No to Ukra, nor for Putin's war on it
Pens and opinions
Written by: Jawad Paul
I tried not to write about the issue of the war between Russia and Ukrina;This is to avoid me to go into the difficult questions that this issue calls for, and from the contradictions in which the decisiveness is no longer clear or almost automatic as it was for me and many like me, at a time when the world was divided into two camps: one represents good in its simplified and innate concept, and the second embodies evil in its conceptAbsolute.The Soviet Union and its allies in the world were for us, we are the left -wing young people, the "sun of peoples" and its protective shadow;While we considered the West, under the leadership of the United States and its allies, from countries and regimes..But how is a weekly article writer to overlook a war of war whose repercussions are hundreds of millions of people throughout the globe?And the bride of our immortal dreams.I cried as a man who fulfilled his sophisticated childhood.I felt that I was a cloud from Nada Lorjani flying towards that far, as he did not sleep from "roofing the steel" and taught "the gallows how to glorify the braids of pride and dignity".The square was broader than a dream, and the buildings surrounded by a swimming stars in a humiliating space;Everything around me was a cause.I lived moments on the impact of the echo and the drums of drums in the squares of our towns in the first marches of May.I remembered, with a painful smile that is from the ends.I laughed in my secret when I remembered how we were spinning like the drunkenness of the "great" brigades "eyebrows, and with the shoes of Nikita Khrushchev as he hit the face of the vast world;How did the rest of the leaders of the Soviet Communist Party stand as columns of Olympic marble and lead high red platforms as Greek deities;We are convinced that they are able to achieve every miracle, crushing every enemy, and overcoming every danger.The moments passed and I was at the tunnel of that gray time.I did not listen to what our tourist guide said about our visits program the next day;But I understood, from one of my friends in the group, that he did not mention the visit of the Lenin shrine, knowing that it is one of the most prominent landmarks in the red arena..On the bus, I asked him why I will not visit the shrine?He replied that it is just a "grave" and there are more beautiful and most important sites in modern Russia.Our guide, as the officials of the Tourist Office, who arranged for us the procedures of the trip were a former lecturer and specialized in the history of Russia specifically, and is considered one of the most prominent and successful tour guides, because he knows the two cities, Moscow and Petersburg, the right to know.I did not accept his answer and asked to add a visit to the shrine to our program, so he did so after the entire group voted on the proposal.We lined up, the next morning, behind dozens of citizens who came to visit the shrine before us.They were standing in the Red Square with reverence and progressing on the rustle of the branches of high trees surrounding one of the places of the place.Inside dread and a little light.The room was cold and in the middle of it, the body of Vladimir Eleich Lenin, and around him, was standing on both sides, guards who call on visitors to advance without delay, and so we did.It was impressive moments that I still remember the divisions of his whistling face and that it was short.We ended the visit silently, and I remember that we did not talk about it until after time, because the place was not, for some of us, just a grave, as our tourist guide said.I came out sad, and Flynin, the red genie, which we came to visit, was not there, and I mean in modern Russia, the majority of its people have believed in the other "Vladimir", or say "Abu Ali", and you think that there are several places, locations and symbols more important than the teacher LeninAnd more worthy of it.Our next station was visiting one of the modern markets that are embraced by Oligaric Russia and obscene capital.We arrived at the commercial center, which is located on the outskirts of the red square, which is a group of luxurious buildings built in a modern, hybrid architectural style on the spiritIts blessing and its goodness;They are the guards of the new dream of Russia, they sleep on oil and silk, and they do not know how to hold the machetes and whoever knocks the hammers.I returned from Russia that I did not dream about.I did not hate what I saw, as many of its history is still in the streets and squares;And the nostalgia that we were looking for still calling for someone to search for his lost breath there;But I went back without love her as my heart prepared for her skills and asked him to prepare for her.I returned from it, certainly that Russia today is a country like the rest of the corresponding countries, and if it remains "oriental" with inheritance, it has become "western" to the core, with its ambitions and the greed of its leaders and their mastery of the game of interests, and their plowing behind receiving their shares from the good and vulnerable countries.Russia, Vladimir Putin, is no longer the "sun of the peoples" that danced us under the protection of its warmth, and not their ally, unless its interests are required to play this role, as it played in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Palestine and performed today in Ukrina, whether it is hated, as Putin's supporters believe., Or in order to preserve its interests as a superpower, as opponents believe in Putin.I say that and I know that I open a front of the opponents who do not agree with me today and did not agree with me at the time of this division;And fronts of opponents who will not accept what I will say based on the demise of the foundations of this rule, the hour of the great Soviet Union collapsed and the Warsaw Pact, the deterrent military arm in the face of the West and its military arm, NATO, whose strength contributed to subjugating the countries of the world, disappeared to the dominance of “one poleAnd to the treatment of Russia as a secondary force, or at best as a regional power that, for years, has been unable to confront several global events in a balanced club.We will not find clearer than Putin himself says about his country's motives of his current war against Ukraine;He, after he narrates what happened from the moment of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the growing role of America and its European allies and their attacks on many independent countries and its destruction and winning its capabilities, and continuing their endeavors in besieging Russia, and starting to take actual steps that threaten its security and territorial integrity, such as what happened on the part of Ukrina during the yearsThe past, declares that Russia is determined to confront all that is happening, until its position is recovered as a global force, which has what it has and it has what it has, in the structures of the global system that will only be drawn with it and its full participation..Is it, as Putin declares himself, every person must take a position with him or against him? Is it sufficient for his preference in the current position between him and Ukrina the doll, the imperialist American ally, what we hear from his supporters between us that the difference lies in the fact that America is a rogue imperial state, while Russia Putin has still still, to this day, is just a major capitalist state that houses the capital of the capitalists who have shed On the goodness of the Soviet Union, and Russia in particular, and they control the necks of a country that was one day a great empire? I am against Ukraina's policy and its attacks on Russian soil and its rude harassment of Russian sovereignty; And against America's expansionist policies, their destruction of countries, the looting of their goods, the crushing of their peoples and their attempts to control alone in the world order; But I cannot support the current Putin war on Ukrina, even if the interests of Russia justify it as Putin has publicly made it, so who will pay the bills of this war are the people of Ukraina and Russia, and it is sufficient for a motivation not to stand with it.I hear who will mock and bash this situation, especially those who live in one ruler called America, so where are the latter to be against it..This is their right and to believe in it;But they cannot claim to own the corner of the truth alone, as they sleep in the bosom of "bear" that had bitten the "mother of his mother", the ones that we called "the sun of peoples".This war will end and the truth will remain absent between Vladimir Lenin and Vladimir Putin.
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