Secret digital platforms and towns under their control.. The Security Council reveals methods of human smugglers in Libya to organize "death trips"

The UN Security Council has counted several techniques used by human smugglers from Libyan territory, starting from secret digital platforms to organize “death trips” to Europe, to detaining hundreds of migrants and refugees in compounds located in towns under the control of criminal gangs Armed forces led by Libyans.

The report of the United Nations Security Council, issued in September, which covers a period of one year until last August, revealed the methods used by smugglers of migrant persons and people traffickers across Libya. The boats set off directly from the coast in an attempt to cross the northern line from the region Libyan search and rescue. The smugglers instructed the people on board to make a distress call using "satellite phones" after reaching international waters. Migrant smugglers conduct operations in the same area every 10 to 20 days.

In the same context, the UNHCR indicated that smugglers use a variety of ships on sea trips from Libya, using flimsy inflatable boats that are at great risk of capsizing or deflating.

Some observers noted, according to the UN report, that the destruction of the wooden boats by law enforcement and border protection authorities may have contributed to the increased risk of the journey and the high death rate, as other smugglers used wooden vessels that appeared to be able to travel far from the Libyan coast, which increased of salvage and anchoring opportunities in Europe. They also used large boats capable of carrying 200 or more people; In May 2021, one boat arrived in Italy from Libya with nearly 400 people on board. In many cases, people smugglers and refugees were not given enough food and water, and lifejackets were not distributed.

- In pictures... The arrest of the "villain", one of the major human smugglers in Zliten - Enhancing border security and combating smuggling networks within Libyan-European talks in Tripoli - Le Drian to the "European Union": It is necessary to help Libya in confronting trafficking and human smuggling

The European Union reported that migrant smugglers use social media and digital applications to advertise and sell “flights” to Europe, and to improve communication between smugglers and migrants. and that smugglers have turned their online activities into clandestine platforms with the aim of concealing their illegal activities.

Traffickers and smugglers continued to detain migrants, asylum seekers and refugees in abusive conditions. The UN Mission in Libya and OHCHR have documented serious human rights violations against migrants and refugees in places of detention under the control of criminal groups in Libya. Across Libya, they detained hundreds of migrants and refugees in compounds located in and on the outskirts of towns under the control of armed criminal gangs led by Libyan nationals.

Secret digital platforms and towns under their control... The Security Council reveals the methods of human smugglers in Libya to organize “death trips”</p><p>The UN Security Council draws attention to the receipt of reports by the United Nations Support Mission in Libya and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights about the bodies of migrant persons left in the desert or in other uninhabited areas near Abu Issa, Al-Khums, Al-Shwerif, Bani Walid and Al-Qarabulli, And Sabha, and Tazirbo, and the corner. They are believed to have died in detention facilities controlled by traffickers and smugglers, as a result of torture or disease. Others were killed by small arms fire.</p><p>The report went back to last May, when the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime reported that several criminal groups in Libya specialized in smuggling by sea from Libya, as many crossings are carried out every month. In some cases, people fleeing Libya are refugees who originally entered the country to seek better economic opportunities, but later decided to migrate to Europe to escape exploitation and other forms of abuse, as well as the intensification of the conflict there. Meanwhile, smugglers exploit loopholes in the national legal framework for irregular migration, which lacks a clear distinction between migrants, refugees, victims of aggravated smuggling offenses, and victims of trafficking. Women and girls are at high risk of being trafficked for sexual exploitation, while men and boys are at high risk of abduction, arbitrary detention and forced labour.</p><p>With regard to smuggling methods to Libya by land from West African countries, the UN report revealed that fewer coordinated networks are involved compared to smuggling by sea via the central Mediterranean route, and the sea crossing fee is mostly paid separately from the rest of the journey. It is usually paid to different actors. The source stated that the tightening of border controls and the deteriorating security situation in Libya is the likely reason that prompted small operators to exit the local “market” in favor of larger, more organized groups, although the volume of smuggling operations along the central Mediterranean route was generally small. .</p><p>The UN Security Council describes the Mediterranean route as one of the most deadly passages for refugees and migrants trying to reach European shores. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Organization for Migration estimate that more than 1,595 migrants have died or are missing along the Central Mediterranean route. However, this number does not include persons who died or went missing after being returned to Libya, nor other migrant deaths that occurred on Libyan territory.</p><p>This number is much higher than for the previous reporting period (1 August 2019 - 31 July 2020), when at least 919 people died or went missing in the Mediterranean. Although only tentative estimates of the number of those who left for Europe along the Central Mediterranean route can be provided, data from Italy and Malta indicate that more than 20,700 people (73 percent of men, 5 percent of women, and 22 percent) percent of children) who left Libya and arrived in Europe between August 2020 and July 2021, including more than 4,350 children, compared to more than 12,530 (including more than 2,730 children) during the previous reporting year.</p><p> The International Organization for Migration estimates that the majority of people arriving in Italy from Libya used the coastal area to the west of Tripoli. More than 60% left from Zuwara, 24% from Zawiya, 6% from Abu Kammash, 3% from Sabratha, 2% from Tripoli, and the remaining 3% from other locations. The International Organization for Migration indicated that two small boats left, last June, eastern Libya (Benghazi and Tobruk).</p><p>The European Union also estimates that about 17,380 people were rescued or intercepted in 593 operations by various ships in the area of ​​operations of the European Union’s naval military forces in the Mediterranean through the “IRINI” mission, while the Libyan Coast Guard and Navy forces carried out 208 Operations, in which more than 16,000 people were intercepted and returned to Libya.</p><p> The UN body stressed once again that Libya is not considered a safe station for disembarking refugees and migrants from ships, calling on third parties not to assist any return of migrants and refugees to Libya from areas outside its territorial waters. All rescued migrants and refugees should have access to a safe port of disembarkation in accordance with the law of the sea, international maritime law, international human rights law and refugee law.</p><p>He also prompted the rapid closure of detention centers in Libya, with the release of detained migrants and refugees. Calling on the Libyan government to amend legislation to decriminalize illegal entry, stay in, and exit from the country, while ensuring that any irregularities in the context of immigration are dealt with as administrative offenses rather than criminal offences.</p><p>The report urged full, transparent and prompt investigations into incidents of excessive use of force against migrant and refugee persons, and of reckless treatment resulting in death and injury.</p></div></p>


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