Medan is talking to an international employment consultant. How do you get rid of the confusion of finding the best job?

You are a young man at fifteen, sitting on your office and contemplating the roof of the room and drifting to awakening dreams: I want to become a doctor, but I love music and want to learn the piano, while my friend advises me to learn the German language immediately so that I can get a job opportunity abroad, how I wish to liveIn a European country!

At the same time, you are watching your older brother driving his "X6", which he recently bought after winning a profitable business deal, and at the same time aspires to your cousin who studied space science and now works in NASA and lives a luxurious life in the United States, thinks for a while that lifeIn the United States it may be better than Europe, but one of your sister's friends received a scholarship from the Alsun College to study Japanese in Tokyo, and you love the anime films they make.

Dreams pay adrenaline in your body, you feel that you have a lot of energy to do everything, but your father does not care for all of this, and continues to urge you to choose the College of Engineering to become an engineer like him, so what is the work?

Globalization tax

Several decades ago, the options were few and the methods are clear and unambiguous."In the past, the youth knew only the jobs performed by parents or family members, or the profession of people who were exposed to them in their daily livesLike doctors and teachers. "

Often you would grow up to work in agriculture or trade, or sometimes you may become a doctor, engineer, or even an atomic world.Today, after the whole world has become a distance from your finger, it is no longer possible to be satisfied with what is available in your country.How is that while you are watching the wide world, different cultures, new job opportunities, and areas that you have not heard before you seize the labor market?

Traveling to study abroad was also tremendous as it is now.The Internet opened the door to us on the "Ali Baba" cave, which is stacked with various grants to study abroad, and social media has doubled the chances of these grants to reach everyone without exception.

"During the generation of the generation (Generation Z) and the generation of the millennium, they were exposed to many professional examples thanks to their comprehensive view of the world and the huge number of prayers via social media."Now you can choose not only among the colleges in your country, but almost all colleges of the world if you are identical to the conditions of enrollment.Of course, whenever you get a distinguished university education, your chances of winning a shiny job later.

This looks pleasant and attractive, and the post -Millennium generation may be really more fortunate than previous generations, but what if these choices are and to you?How can you choose from this wide sea of life?

A lot of jam

In a famous experience at the beginning of the millennium, 24 different tastes of jam were shown to consumers, and then this number was reduced to only 6 tastes.The aim of this experience was to determine whether or not the number of choices available to Jupiter would affect his purchasing decisions.

This experiment was caused by the term "Paradox of Choice", where it was found that the sales of the jam increased by 10% when reducing the choices to only 6, unlike the expected.The paradox of choice means that your ability to make a decision is inversely proportional - at a certain stage - with the number of options available to you, and what applies to the selection of the jam applies to choosing the course of your life.

It is not strange today that we find young people confused about their matter, lost in front of this frightening amount of training courses, language education centers, scholarships, and training workshops that qualify for different jobs.With one look on the "Save" list in your Facebook profile, we can monitor dozens of lists of sites that offer free courses, and links that teach you languages in 3 months, not to mention the different job ads that require programmers, designers and content writers.You may say to yourself: "I can do this", but how can you choose a job if you have the freedom to become anything on earth?

"The experience of the jam is definitely closely related to the process of choosing the profession. Although many research on the abundance of options was focused on consumer behavior - that is, how we make decisions regarding the products and services that we buy - the application of the same principle to the optionsProfessional is possible. "

We can consider the labor market to provide "jobs for sale", and you, as a consumer, have to choose the best taste, and the currency that you will pay is the years of education, the costs of courses, graduate studies, etc.Tuller continues her speech: "We use the word market in the context of the labor market or the professional market, so a metaphor we can consider the professional choices of young people such as the process of determining any functional direction you will buy."

Choice paralysis

Before the jam experience, it was often celebrated in options as a way for a better and happier life. The presence of various options in front of you raises the level of internal sense of control, because you will choose what you feel passionate about, not what the limited life choices impose on you. But after a certain number of options, abundance may become a mind. "I see this problem a lot with my young customers. When they see the results of their professional evaluation (also known as a job test), the large number is surprised, sometimes hundreds of professions that correspond to their capabilities, interests and strengths, and they can be lost in thousands of thousands of The choices.

Imagine that you choose between 10 different professional paths, study the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, and are looking for the experiences of others who preceded you in each path, and continue to analyze every new information until it reaches the "ideal option" that will give you the greatest amount of happiness, self -realization and material verification.

Of course there is no perfect profession, so you may continue to search forever without making a real decision.You are now in a state of paralysis known as "analytical paralysis".George Miller's psychologist's theory explains the matter, as it is believed that the working memory accommodates only 5-9 effects at the same time, so any number of options exceeds this number may lead you to confusion and dispersion.

It is not so simple, even if you choose the career path that gives you stability and happiness, you may feel remorse later while you are sitting in a family gathering and your sister's husband talks about his many accomplishments, or you are watching your peers via social media talking about their wonderful jobs.

"Now, they [young people] see people around the world (online), and perhaps through their personal relationships, they do all kinds of interest, which may inherit a feeling of anxiety of having to settle in only one job."You may feel that those around you have a better life, or more happier, and of course better jobs than you.

In the world in which we live today and contains thousands of options, and many people who are fond of reviewing what they do and what they have on social media, are easy to have regret."The Paradox of Choice" describes the case of "Buyer's Remorse", saying: "After the purchase decision, we start to rethink and persuade ourselves that the options that we rejected were in fact better than the choiceWhat we took, or imagine that there are better alternatives that we have not discovered yet. "This generates a feeling of dissatisfaction with what we have chosen, even if our choice is really good.

Wrong decisions

There is another factor that cannot be overlooked while choosing your job, which is "you", what you prefer and you can do, and not only the functions that the market offers is promising in the future."It is important to choose a functional field in growth or is expected to remain stable -if job growth and stability and increase the material return is priority for the individual -but it is not always a good idea to choose a job just to expected its prosperity."

Parents are in this trap sometimes when they pushing their children a push towards learning a field because of the expectations that it will be the dominant field in the future."We have seen this attention to programming, as it was expected from everyone to learn programming from a very young age. Programming is a very valuable skill, but not everyone may be suitable for the work of software engineers."

Perhaps we sometimes forget that children are different, and each of them has its own abilities and preferences that do not necessarily agree with what their parents want, Tuller says: "I see that with parents who expect their children to become scholars or computer engineers, while this is not the appropriate choice for their children.".

It is not limited to parents, sometimes the source of these pressures is the same person, as Tuller explains: “Sometimes young people impose these pressures on themselves. They may hear that jobs in the field of sustainability (building vital systems) are exciting, without taking into account if it isThis is one of their interests, or perhaps they see thousands of jobs announced for nurses or health care workers, and they think that they may have to behave this trend even though they lose consciousness when seeing blood. "This enthusiasm towards new and exciting usually attracts young people towards options that are inappropriate for their capabilities, especially if these jobs generate high financial income.

Also, young adults have a short view of the future, Tuller tells "Midan": "For example, I often work with people who are 20 or 25 years old and feel that the profession that they will now choose is where they will continue for the rest of their ages."This feeling of choice must generate violent anxiety inside you, what if the choice is misrepresented?What if better job opportunities later emerge?This brings us back to the analytical paralysis that will impede your making any real decision."After training them about the possibility of changing professions or starting to trade several times during their life, they are more comfortable."

Everything that applies to choosing a new function also applies to changing the career path later.It is no wonder that after several years in your job, you feel that this place does not fit you, and that you do not only need to search for another place to work, but to search for a new job at all, perhaps the job you were dreaming about while you were a child and did not fulfill for some reason.

At this stage of your life, not only the problems of changing your functional path when abundance of options, but also extend to your concern about your financial safety.What if you do not succeed in your new path?What if you spent your savings on a project that will fail later?This anxiety increases in the presence of a family that depends on you, of course.

At the end of her meeting with "Midan", Tuller gives advice to young people who are coming to choose their professional paths: "It is not wise to choose a stagnant job or you will be able to disappear soon, but it is also not wise to choose a job just because it is in the list of (promising professions)."

To reduce the options available to you to a reasonable number you can really choose from, perhaps the search process must start vice versa, Tuller says: "Instead, young people should know their strengths and interests, and what kind of tasks that motivate them, and what shape the work environment in which they can adaptThen choose the most shiny profession on which these conditions apply. ”



1- Dr.Michelle Tullier, PHD, CCC, CPRW, ATLANTA, GA, 30324 |Psychology today

2- The Paradox of Choice- Barry Schwartz