privacy policy

The MBC group realizes the importance of privacy and protecting personal data in the digital age and therefore it is committed to protecting the privacy of MBC services users while browsing or using our websites and using our services.

This privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") will explain how the MBC group guarantees the protection of personal data at an advanced level (for example any information related to natural persons whose identities can be determined, directly or indirectly, especially by referring to a definition feature such as name or identification numberOr information about the site or the Internet identifier, or one or more of the factors specified for this natural person; referred to later as "personal data").

Specified, this privacy policy will clarify the following:

This privacy policy applies to all the services provided and provided by MBC Group Holding Lamad (which includes all its entities, including MBC M. H-M.M. ("" MBC Group ")On its websites, its digital applications, its competitions and other digital features ("MBC Services").

Other special notifications can also highlight certain uses that we want to make on your personal data in addition to the ability to subscribe or cancel specific uses on the basis of each case separately, including new services or other services that may have its own private policy.

Please note that in some countries you should be 18 years old or more to participate in MBC services, adulthood may be more than 18 years old, in which case you must reach this age so that you can subscribe.While individuals under the age of 18 can benefit from MBC services, they may only do this through the intervention, supervision and approval of one of the parents or legal guardian.

Main definitions of privacy policy:

Why do we collect and process your personal data?

We collect and process your personal data for the following purposes:

On what legal basis do we process your personal data?

Based on the type of data to be processed, we will process your personal data on one of the following foundations:

Who can access your personal data?

For the purposes described above, we will give access to your personal data for licensed MBC staff and members of the MBC group who need to know that information in order to process it for our interest, and those who are subject to strict secret contractual obligations and may be disciplined and even end our dealings with them if they fail to implementThese obligations.

In addition, we may need to transfer or allow a third party approved to access your personal data, which are:

We may also collect unknown data for the public, for a third party and other credit partners - such as advertising companies or connected sites.For example, we may share information to the public to display indicators about the general use of our services.

Where can your personal data be stored or transferred?

MBC is an international group with its subsidiaries, partners and contractors present in many countries around the world.

For this reason, we may need to transfer your personal data to other countries, including the range outside the European Economic Zone, and to countries in which data protection laws may be less than those in your country.For example, we may process your personal data on a servant outside the country where you reside and for this purpose we may transfer your personal data outside your residence country.

In order to ensure a sufficient and consistent level of protection for your personal data, we will continue to implement the appropriate guarantees to protect your personal data.

For more information, please contact us as shown in the paragraph "How to contact us".

How do we protect your personal data security?

We follow appropriate material, electronic, technical, technical and regulatory security measures, including governance forms to protect your personal data in accordance with the data protection law from unauthorized access to, use, change, disclosure, or damage personal data.

Please note that it is not possible to guarantee the transfer of any data on the Internet or the website without any interference.In addition, you should also take the right actions to protect your personal data, especially by maintaining the password and its secret.If you know or have doubts that your account adopting data has been lost, stolen, disturbed or exposed to any other risks, or if there is any useless use of your account, please contact us by following the instructions mentioned in the paragraph "How to contact us" below.

If we know or have a reason to believe that your personal data has been hacked, we will immediately inform users affected by a breach in accordance with the applicable laws.

What is the duration of keeping your personal data?

We will keep your personal data as long as your account is active, or as long as it is necessary for the purpose for which the data has been collected mainly.This period of retention may reach 10 years.Our retaining periods are based on the needs of our activities, and your information that is no longer needed to be converted into unknown or destroyed information.

We aim to maintain our services in a way that protects information from accidental or harmful destruction.For this reason, after deleting information from our services, we may not immediately delete the remaining copies of our active servers and we may not remove information from our backup systems.

We may also keep your personal data for longer periods if necessary to comply with our legal obligations or to protect our legitimate interests.

How to access, update and delete your personal data?

Under the Data Protection Law, you have the right to exercise the following rights:

You can send a request to us in this regard at any time as shown in the "How to contact us" section.

Please note the following:

سياسة الخصوصية

However, we will seek to deal immediately with your request within one month (subject to any extensions we are legally).If we reject your request, we will tell you the reasons.

How to use cookies or cookies (Cookies)

Cookies are a set of files containing information sent by a network server using a network browser, allowing the server to collect information from the network browser.Cookie cannot read data from your computer's fixed disk.

If you browse the MBC services sites, the cookies will be placed on your device: for this you are notified by the appearance of a poem (Pop up).And you agree to use these cookies if you continue to browse and use the MBC services sites.

Based on your approval and on choosing your device settings (computers, tablet smart plate, smartphone, etc.) and/or browser, when the MBC service sites can be stored, cookies can be stored by:

When using MBC services, cookies or similar technologies are stored, modified and read for the following purposes:

Whereas, it is necessary for services:

- To improve the performance of services:


Most browsing programs allow you to turn off the cookies.You are also alerted when cookies are released.If you want to know how to do this, please consider the list of instructions in your browser or the following links:



- Google Chrome:

- Safari Mac:

- Safari iPhone/iPad:


- Opéra:

- iOS:

- Android: to change settings related to cookies via social networks, we invite you to visit the following links:

- Facebook:

- Twitter:

- Google+:

However, some cookies are essential for us to be able to provide MBC services that you requested, and to turn off the cookies may affect our ability to provide our services to you, which will result in the deterioration of the experiment.

For more information on how to use cookies, please contact us as stipulated in the paragraph "How to call us" below.

How is this privacy policy applied with third -party data processing?

MBC services may be provided by and/or benefit from features (such as sound control elements) that are occupied by a third party's platforms, or contain links to sites occupied by a third party whose policies related to processing personal data may differ from our policies.

For example:

We invite you to review these policies and conditions if you want to inquire about processing your personal data by a third party.

How to contact us?

If you have any other inquiries, please contact us on the following email:

How can this privacy policy be updated?

We may update this privacy policy from time to time in response to legal, regulatory or operational requirements.Any changes in this privacy policy will be published on this page.When these changes are material, we may provide you with a specific notification of any such changes (including the date of their entry into force) according to the law.

Whereas this applies (for example, if the changes require new data processing that depends on your prior approval) we will make sure that you have had the possibility of accepting these changes so that you can continue to use our services or reject them - in this case you have the right to cancel your use of MBC services.

This privacy policy was updated on October 10, 2018.