from Extra Market Ksa
Multiple exclusive downloads on the prices of many different products, including: a distinct discount on the price of smartphones from Vivo, and they also have other discounts on the prices of different tablets, another discount on the price of different chocolate, snacks, and other discounts on offices in their forms.
Extra Ksa Offers today
Very special discounts today from Extra Saudi Arabia on prices: Homix Homix relaxation chair for rotation 9, and another discount on the price of Homix hand relaxation chair with a graphic rotation feature, and another branch discount on the price of the Homez hand relaxation chair with brown vibration and chocolate.
Private discounts today February 14 from Extra Market
Many special discounts are available today and tomorrow in the Extra Market branches in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including: a special deduction on the price of Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 with a capacityAnd the speed of a distinctive Ramat.
Many special discounts today from Extra Saudi Arabia on electronics and cameras
Many other distinctive discounts are available in all branches of Extra in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including: a distinctive discount on the price of the night photography camera with a discount of 50 Saudi riyals, and others on the price of the 32 GB of Benco M1000 tablet, and a ray of 2 GB RAM, as the branches are discountAnother distinctive on the price of Penco M700, the modern 32 GB of storage capacity, and the speed of the distinctive Rams for its price, and there are another download on the price of different tablets from the global brand Lenovo: as the Lenovo Tab MB device, the Lenovo Tab M10, and other devicesTotal modern.
Other downloads today from Extra at the end of Extra
There are a lot of exclusive downloads that are distinguished by all branches of the Extra Market located in the cities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, among which are: a distinctive discount on the smart Hanaf price from the Sumsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 Vivo 5G32 GB, a high speed for 3 GB, and other discounts.
Saudi Extra Offers
There are several distinct discounts from Extra Market in the cities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which include: a distinctive discount on the price of the bread toaster from Philips with two slides with a power of 950 watts, and another discount on the price of a distinctive bread toas from the Class Pro brand, 1400 watts in whiteAnd they also have another discount on the price of the espresso coffee maker from the same distinctive brand, as well as another special discount on the price of the coffee maker from Class Pro 0.6 liters, with a power of 900 watts, and offered the price of the philips coffee machine with a power of 1000 black color 1.2 liters of capacity, and another branch display on the price of the 160 watts of Princess, and they have another offer on the price of the Caio Morte, the distinctive espresso machine.
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