Al -Nabaa Network -Cooper Cooper ... Ajarah in Human Life

Al -Nabaa Network: Last Sunday, the thirty -eighth anniversary of the invention of the mobile phone at the hands of the American engineer Martin Cooper.On April 3 of the year 1973, Cooper, who was forty -four years old at that time, invented a device that had a trace on human life to this day, is the cell..

Cooper, who was the managing director of Motorola, carried the device on Manhattan Street in New York amid the astonishment of passers -by and contacted a ground phone belonging to the president of the "Bill Labs" competing company.."I felt his teeth," Cooper, "said..

There were phones in this period in cars and wireless devices, but they were shipping with heavy equipment that had to be loaded in the car box, but Cooper wanted to be the phone carried and without the need for a car to carry the devices attached to it..

The mobile device that Coop was invented was large at the beginning and similar to the shoe or brick, and its weight was two and a half pounds, that is, more than one kilogram..

CNN reported that Cooper is still alive and is now 82 years old and is still working in the field of communications, and he knows completely that some people insult him when he wakes up to the ringing of his cell phone early in the morning or late at night or inAn intimate moment or embarrassed at a meeting.

85 % of Americans have a cell phone

While a new study showed that mobile phones are the most popular devices among American adults advanced on the computer and digital devices to listen to music, games and read electronic books..

The study, prepared by the "Pio Residence Center Internet and Amirkan Live Bergtute", saw 85 % of Americans at the age of eighteen and above, they have a cell phone.

59 % of Americans who adults have an ordinary computer, 52 % of a laptop compound and 4 % tablets such as "iPad" from Apple, according to the Pew Institute in the study titled "Generations and devices"..

47 % of the "iPod" or the MB3 device has a digital device to listen to music while it has 42 % electronic games device.On the other hand, 5 % of them have a device to read electronic books such as Kindle from Amazon.According to AFP.

Only 9 % of the Americans do not be confused with any of these devices, and this percentage rises to 20 % among Americans at the age of 66-74 years and to 43 % in the category of 75 years and over..

The Pew Institute said that the poll included 3001 American adults and was held in August and September with a 3 % error margin.

33 million subscribers in Algeria

The number of subscribers to the mobile phone in Algeria reached about 33 million, compared to three million in the fixed phone in 2010, according to what was confirmed on Sunday the control authority for wireless communications..

"Orascom Telecom Algeria, the marketer of a mark + Gizi + owned 46% of the market share in 2010, that is, more than 15 million subscribers, registered about half a million subscribers compared to 2009.".

And the government -owned government -owned telecommunications company is ranked second with 28.8 percent of the market, or 9.4 million subscribers, recording a decline in more than 600,000 subscribers, according to the same source..

In the third place, the Qatari National Communications Community Group, which markets the "Najma" brand, comes with 25.2% of the mobile phone market share, or 8.2 million subscribers, recording a rise of more than two hundred thousand subscribers.

The number of subscribers to the fixed phone owned by Algeria is more than three million, including 830,000, who share high -speed internet service.

Sports coach

Thanks to the satellite -connected navigation programs and software that increases intelligence day after day, athletes can now use their smart mobile phones to measure their speed and the distances that they travel during menstruation, and they can also use these phones as a way to motivate them to make more effort.

Tim Tig always accompanies his own coach in his pocket.When this 26 -year -old programmer comes out to the streets of the German city.The program informs it of the speed that it takes place after every kilometer that cuts it.

"I became accustomed to these statistics that the program provides me, and I do not think that I can make all this distance without it," said Tig, noting that his mobile phone has become the best motivation element for him.

There are other programs and applications for the same purpose as "I Run", "I Body" and "Sports Traker", all of which share the same basic functions.These programs use satellite navigation systems to determine the path in which the diet can run and measure the speed of running.

Many of these applications allow the ability to keep a record for training on the Internet, where each athlete maintains the accomplishments he achieves, which is an incentive to do more sports effort, and it is also possible to publish these statistics on social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter as another way to motivate or even pride.According to the German news agency.

The price of these programs ranges between one and two euros.The company "H..T.سي" وهي من أكبر الشركات المتخصصة في تصنيع الهواتف المحمولة الذكية الT تعمل بنظام تشغيل أندرويد كل مستخدم بتجربة الإصدارات المجانية من هذه البرامج أولا قبل شرائها.It is also possible to see the impressions of other users about these applications and programs through some specialized websites."

Interpretation translation

من جهتها أطلقت شركة "جوجل" برنامجاً تطبيقياً جديداً متخصصاً بInterpretation translation يمكن تنزيله مجاناً على الجهاز "آي فون"، أطلقت عليه اسم "جوجل ترانسليت" Google Translate وقالت إنه الرفيق الأمين لحل المشاكل الT يتعرّض لها المستخدم عندما يزور بلداناً يجهل لغاتها المحلية.

ويكفي أن تضغط على زرّ التحضير لإجراء عملية الترجمة، وتبدأ بنطق الجملة بلغة ما، وتختار اللغة الT تريد الترجمة إليها، سيظهر النظام الجملة المترجمة مكتوبة على شاشة "آي فون".The system covers 15 international languages.

وبحسب صحيفة "الاتحاد" الإماراTة الT أوردت التقرير، يتطلب الاستخدام الناجح للبرنامج النطق السليم والمتأنّي لكل جملة يراد ترجمتها؛ وإذا أخفق البرنامج في فهم ما تنطق به بسبب غرابة اللهجة أو طريقة النطق، فيمكن كتابة الجملة بواسطة لوحة المفاTح الافتراضية ليتولّى البرنامج ترجمتها في الحال.According to Al -Watan newspaper.

شبكة النبأ -مارتن كوبر... اثرا في الحياة البشرية

This program can also utter the translated sentences in 23 languages, with the necessity of good listening to the translated sentences because the recorded sound in the digital way may be impossible to understand sometimes.

وكانت "جوجل" أضافت مؤخرا تطبيقاً جديداً للترجمة على أجهزة "أندرويد" يمكنه إجراء Interpretation translation للأحاديث المنطوقة بين اللغTن الإنجليزية والإسبانية.The two interlocutors should pronounce their mother tongue in the dialect in order for the regime to pronounce its translation without printing any word from it.

"Google" has not announced plans to launch new products for simultaneous translation in the near future, but it is certain that it is about to present new programs suitable for downloading on "iPhone" and it takes over translation to and from a new package of languages.

And if these applications are for downloading on "iPhone" or "Android" devices, then they depend on the speed of broadcasting of the Internet connection channels.And if the broadcasting package is narrow, the program apologizes for work.

One of the important features of the program is "Google Trancelet" that it records the translated sentences and allows them to restore it at the time of necessary.

Simple tricks to keep the battery charge

من جهة اخرى تَعد الهواتف الذكية أصحابها بإمكانية الدخول إلى شبكة الإنترنت من أي مكان على الدوام، ولكن سرعان ما تنقضي هذه المتعة، عندما تنفد شحنة البطارية بعد وقت قصير من الاستخدام، لأن هناك العديد من التطبيقات الT تستهلك قدراً كبيراً من الطاقة الكهربائية.But with some simple tricks, the battery charge can be maintained for a longer period.

وتزخر الهواتف الذكية الحديثة بالعديد من الوظائف والتطبيقات الT تعمل في الخلفية؛ حيث يمكن أن تتسبب هذه البرامج في فراغ شحنة البطارية بشكل سريع للغاية بدون أن يلاحظها المستخدم.

ومن الوهلة الأولى يتعذر في كثير من الأحيان معرفة سبب انهيار قوة الهاتف الجوال فجأة بعد ساعTن فقط من تشغيله.But through some simple steps, the user can make the device as a runner for long distances, and increases the operating period of the device.Some small applications also help prevent the device without stopping work early.

وأوضح دانيال لوديرز، خبير هواتف جوالة وكاتب مستقل، أن إضاءة الشاشة والنظام العالمي لتحديد المواقع (GPS) وكذلك نقل البيانات عبر تقنية UMTS تعتبر من ضمن الوظائف الT تستهلك قدراً كبيراً من الطاقة الكهربائية.

To keep the mobile phone battery shipment, the user can reduce screen brightness, because it is the most energy -consuming function.It should be noted that the degree of brightness in most devices can be reduced easily.

In the event that some web pages are downloaded via UMTS technology or the use of navigation programs such as Google Maps, these functions consume a lot of energy.

وحتى لا يتعرض الهاتف الجوال لإجهاد مفرط ليس له مبرر، ينبغي على المستخدم التأكد من إنهاء برنامج تحديد المواقع بشكل صحيح بعد استخدامه، وإلا سيواصل العمل في الخلفية دون ملاحظة المستخدم، ويقول دانيال لوديرز :"وعندئذ قد يحدث بكل بساطة أن تفرغ شحنة بطارية الهاتف الجوال بعد ساعTن من تشغيله".

In any case, if the user wants to be contacted only for some time, he can disable the data transfer function through the UMTS mobile connection standard temporarily.Then the wireless WLAN link can be stopped.

Lotus Labs, the technical editor of the computer magazine "CT", is reasoned by saying: "Since the device is looking for the available networks constantly.".

وفي معظم الهواتف الذكية العاملة بنظام التشغيل أندرويد، يمكن عن طريق قائمة الإعدادات تحديد التطبيقات الT تستهلك أكبر قدر من الطاقة.

The mobile phone expert, Daniel Luders, added that it is sometimes useful while moving to activate the flight mode, and thus the GPS is stopped, and the benefit of this situation shows especially when driving a car on a road that passes through many tunnels;Where the mobile phone consumes a great deal of energy in searching for the company provided for mobile telecommunications services.By such procedures, the battery operation period can be doubled quickly, or the operating period may reach three times.

Computer magazine experts "CT" explained in a practical test, how the mobile phone consumption of electric power can vary greatly. For example, the Milestone test device consumes in flight mode only 6.4 mg. وفي المقابل إذا تم رفع ملف على شبكة الإنترنت عبر تقنية UMTS وتسجيل مقطع فيديو في نفس الوقت، فقد يصل معدل استهلاك الطاقة إلى 3 وات، أي زيادة الاحTاج بمعامل 500 مرة تقريباً.

The activation of the screen for five minutes can reduce the time of preparing for the flight of approximately six hours.

While being outside the country, a vacuum can happen to the mobile phone battery charge after a few hours for unimaginable reasons.But Daniel Luders explains that the reason is usually the device searching for the usual service provider, but to no avail.

وللتغلب على هذه المشكلة ينبغي إيقاف وظيفة البحث الذاT والقيام بالاتصال اليدوي بمشغل شبكة الاتصالات المحلي.

وبدلاً من رسائل البريد الإلكتروني الT ترد تلقائياً، يستطيع المستخدم عند الحاجة إيقاف وظيفة Push، واستدعاء رسائل البريد الإلكتروني يدوياً، وهو الأمر الذي يساعد أيضاً على التوفير في استهلاك الطاقة.

علاوة على أنه يمكن إدارة عملية الاقتصاد في الطاقة باستخدام بعض التطبيقات الصغيرة، ويوضح لوتس لابس أن البرنامج "Juice Defender" المجاني على سبيل المثال يعمل في الهواتف الذكية المزودة بنظام أندرويد عن طريق الإعدادات الأوتوماTكية على الحفاظ على شحنة البطارية لفترة أطول؛ حيث يقوم البرنامج مثلاً باحتساب ما إذا كان المستخدم متواجداً في المكتب أو المنزل، وعندئذ يقوم بإيقاف وظائف معينة مضبوطة مسبقاً حسب المكان، والT لا يتم الاحTاج إليها، بشكل أوتوماTكي.

Android and Windows

في سياق متصل يتوقع محللون بشركة أبحاث السوق والتحليل "IDC" هيمنة نظامي التشغيل "أندرويد" و"ويندوز" على الهواتف الذكية، وذلك ضمن دراسة للتطورات الT ستطرأ على سوق الهواتف الذكية حتى عام 2015.

According to the company's expectations, it is assumed that these two systems can be acquired almost two -thirds of the market within four years.These expectations do not mean the end of the "iPhone" phone, but in return it indicates the need not to grow "Apple" share of smartphones in the market..

According to the analysts, the mobile devices based on the Apple operating system, for the year 2011, are 15.H%, and this percentage is expected to decline slightly to 15.3% until 2015.

There are predictions with the contraction of the "BlackBerry" devices from 14.9% to 13.H%.As for "Simbian", which is the favorite operating system of Nokia, it appears that it is about to fade, as it is expected that Nokia's share in the market for this system will decline in a large percentage of 20.9% of 2011 to 0.2%, especially after Nokia's partnership with Microsoft.

According to the "IDC" analysts, Microsoft's smartphone operating systems - Windows Phone 7 "and" Windows Mobile " - will witness a remarkable increase for this year to reach 20.9 instead of 5.X%.

As for the "Linux-Derivat Meego", it will make a slight growth in its sales, it increases from 3.5 to 4.6%, according to expectations.

The biggest winner in the market will be the share of the "Android" operating system for Google, as its share is from 39.X% إلى 45.4%.Thus, analysts see that there is a great opportunity for "Android" to dominate the market, especially after its sales of smartphones have been at the forefront of the list..It is noteworthy that "Android" sales exceeded its rival iOS since the middle of last year 2010.

According to the data of the research company, the expected sales of smartphones this year can reach 49.2% في ظل نمو معدلات الإقبال منذ بداية هذا العام، وبذلك تحقق نسبة أعلى من سابقتها في العام الماضي الT قدرت ما بين 20 و30%.

Based on these surveys, consumers are expected to replace 450 million new devices. ويعزو المحللون هذا الازدهار إلى أن العام الماضي شهد إلى حد بعيد نمواً ملحوظاً في المبيعات نTجة إقبال المستهلكين مرة أخرى على شراء الأجهزة النقالة الجديدة، لاسيما بعد الانخفاض الكبير الذي لوحظ عام 2009 جراء الأزمة الاقتصادية العالمية الT وقعت عام 2008.