5 technical tips that make you more productive in your work

5 technical tips that make you more productive in your work

توفر لك الكثير من الوقت والجهد السبت - 13 ذو الحجة 1436 هـ - 26 سبتمبر 2015 مـالقاهرة: «الشرق الأوسط أونلاين»

We are often wasting a lot of time because of our slow computers, and sometimes the reason for this is the computer itself, but our misuse of it.Hence, the "Technology World" website provided the following advice that may help people achieve a better benefit because of their electronic devices, so that their total productivity increases work: 1 - Use email management applications on mobile phones: make it your habit to add all post accountsYour electronic to your favorite email management application on all your electronic devices, whether it is a smart phone, a tablet, or a laptop, in order to stay immediately permanently on your electronic messages and you can follow them anywhere and through any electronic device of your own.2 - Use Cloud Services to manage notes, appointment schedule, and daily tasks: cloud services.If you depend on your electronic devices to organize daily work hours, remind you of what you should do from tasks, and write down daily notes, you have no other logical option but to use these cloud services.Cloud services allow you to keep all your personal devices, mobile phone, tablet, and desktop computer, on permanent knowledge of the observations you wrote, or what you added to the daily work hours schedule, which means that you always stay in view of these vital mattersWhatever the device you use at this moment.3 - Take advantage of the immediate communication between your electronic devices: Apple recently added to its electronic devices the "Continuity", which allows users to complete the tasks that they started working on on one of the "Apple" devices, such as "iPhone", when moving to the use of another deviceThey own it, like the MacBook.Users at the present time can receive their phone calls that reach them on their mobile phones using the nearest tablet or laptop device near them, and they can complete browsing the website they were looking at their mobile computer through the tablet device.The service is not limited to Apple users, as Samsung is also working on a similar service with the name Flow.4 - Achieve the great benefit from synchronization services: in addition to the immediate synchronization of observation applications, tasks, and dates tables, providing cloud file storage services, such as Box, Dropbox, etc., to move with all the files that are concerned with the latest modifications you made everywhere, and onAll your electronic devices, and without the need to occupy the storage space for your electronic device.5 - Invest in a harmonious electronic work environment: Manufacturers teach the various electronic devices that none of them are not good at producing all categories of electronic devices with efficiency and integration itself, but they also know that integration and harmony between their different electronic devices, in many cases, is a sufficient reason for the user to buy to buyMore than one electronic device for the producing company itself.Like or not, this will remain a reality that you should put in mind when you make the decision to purchase a new electronic device whatever its class, as investing in more than one electronic device belongs to the operating environment itself, such as iOS, Android, or Windows, or Windows,It makes communication and integration between these devices is the simplest and easier, which makes your electronic life in the end easier.

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5 technical tips that make you more productive in your work