Pubg: What is the Bajji game?How do you play Pubg Mobile on the computer?

Pubgi has achieved a great spread among users around the world, including Arab countries, as Bobgie has become a recent young game, as it is the most popular game now for smartphones, which is a game of battles or a multi -player combat game that is available to play online through smartphones, It is also available to play through computers and games devices including PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

What is the Pubg game?

PUBG game is an acronym for "Playernknown's Battlegrounds" or the battlefield of unknown players, which was developed by the Pubg Corporation Company of the South Korean company, Bluehole.

وتعتمد لعبة بوبجي PUBG على فيلمBattle Royale الياباني، وهو فيلم عن مجموعة من طلاب المدارس اللذي أُجبروا على القتال حتى الموت من قبل الحكومة اليابانية، كما أنها شبيهة بفكرة سلسلة أفلام The Hunger Games، والتي يتصارع فيها مجموعة من الأشخاص حتى الموت مستخدمين أسلحة مختلفة في ساحة معارك.

How do you play Pubg?

In the game of Bobji, the user can play with another group of players up to 100 players via the Internet, with the ability to play independently or form a team, and the user must succeed in fighting other players on an island of stomach as a battlefield, with a group of weapons, equipment, dressings, etc.It helps the player to fight others and survive, within a specific time of only 30 minutes.

The Pubg game begins that the player be on a plane, and he must land on a specific area on the map, and the flight path with each round changes, the user must determine the best time to jump, and with the beginning of the game the user will only customize clothes, and once landing, he has toIt starts quickly in searching for weapons, shields and other equipment that the game provides in the different buildings and places, and in the event of a player's killing, his equipment and arms can be seized, with rewards when completing a tour of the game depending on the period in which the player enables the player toSurvival.

PUBG: ما هي لعبة بوبجي؟ وكيف تلعب PUBG Mobile على الكمبيوتر؟

It can be said that the Pubg game is a strategic game, in which it can be played in different maps, with the possibility of playing alone or within multiple players, and the game depends entirely on the extent of the player's success in strategic implementation and play according to the plan to survive the battle.

What are the platforms that support Pubg?

The Bobgie game is available for Windows devices through the Steam platform, and it is also available for Microsoft Xbox One, in addition to PlayStation 4, but the game has gained its great popularity of its availability for free for both Android and iOS devices for free.

The number of users of Pubg game

According to the company developed for the game, the number of users via smartphones amounted to 20 million active users per day by last September 2018, and it plays more than 1 million Bobji game through Windows devices via Steam platform, and the number of times the game is increased by Android users.The Google Play Store is 100 million times.

The Pubg game also recorded a record in the number of coincidences, or who play the game at the same time, which reached 1.342.857 players on September 17 last year 2017, to exceed the Dota 2 game.

How did Bobji achieve its popularity?

It is one of the most important advantages of the Pubg game that made it achieve its great popularity, the advantage of communicating voice with other players with high quality, which allowed many users to communicate with their friends, in addition to creating new friendships by playing with players from different countries around the world,In addition to its availability for free for both Android and iPhone phones.

The Bobgie game is characterized by high -resolution graphics, in addition to the smooth use and modernization of maps or playing paths and weapons constantly, and according to the players, the developer company is constantly fixing problems in Pubg Mobile and other versions, with the ability to control the settings to get the best experience to play on the phone.

How to download Pubg?

PUBG Mobile to download for free for Android phones and devices is available through the Google Play Store, and it is also available for free for iPhone and other iOS devices through the Apple App Store, in addition to its availability through the Windows operating system through the Steam platform for 29.$ 9, along with Bobgie also provides each of the Xbox One game from Microsoft at 29.$ 9, and the game is now available for pre -booking for Sony PlayStation 4 users for 29.9 dollars as well.

How do you play Pubg Mobile on the computer?

Popji game is only available on smartphones, whether iPhone or Android, and when you need to play on the computer or a large screen, the game must be purchased for about $ 30, but Android users can play Pubg mobile through the computer via:

- Download the Android Blostax emulator on the computer, which allows the operation of Android applications on Windows devices, then search for and install the game and start playing, and Blostax is characterized by the ability to set special keys to play in the keyboard, in addition to speeding up games when working on a larger screen, along with gettingFor game instructions such as Bobji game.

- Download the Android Memu emulator on your computer with Windows operating system, then record your account in Google in the Google Play Store, and then you can install Pubg Mobile, then start playing on the computer directly.

- Galaxy Note 9 users can take advantage of the Dex Mode in running the game on a larger screen, as the feature provides a multi -window Android interface such as Windows, the user should only connect the phone to a larger screen via HDMI cable, and then it can open any application of Android applications inA suitable interface for viewing on the big screen, and users of Galaxy S8 S8 Plus S9 Plus and Galaxy Note 8 can benefit from the same feature, but that needs to buy Dex Station or Dex Pad.

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