China records 223 new cases of corona.

China's National Health Commission on Monday reported 223 new confirmed cases of the Corona virus on Sunday, up from 119 the previous day.

الصين تسجل 223 إصابة جديدة بكورونا

In a statement, the Commission stated that 163 of the new infections were locally infected, compared with 65 a day earlier.

China also reported 28 new cases with no symptoms, down from 52 the previous day. China does not classify such cases as confirmed infections.

According to the committee, China's major road block had reported 105,087 confirmed cases as of Sunday.

حاسوب لوحي للألعاب من لينوفو «الشيوخ» يقف دقيقة حداد على روح محمود الكردوسي: «سخر قلمه لخدمة وطنه» نص كلمة رئيس مجلس الشيوخ في ذكرى الإسراء والمعراج

No new deaths were recorded, leaving the number constant at 4636.

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