Linux Discusses Latest Innovations at CES 2020
Linxis is the home link department of the Global Bilkin Group and the “Vocal Intercontinental Technology” of the CES 2020 Consumer Electronics Fair, with a list of new innovations for smart homes that include the fifth-generation communication technology as well as the sixth generation wifi network and home control devices.
Ready for the fifth generation.
Fifth generation wireless technologies provide high speed of communication to allow faster content abatement, shorten response time for higher reliability of retardants, with the possibility of connecting more devices at the same time. Fifth generation technologies are ideal for the creation of smart cities with the potential to support digital operators in the transport, health care and manufacturing sectors, through this new generation of networks.
Linksis is at the forefront of the fifth-generation communication network revolution, especially with the widespread and growing adoption of such networks, providing a set of devices developed to harness the potential of the latest cellular network technologies in the service of smart communities.
During its participation today in the CES 2020 consumer electronics exhibition, Linksis reveals a number of innovations that the company intends to put on the market starting from the beginning of the spring season 2020 and which will last until the end of the year, the most important of which are:
بالاعتماد على أفضل تقنيات الاتصال اللاسلكي ومعايير واي فاي من خلال تقنيات الجيل الخامس وشبكات واي فاي من الجيل السادس، تقدم للمستخدم اتصالا سريعا ويسيرا في كل مكان، لاسيما مع منفذ USB الذي يتيح خاصية الشحن السريع، وبهذا تقدم إمكانية تشغيل الأجهزة وابقائها على اتصال سواء في المنزل أو أثناء التنقل
A modem that supports the fifth generation.
Broadband connectivity of the fifth generation home, coupled with Intellignent SetlechTM with the Vilop systems of Linxis, which provides houses with the uninterrupted high volume of communication
Filop 5G Machines
Rutter is an outsider who supports the fifth generation.
Quick and immediate communication using the fifth-generation technology and via the frequency of a millimeter wave that allows up to 10 gigabytes of speed and supports a high-speed connection to the Internet.
Preparing for the future with the sixth generation wi-fi networks.
تشهد عائلة منتجات لينكسيس بتقنيات واي فاي من الجيل السادس اليوم إضافة كلا من موجه للربط الشبكي ثنائي الموجة باستخدام واي فاي 6 “MR9600“ إضافة إلى نظام Velop عبر تقنية واي فاي 6 “AX4200″، لتقديم أسرع تقنيات الاتصال عبر معيار واي فاي وتقنية الربط الشبكي الذكي Intelligent Mesh™ والتي تتيح اتصالا أسرع بالإنترنت، وتعزز من نطاق التغطية، وتدعم الربط الشبكي الموثوق والسهل باستخدام واي فاي.
Wi-Fi router 6, double wavelength, MR9600.
نظام Velopعبر واي فاي 6 “AX4200”
تقنية استشعار الحركة واستكشاف التواجد في المركبات معLinsys Aware
In collaboration with Oregon Wireless, the leading company in the field of intelligence techniques and radio logo, it is offering new improvements to the health services and security enhancements sectors through vehicle movement identification, breathing tracking and sleep tracking, and crash detection programmes.
"Will's health incubators"
In-vehicle motion sensor.
Linksis works to develop the applications of L Shaders Aware for Movement Sensing and to enable them to monitor movement within vehicles, to address public safety issues such as cases of uncensored abandonment of children or pets in vehicles during maximum temperatures.
Using the L's Aware built-in software, the in-vehicle movement recognition system from Linxis senses movement or breathing while the vehicle stops operating, informing the user / user when any movement or breathing occurs, in order to avoid any risk.