Screen News - Palestine & World news - Palestine & World news 6 ways lemon juice helps boost health

News Screen - Lemon juice adds flavor to foods and drinks, along with being able to help improve overall health.

Simply adding lemon juice, or lemon slices, to your water can improve your complexion, boost energy levels and even lose weight more easily.

Lemon is one of the most common types of citrus, and its juices are usually used in food preparation, such as salad dressings, cake preparation, or bread. Adding lemon juice to hot or cold water and drinking it throughout the day can promote general health. .

Here are all the ways lemon juice or adding a slice of lemon to your water can benefit your health:

1 - Keep yourself hydrated

Not everyone likes the taste of plain water, so adding a slice of lemon to cold or hot water will help you drink more water during the day, which is essential for overall health and hydration.

2- Lemon is rich in vitamin C

Like other citrus fruits, lemons are very high in vitamin C.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that is believed to boost the immune system and protect cells from damage.

3 - Lemon can help you lose weight

Many people on a weight loss diet claim that drinking lemon water helps them achieve their weight loss goals.

News Screen - Palestine & World News - Palestine & World news 6 Ways Lemon Juice Helps Promote Health

Studies have evaluated the effects of lemon water on mice and found that it reduces weight gain, but more research is needed in humans.

The taste of lemon water may help stop cravings for unhealthy snacks, while staying hydrated will help you lose weight in general, especially if you replace sugary drinks with plain lemon water.

4 - Skin glow

The natural antibacterial properties of lemon can exfoliate the skin, and help get rid of blackheads.

Vitamin C also helps boost collagen synthesis, which adds another layer of protection to the skin.

Drinking lemon water can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and improve dry skin conditions.

5 - Helps digestion

Some people drink warm lemon water in the morning to get their digestive system moving. Warm liquids are known to relax the digestive system and often have a laxative effect when taken first thing in the morning.

The pulp contains a type of fiber that encourages the production of enzymes. These enzymes help eliminate unwanted waste from the body.

The combination of lemon pulp and peel can also reduce the risk of constipation.

6 - Helps prevent kidney stones

Drinking citric acid, which is found in lemons, is said to reduce the likelihood of kidney stones.

Citric acid can help break up small stones, while drinking more water can help the body cleanse the system and expel stones faster.