Abbreviation of the Book of Sabgat .. How do we deal with contemporary intellectual suspicions
Many efforts are made by Muslims to stand in front of the suspicions against Islam;In the past and in the present.Among the famous books among people are now the book “Sabghat”, by his author, Professor “Ahmed Al -Sayed”.I will not prolong the introduction to the shortcut that I present here.And I note that it is a complete abbreviation, in which there is no idea in the book, except I included it, God willing.
Two difficulties stand in front of summarizing this book;They are the fragmentary nature of the book.The book is originally scattered materials prepared by Professor author of courses, then transferred it to a book.Therefore, you see that the book has a structural structure, in which the writer relied on the incubation of vast points in a little space (it may not be suitable for it as he expressed himself more than once).And the effect of this in the form of topics and the attempt to shorten it does not need a statement.
Another difficulty is that the book is subjects, not chapters, these topics are wide.But - so that we do not end - I resorted to dividing it into a theoretical part and another practical practical specialized in the actual response to suspicions.In terms of topics, I see that it has four topics: the wave features -which I divided for understanding -, the bases department, the department of responses, and the section.Here is the short.
The introduction to the book did not deal with anything except the continuation of intellectual suspicions in our present, and the necessity of making a strong prevention with which we will repel it from us..Thus, the analogy (in rhetorical consideration came as an informational metaphor) between the long and wide rams "Sabgat", and between the prevention of suspicions that try to kill the minds of Muslims.
Contemporary skeptical wave features
I divided the first title to the landmarks alone, and then I mentioned the nature of the influence alone;Because the book mixed the two under one title.Accordingly, the features of the new wave are summarized in four:
1- It is a bloody, not structural, chaotic, not systematic, not systematic;It depends on the demolition of Islamic perception without providing any alternative.The writer represented her by the production of "Adnan Ibrahim".The author is surprised by the attackers' position;Whenever we turned the situation, and we wanted to attack atheism, he wanted to demolish it;It will not remain a stone that remains in its place.
2- No roof for this wave;We find it directing the attack in every absurdity and virginity, because the goal is to demolish this perception in the eyes of those who believe in it..So the writer includes another feature;It is mostly directed to the origins and principles of Islam, not to a doctrine of Islamic doctrines, personal or imam, but on all construction.
3- This wave is found behind glamorous slogans to attract people.Such as: freedom, the liberation of the mind, and the inherited criticism.
4- The goals of those responsible for it vary;While some aim to get people out of Islam, some promote these suspicions from the perspective of goodwill -meaning with no confirmation and lack of liberation -.
The nature of the influence of this wave
1- The influence takes it forms between disguise and advertising;What the writer sees increasing in recent years.
2- Her largest field is social media (meaning in terms of mediator), it exports suspicions without discrimination in the age stage, and it also expresses the limits of the place.This field also reduces the impact of "rejected association contraindications", and it means the mosque, the school, and the family.(It means those who repel these suspicions by default through the practice of collective behavior).
3- Most of those affected by young people;In a risk future, he foretold if we do not remedy the problem.
4- Those who are affected by them are divided into two parts: those who tamper with life are in charge of these suspicions to justify their futility, and those who are realistic are real..So it is not correct to generalize the rulings and make accusations without discrimination.(Book of atheism's militia).
Goodness included in the wave of contemporary intellectual suspicions
There is a pleasant good in this wave, which the writer saw in the following: re -conviction of Islam, not faith as a tradition.This is represented by the belief of the Companions of the conviction and change of their lives on the basis of it.As well as broadcasting the spirit of research, dialogue and debate.As well as the impulsion of the nation’s concern for legal knowledge and the defense.As well as giving an opportunity for the preachers to review themselves in terms of their eligibility and culture, and the means of calling them.
Reasons for negative influence on contemporary intellectual suspicions
It has three types, summarized in the following:
-The first type is external influences: the first social networks come with the tremendous potential to identify these suspicions, and what it imposed (meaning wrong intellectual behaviors) such as the principle of “empty knowledge”, which many young people take to be distinguished from its surroundings.Films and novels, including the entertainment of enjoyment, come, and they make an indirect effect by transferring them to foreign culture without discrimination.We also find the effect of the direct study in the Western world, including the "student" seat of the good and bad reception door, especially without legal rooting..
Another external influence is the spread of forbidden desires as a result of the explosion of sexual temptation, which drown young people and keep them away from the legal costs..Then you enter them in the stage of reprimanding the conscience, which leads to get rid of its entire source by the false departure from religion, or a stubborn denial of the account and the hereafter to cover and justify diving in those desires.
Among the impacts are the material progress of the Western world, the impact of falling into the passion of the West, and the feeling of defeat in front of it..And Abdullah Al -Ajiri goes in the “Funity of Intellectual Smoothness” to the influence of two things in the scene: the dominance of the foreign cultural model, and the weakness of delivery to God and His Messenger.What leads to an attempt to form Islam according to these systems: socialist Islam, democratic Islam.(Book of absent culture authority).
The second type is internal effects: such as poor certainty;What we see in the abandonment of the performance of some acts of worship.This weakness delights the Muslim in front of the waves of skepticism.Likewise, psychological problems and social pressures play a role;Where it increases the fragility of the resistance of the Muslim, and he raises the feeling of discontent with God's judgment.As well as we find the weakness of the worship aspect, especially the actions of hearts that enhance our faith..Among the most important psychological effects is the temporary, mental and spiritual emptiness that justifies the acceptance of suspicion, whatever its arrogance and fall.
He dispersed (did not mention this distinction, I mentioned it to facilitate) here between psychological internal impacts -which I mentioned before -and another mental internal..What the writer included in it: the weakness of the tools of research and documentation and the absence of the critical mind, as well as the weakness of the legal science;Who paves the way for systematic and cognitive disorder.
-The third type, aspects of the deficiency in the legal call and treatment: We find a gap between the legal specialists and the general public, and the absence of the idea of “role models” that was achieved by the existence of the Prophet -may God bless him and grant him peace -himself, and the lack of open meetings between the two parties (represented by her with the lectures of Ahmed Deedat).Likewise, the lack of diversification of the methods used in the call, and the weakness of the charter mental mental discourse.
The traits of influential religious discourse
From the last point the writer branched for this point, combining the following point.I separated the two for fear of mixing in the show.The characteristics of the discourse included in the following: Attention to mental discourse, with our knowledge that the transfer evidence enhances this discourse and is drawn on its systems, and represented by the verses of proving the Baath with reason in the Qur’an as his saying (Did they not see that God who created the heavens and the sake of the heavens).Among its features is awareness of the truth of the questions raised in the arena, and thus the preacher targets these questions instead of talking about valuable problems.And taking into account the missing of the addressees with this discourse, and taking what is close to them, not what excavates them.And meet the argument with the argument, not insulting and insulting;Those who negatively affect the speech.Finally, the sincere desire to guide people from the preacher.
Mind addresses
He divided it three.Some of them are due to the method of the directed discourse and its style: such as using the question to raise attention and attract follow -up (such as a hadith: Do you know what the worn is?)And building sound presents to lead to sound results.
Including what is due to the way to nullify the sayings of the violators: such as highlighting the mental or systematic contradiction (represented by it by adopting the Sunnah of the Sunnah on the same year in its reasoning), and highlighting the corrupt supplies of the sayings of the chiefs (represented by the corruption of the question of the atheists and the denial of the resurrection of the fate of the oppressors, and their denunciation of injustice).Including what is related to interest in the limits of the mind -because we are talking about addressing the minds -and its role as a source of knowledge, and its relationship to transportation and absences.
How do we deal with contemporary intellectual suspicions?
It is the second topic in the book.He divided it into three types of rules;Preventive to avoid it, and the treatment of when the suspicion occur.
First: Preventive rules of contemporary intellectual suspicions:
1- Enhancing certainty of the origins of Islam: by raising the evidence of Islam mentally.And by reviving the worship of thinking in the cosmic verses of God through the audio and visual materials (represented by the episodes of Mustafa Mahmoud), as well as the rumor of the worship of thinking in his legal verses, and linking people to the Qur’an (the efforts of the status of Tadrab and Interpretation), and the reading of the books of the ancient miracles of the Qur’an (Al -Romani, Al -Baqalani, and othersContemporary (Great News, Muhammad Abdullah Draz).And attention to talking about God and his attributes in the call and worship of hearts, as well as follow the stories of the new Muslims (episodes of the program “The Qur’an I am guided” by Fahd Al -Kandari).
2- The formation of the audited critical critical mind, and it is an exile of the questionable mind with negative thinking.(The etiquette of controversy and debate).
3- Sharia rooting: From the study of the principles of legal arts (belief, the principles of jurisprudence, and jurisprudence ....) And facilitating this through the lectures of the (Amer Bahgat's efforts), and the need to establish the origins of the major scientific issues that the new wave began to be shown, in the books of the entrances of science.
4- Determine the sources of reception and knowledge, and the position of Islam from every source;The sense and experience alone are not the source of knowledge, as is rumored (the book of sources of knowledge in religious and philosophical thought, Dr./ Abdul Rahman Al -Zunaidi).
5- Not to be exposed to the discourse of suspicions by non-specialists (meaning from himself), it has many risks, and many people have gone out of this exposure.
6- Preventive reading in the books of responses on suspicions on conditions: that the suspicions are contemporary and widespread, and that the books are mentioned in the memory of suspicion and separated in the response, and that the response be an arbitrator.(The Book of the Sunnah and its position, Mustafa al -Sibai, and the full image of the author himself).
7-Arranging the major abaya, according to the intention of God, not according to the human passion.Even if a person - who arranges the abaya over what he likes - is opposed to the choice of his goal.It is a cause of many suspicions, such as the rule of apostasy.(The Book of Civil Discourse Exploits, Ibrahim Al -Sakran).
8- Promote collective programs that enrich knowledge and block the doors of corruption.Like collective reading programs and cultural clubs.(And like the systematic construction supervised by the writer himself).
9-Supplication and reward to God in the seriousness of righteousness.
Second: Rules to deal with problems and suspicions after their arrival:
Third: Dialogical and Ragabolic rules with suspicions and those who broadcast them:
Lighting of interest to the defendant for Islam and its constants
He mentioned four illuminations: The first is the preference of response to suspicions, and his entry into the chapter on jihad, as well.The second: The defender should notice that he defends Islam, not for himself;He must submit the matter as it is in Islam.And the third: The preacher does not have to respond to what he says. Rather, he must strive, pray and teach.The last: the advocate of his personal behavior and his commitment to virtuous morals;To be a good example.
The applied part in the book
Aslan and Mamutan to answer intellectual suspicions
This title is not present in the book, but the writer began their review before taking suspicions.Here is their abbreviation:
The first origin: evidence of God's existence:
1- The evidence of instinct: The instinct indicates the existence of God from three sides: that all people possess a necessary primary knowledge that does not differ, such as: the part is smaller than the whole, and every hadith is an update.This knowledge indicates God from two ways: looking at the universe to know that it has an updated, and the existence of this same knowledge indicates its foundation in our souls.The second side is that the servant is weak in need of the Pacific Creator..The third side is the presence of instincts and morals in the animal and the human being.
2- Evidence of finding the speakers: the universe is severe, and it is necessary for it from the update;In implementation of the principle of causation.The occurrence of the universe is agreed upon by most of the scientific circles.(Al -Nahar candles book, Abdullah Al -Ajiri).
3- Employment evidence: Not only is the evidence for the occurrence of the universe, but in its accuracy, perfection, and regularity of its movement.
4- Care evidence: The view in the universe indicates the harness of all its potential for man, as if it is entrusted with it from the gratitude.
The second principle: Introductions in wisdom and divine justice:
In this matter, it is necessary to acknowledge a number of beliefs: including complete faith in the existence of God, faith in the fullness of God in himself and his actions, and acknowledging the insufficiency of man and his lack of evidence of his search for perfection, discovering the deficiency in his actions, and believing that God sent messengers and inspired them to guide people in support of the miracles.This series of faith denies suspicion of the wisdom of the divine act.The writer represented Apple and Samsung;Where one of us may find some of what suggests the lack of benefit from him, but no one doubts this confidence that the two companies will not make in vain;So how do God and make it?!
The first type of suspicion: about the origin of Islam:
الباب الأوَّل: حول وجود الله وحكمته. وهو قسمان.
The first section: the existence of God: in the following:
1- A question from the creation of God: It is not true;God was not a creature to ask about his Creator, and he is based on the settlement between "every updated accident", and "for every existing supplier".And if we send with him the absence of the universe;We will ask: Whoever creates the creator of the Creator?Then who created the latter?And so on..The universe will not exist.Islam decided to God the character of the “first” to fill this conception in Islamic.
2- Call to dispense with the cosmic laws from the Creator: It is narrated that the laws are interpreted by the universe, which is not created, as this will ask a correct question: Who enacted these laws to the universe at the beginning?
3- The theory of Darwinian development: it has become a doctrine that does not affect the discussion, at a time when we see it does not reach the point of scientific truth, and its evidence varies with strength and weakness, and we see many experimental scholars refute it (such as “Michael Behey” in his book “Darwin Black Fund”).On the other hand, we see some Muslims trying to reconcile it with Islam, and to say with the development of God;Nevertheless, we find it colliding with a Quranic fact, which is the creation of God, Adam, a direct creation, not from the development.(Directed Development, Hisham Azmi).
4- The hypothesis of the multiple universes: He mentioned a dialogue between “Richard Dawkins” and “Stephen Weinberg” indicates a lower probability of its possibility, with the lack of recognition.
The second section: On the wisdom of God:
1- Asking why God created us and commanded us to worship him: He relied on the points of the second origin that preceded.And that finding the universe is more complete than its lack of finding, and that wisdom is clear from all the creation of the universe and indicates the existence of an end for everything, and the mind must agree with this wisdom with the perfection of the Creator, and from its perfection to define the creatures on it with two ways: instinct in them, and revelation to them, and that it is not perceivedA relationship between the Creator and his creatures except the relationship of submission, thanksgiving and praise, and this is what the Creator wanted for his creature.
2- The question of why the evils are found in the world: It is noteworthy that if someone is one of them, these evils will not stop, and that this problem is with the atheist, not the believer;The latter believes the wisdom of God.The matter is formulated in the rules: the free will makes a person responsible for evils, and evil in the world comes because it is a house of deficiency and affliction, not a penalty and reward, and affliction in the world saves the believer as the fire is governed, and there are evils that have wisdom that may not be clear to us from the hurry viewThe story of our master “Moses” with “Al -Khadar”.Also, one may wish things when you come to become the cause.(Book of the problem of evil, Sami Amri).
3- Asking why God did not give some people to the supplication: It is correct to ask: Why did you delay the response of the supplication?With the self -review of its actions, the multiplication of good efforts.It is not correct that we judge the issue of the response of a special personal supplication in the wisdom.
4- Asking how we combine the judiciary and destiny with the torture of the infidel on his disbelief: it is notified to the incorrect link between the terms of destiny and algebra.The mind realizes the freedom of will, and it is indicated by sending the messages that test people in their will, and this will and human will has made God one of its reasons for the resurgence of work, and the reasons - including the human will - are not independent of God but inside his will;Whenever God wanted to disturb its effect, as in the story of the fire with our master “Ibrahim”.It is a chapter related to the divine wisdom that is not surrounded by it, and the correct method is the recognition of what came from God.(Healing Al -Alil, Ibn Al -Qayyim).
الباب الثاني: شبهات حول القرآن الكريم
Claiming errors on the parties:
1- Linguistic errors: He responds that the tongue of Quraysh is governed and an argument, and the Prophet is from Quraysh.Likewise, the rules of grammar were laid after the Qur’an, not before it, and they are derived from it and from the sum of the transmission poetry and prose, as well as the Arabic language has dialects and all of them are correct (represented by obliging the thousand in all its conditions), and the writer notes that the mistakes called childhood are childish;Is it believed that a book that everyone witnessed with eloquence and miracles falls into it?!
2- Scientific errors: such as a verse (he found it strange in the eyes of a height) in which some claim that the Qur’an says: The sun set in an eye from the eyes of the earth.Despite the naivety of the offering;The verse is reported that it “found it”, meaning that it is the vision of those who saw, and the commentators have decided that the sun is greater than the earth, and that the phenomenon that the earth is extended comes from the bone and breadth of the earth, until it appears to be stretched out in front of the seer, even though it is a ball.
3- The errors of the verses of the verses: caused by ignorance of the connotations of the words of language, the connotations of public and in particular, and ignorance of the total texts of Sharia from the Qur’an and Sunnah;Some of them show each other.(Pay the delusion of turmoil from the book, Muhammad Al -Amin Al -Shanqeeti).
الباب الثالث: شبهات حول الرسول
The first section: skepticism about his prophethood: it is responded to it with the evidence of the prophecy, which is:
1- Barahan of his sincerity and morals: The prophecy claims the evil of people (meaning liars) and their choice (and they are the true prophets).And all the conditions of the Prophet indicate that it is one of the best and sincere creation.The people of Mecca testify to him from his enemies, and those who doubt it;Where one of them did not stabbed his trust and sincerity.And the position of his denial that the sun has caused the death of his son Ibrahim to confirm his sincerity, as well.
2- The Qur’an was demonstrated by the sincerity of his prophethood: as all Arabs challenge him to come to the same or some of his likeness and deficit, as well as indicates the sincerity of his prophethood news of the unseen that came in the Qur’an is clear, and he cannot venture a liar with the same as these clear predictions, as well as the storiesAbout the previous nations - not knowing their news - the sincerity of his prophethood.
3- The proof of the perfection of legislation, beliefs and literature that came on his tongue, and which everyone still draws from, and extracts its secrets, which a human imagination cannot bring from him;With the conquest of comprehensiveness, validity and mastery.
4- Sensing miracles: The news was frequent from the honest, the two controlling, with the occurrence of sensory miracles from it, such as: the water is bound in his hands, and the food multiplies it.This news is only responding to the response of other news that the conditions for admission met, such as the proof of the practice of “Ibn Sina” of philosophy, and “Aristotle” to logic.
5- The previous prophets preached: God told the preaching of the prophets with it (and preaching a messenger who comes after me, his name is Ahmad).This is represented by the word "comforter" and its translation, and mentioned Mecca and Jabal Varan.
The second section: suspicions about his biography's positions:
1- His marriage to Aisha and she is young: The Messenger may marry her at the sixth, but he built it in the ninth waiting for her to reach it, and the age of marriage is bitter with norms that are not related to an objective definition, and it is different among all countries.We see that any of the Quraysh, the Jews or the hypocrites did not deny this to the Messenger, and that the amount of happiness, familiarity and love with which the relationship has been denied by all evil.The strange thing is that sexual relations outside of marriage are not denounced by those who denounce the Prophet’s action.
2- The Bani Qariyah incident: claiming brutality and killing children.He responds that the reason for their killing is their great betrayal of the Messenger and the believers in the battle of the parties, by allowing the infidels to pass. This provided an opportunity to kill all Muslims..Nevertheless, the Messenger only killed men, without women and children.And we will break the covenant with the Messenger, which included all the sons of Qurayza;Some of them were concluded with betrayal, and some of them agreed to their mark.
3- His marriage to Safea: It is claimed that he married her on the day of her husband's death without reason.This is not true. Rather, the word hadith is declared with the solution.She was satisfied with marriage, a carrier of conversations.With the presence of those who refused to marry the Messenger.
الباب الرابع: شبهات حول التشريع الإسلاميّ: جانبان:
1- Prosecuting the injustice of women in Islam: Among the most prominent manifestations of the case of inheritance.And he responds to her that a woman in many cases inherits equal with men, and in other cases she inherits more than him, and that the remembrance is the demand for a dowry for a woman in marriage and he is obligated to spend on her, even if she is rich, and that the origin of condemnation is the idea of equal equality between men and women in everything.This is contrary to the syntactic nature of them, and Islam has legislated legislation according to the need: so it was prescribed for adornment and gold, while preventing them from men, and it was obligatory for jihad for men without women.Here, the writer surprises that the positions of the presidency in the West for men are only in rare cases;Are they not convinced of what they say?!
It shows the faces of fraud among the owners of the lawsuit in: mixing the customs of some affiliated with Islam with the rulings of Islam, not mentioning the aspects of honoring Islam for women, and igniting the rulings of mitigating women in other ways that are stretched over men, such as: positive spending on men, and the permissibility of silk dress and gold for women, and prayerThe congregation is for men -when it is obligatory -and takes the reward of men only from non -Muslims.As well as their overwhelming effects of their ideas, such as millions of children of miscarriage.
2- Similar to jihad: Here they build their conception of contemporary combat groups belonging to Islam, even though they are rulers who are controlled by Sharia, not rulers on them.They ignore the aspects of mercy in the provisions of jihad;It is not permissible to target children and women, prohibiting treachery and representation of bodies, and the permissibility of the infidel on his disbelief with the payment of the tribute ....Then they forget millions of people who were killed by non -Muslims, as well as the motives of Islam to fight (spreading the religion of God, saving people from the fire, and removing tyrants to evacuation between people and their free choice) that differ from the motives of others.
The second type: suspicions of skepticism about the legal principles:
الباب الأوَّل: شبهات حول السُّنة النبويَّة: تدور حول ستَّة أمور، هي:
1-Saying the Qur’an about it: with evidence of his saying (We did not have the book in the book of anything).The response is that what is meant in the verse is the preserved tablet, not the Qur’an.Even if the Qur’an is intended, there is no reason to infer it to drop the pilgrimage of the Sunnah.They also infer by saying: (And we sent the book to you to show everything).And the response is that from the explanation of the Qur’an guided it to follow the Messenger, and warn it of its contradiction in dozens of places.They also infer by saying: (May God forgive a judgment), saying that following the Sunnah takes another judgment, and this is a blessing!
And the response is that the meaning is a judgment between the Messenger and his opponents, and that this is a few understanding of the significance of judgment;God and the Messenger).
Also, the pilgrimage of the Sunnah is fixed with the different evidence: from the Qur’an we find the verses that order the Messenger and the prohibition of its violation, and from the Sunnah itself - whoever takes some Sunnah and leaves some - a hadith:
As well as fixed by the consensus of the scholars.
2-Skepticism about the Hajj news of the ones: with the argument that it benefits the suspicion, and the suspicion is reprehensible in the Qur’an.And the response is that the news of Sundays does not help;In order, the Prophet was establishing the pilgrimage of faith with a resurrection of an individual or individuals to the nations, and in fact because we are for us certainty based on the news of the ones from marriage, divorce, success and failure.And the hadiths of the authentic ones are what benefits certainty, and it contains what is more correct.And thinking is not all reprehensible in the Qur’an;Rather, it is reprehensible when it indicates a false illusion.Also, the nation unanimously accepted the news of the ones.
3- doubts about the transfer of the Sunnah and its narrators: The response is that the science of wound and modification is an accurate criterion in knowing the correct narration of Al-Alaila, and that many of the stories that were told to slander in the companions are not fixed.
4-The forbidding of writing the Sunnah and its codification: and the response is that they infer the Sunnah that they deny its pilgrimage, as well as the Messenger ordered the memorization of the hadith and its communication as forbidden to write it;Why do they take this and call that?!There have been multiple conversations in writing and writing the hadith (such as a hadith, write to Abu Shah).And a difference between the prohibition on writing and non -pilgrimage.And on the hadith of the prohibition on writing, there are those who saw it arrested on “Abu Saeed Al -Khudri”, and there are those who saw it in the hadiths of the license.As for the delay in its codification, the specialized books (studies in the hadith and the history of its blogging, Muhammad Mustafa al -Adhami), know that the blogger was not interrupted from the time of the Prophet until the time of blogging.
5- About hadith science and the curricula.As for the science itself, it was characterized by superior degrees of accuracy, and it is sufficient for a look at the conditions of health in the hadith (justice, control, the connection of the bond, and the safety of anomalies and the cause) to know the matter, knowing that under these conditions under these conditions are other conditions and complete structure.
6- The suspicion of some authentic hadiths on the pretext of opposition: The problem here begins to behave chaos in dealing with these hadiths, and throwing the imams of Muslims with ignorance, and presenting them to people publicly as if they were a surprise, as if many responses have not been dealt with for centuries for centuries.Muslim scholars have taken care of the subject of opposition in the books of the principles of jurisprudence, and in the topic of various hadiths.Among the books of the treated: the difference of the hadith of al -Shafi’i, and the explanation of the problem of the effects of Al -Tahwi.
الباب الثاني: شبهات حول الإجماع:
We find a lawsuit that the nation is permissible for the error.This contradicts that it is the best of nations, and that it is a middle -world nation.In mind, we find that the source of all rulings is the book and the Sunnah, and the groups are due to the origin of the two self..With the participation of the diligent in the origin of the tools of deduction.Is it reasonable that all of them made a mistake in understanding the text until someone claims to know the right now?!The first diligents were completed;In terms of purity.
It is noteworthy that the error is based on the error of all the old, not the increase in the sayings of the ancients new sayings, and it is also alert to the difference between the mug in the pilgrimage of consensus and the proof of its occurrence -as is the researcher in the books of the origins he means -.Some inferred in the mug about the consensus with the saying of Imam “Ahmad”: “Whoever claims the consensus is a liar” without understanding.He directed him that he said it in the opposite of the Mu'tazilah jurists who did not investigate the sayings of the Companions and the followers in their diligence, or that he said it and pious;Because the consensus lawsuit is difficult, and instead used a sentence: “I do not know about it.”.
الباب الثالث: شبهات حول منهجيَّة فهم النصّ الشرعيّ
And we read a lawsuit that everyone has his own understanding.This lawsuit removes from the text the characteristic of the statement of the truth in what Muslims differ, as well.This is a lawsuit to destroy all religion;What remains if every special vision has a special vision in the interpretation of the legal text?Does the concept of a "legal text" remain after it?!This was represented by the claim of “Muhammad Shahrour” that adultery is only married if he betrays his wife, but whoever does not marry is not an adulterer if the reality of a woman.
الباب الرابع: شبهات حول الحدود الشرعيَّة:
Including suspicions about the limit of shame;And it is brutal.This saying is claimed, despite the existence of similar limits such as cutting the hand and the man from a dispute, and the plaintiff neglects that God is appreciated.(Suspicions about the hadiths of stoning, Saad Al -Marsafi).
We also find a lawsuit against the response of the response to its opposition with a verse (no compulsion in religion).As if the scholars were unaware of this verse, but this indicates that they did not see it as an opposition to the verse.The supply of the problem stems from the central culture of the human being that controls the times, and makes it try the legal text in this central centrality..
الباب الخامس: شبهات حول الصحابة:
Suspicions are raised about the Companions, and they are unanimously responding to the people.Like the saying of “Al -Ghazali”: “The predecessor of the nation and the masses of the successor is that their fairness is known that God has modified them and praised them in his book”.Also, the Sunnis say the justice.
And many of the news that is unintended to be uninterrupted;Thus, it comes out of the discussion.The strange thing is that the appellants challenge the correct news related to them, and they are related to weak news that is chanted in them!Likewise, we see in the sins of the Companions a lot of their merits;Where they are rushing to repent, remorse and recognize, but rather insist on establishing a limit for them with the aim of purifying them.
Focuses in important intellectual chapters
The first summary: in reason and law:
The mind is not presented to the Sharia, claiming that we knew the Sharia with reason, but the Sharia is infallible and the mind is not infallible.And about the understandings, it is different and acceptance criteria.So it is not accelerated by someone who denounces something in Sharia by denial, but rather reviews and asks.The mind must recognize its limitations;This does not represent a detract from it.In our dealings with the texts, we must differentiate between the referrals of minds (matters that the mind nullifies), and the conversations of minds (matters that the mind is unable to imagine) as he said, “Ibn Taymiyyah”..
The second summary: in the contradiction between natural science and religion:
Things should be remembered in this regard: Knowing the history of the European conflict that led to the emergence of natural science, and from it its struggle with the Church;This conflict, which made most of its supporters see the trauma of knowledge with religion, and denied religion and philosophy.This is all that does not exist in the system of Islam.
Let us remember that the experimental science is not as neutral, as it seems;The physical atheistic tendency has formed a lot of it, and many of them believe that only their approach is the correct in reasoning and the manufacture of knowledge, and that the laws are enough to dispense with the Creator.We also remember that natural science is a minor;Because it is a renewed changing, its difficult stages reveal its predecessor's mistake (represented by the theory of ether between the old and the modern)).
The third summary: the issue of freedom in Islam:
This section is legitimate, not mental, related to what God has prescribed for us, and the texts must be gathered to understand the door with a correct understanding.We also take into account in his research the role of "the pressure of liberal culture" to form our visualization of freedom, and the distinction between the features of their freedom and the Islamic perception of it..We also pay attention to some of the concepts of freedom in Islam that did not come in Western conception, such as liberating man from the worship of money or lust.
Finally, the distinction between the area of freedom, while the person believes in himself and the space of advertising in society;He separated between his belief and speaking out of disbelief or challenging religion publicly, and a difference between the existence of a personal problem and the broadcast of these problems between people and the corruption of their faith..