Climate change: Four things you can do to help fight it

Climate change will require world leaders to take action at the global level.

But as individuals, we also contribute to causing damage to the environment and contributing to the exacerbation of climate change.Here are some things that you can do to reduce your personal impact.

1.Isolation of your home

From installing a thermal pump to lower heating, there is a large group of changes around the home that can help the planet.

"The shift from a gas or oil -running heating system to an electric thermal pump makes a big difference," says Dr. Neil Jennings, academic from Imperial College London..

"On the daily level, it can help us extinguish lights and devices when they are not used in saving money while reducing our effect on climate change.".

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The British government will provide grants of 5,000 pounds to install thermal pumps from April a0aa.

We can change our homes by improving insulation in walls, ceilings and windows.

One of the cheapest and most effective roads in the walls of the house is one of the cheapest and most effective ways to save energy, according to Energy Seving Trust..This includes bridging unwanted gaps that allow cold air to enter and remove warm air, such as windows, doors or panels.

Energy Seving Trust estimates that bridging gaps can provide a5 pounds annually on family bills..

a.Get rid of food waste and reduce eating red meat

Livestock produces 14 % of all greenhouse gases, and livestock is the largest contributor to these gases.

The simplest and most effective way to reduce your effect is to reduce meat and milk in your diet, especially red meat such as mutton and beef.

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It is clear that there is good news for vegetarians, but there are other considerations that must be taken into account.

Biologist Margaret Gail of the University of Aberdeen says it is not just the issue of "classifying individual products as good or bad".

She adds that the carbon fingerprint of any specific food also depends on how it is produced, where it comes, and whether it is in its season.

Dr. Jonathan Foley, who is looking for climate change solutions, says that you can save money and reduce waste by preparing small shares of food and storing his remains to use later..

The world is wasted between a5% and P0% of its food, according to the "West Resource Action" Foundation for Bruractions.

P.Less driving, lower flight

Transport is responsible for nearly a quarter of the global carbon dioxide emissions.

Living without cars may be "the most influential things we can do to reduce our transportation emissions," according to Dr. Jennings.

However, abandoning the car is not possible for everyone, especially if you live in an area that does not have good public transportation, or works in night seizures when these means stop.

Small steps still have an impact, such as walking and cycling in local stores car with friends or neighbors.

Electric cars have become more prevalent, but they are still expensive.Traveling is not really a friend of the environment unless the electricity used to operate the car comes from green energy sources, such as wind or solar energy.Low carbon sources formed 58 % of Britain's electricity in a0a0, including nuclear power.

Unfortunately for enthusiastic travelers, flying is one of the most things we can do as individuals.

Domestic trips have the largest emissions per capita per kilometer.

Train trips can have less than five effects of the internal flight, although they may be more expensive.Reservation can help in advance to reduce cost.

"For those who travel a lot, reducing the number of trips you make will make a big difference in your personal fingerprint," says Dr. Jennings..

4.Think before you buy

Making one pair of jeans requires P781 liters of water, according to the United Nations Environment Program, taking into account the production, manufacture, transportation and washing of cotton..

You can limit your impact by fixing simple defects in clothes instead of replacing, donating instead of getting rid of them, and choosing high -quality elements that you think will continue for a longer period.

An increasing number of companies display clothes for rent, which helps reduce waste in the fashion industry.You can also try to buy used clothes.

The choice of appropriate home appliances can also be a positive effect on your carbon fingerprint.Dr. Jennings suggests to make sure to purchase the most efficient products in energy use, such as washing machines, when they need to be replaced.