Eye yoga .. 3 exercises to rest the eyes from exhausting digital devices

Because of the Korona and complete closure, the use of mobile phones, tablet and television increased dramatically all over the world, which leads to the suffering of the eyes, due to the many hours we spend in front of the screen or digital devices that excessively exhaust our eyes.

A report reported by the German "MSN" website revealed the best ways that can be approached to the comfort of the eyes.

The report indicated that "Yoga Al Ain" exercises are more effective for the convenience of the eyes than pressure and daily trouble.

In a study conducted by the "Linstor" manufacturer "Linstor", it concluded that many people around the world spend average nine hours and 45 minutes a day in front of digital devices, according to the Swiss website "Belveve"..

In Germany, for example, the total daily time spent in front of any type of screens is eight hours.

يوغا العين.. 3 تمارين لإراحة العينين من إرهاق الأجهزة الرقمية

The study conducted opinion polls, through which it was found that the use of mobile phones by 76 percent during the epidemic, as it spends 45 percent longer in front of laptops and uses 34 percent TV often and spends 22 percent of people most of their time with tablets.

Roshney Patel, a specialist in visual correction, warned of the dangers of looking at the screens throughout the day, saying: "Computer vision syndrome or digital eye stress is a result of staring at the screen throughout the day.It is a term used to describe the problems of the eye and the different vision that results in it..

"When our eyes are strained, the blinking process is much less, and the movement of the screen means that we must make a greater effort to focus, and the incorrect situation of our screen can cause additional pressure on our eyes," according to the "DW" website..

The Yoga Teacher, Viby Greenakry, recommends three special exercises to relax the eyes, reduce her fatigue, and bring comfort for her, and these exercises recommended by the yoga teacher to comfort the eyes from pressure and daily trouble, are:

1- Leave my hands your hands together to warm your hands and put it on your eyes for ten seconds..With this process, it absorbs the tension that accumulates on the bottom of the eye and slows down slowly.

2- Walk very quickly for 10 to 15 seconds, then close your eyes and let them guide them..This exercise is especially useful in relieving dry eyes.

3- Wrap your eyes in the direction of the clock and reflect the clockwise direction several times..This exercise will not only help strengthen the eyes of the eyes, but also helps in improving the shape of the eyes.

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