Lectures in the history of Marxism

The first lecture [Introduction- Industrial Revolution in England- the Great French Revolution and its impact in Germany]]

مقالات ذات صلة

The second lecture [the Revolutionary Movement in Germany in 1830 - Ryland - Marx and Engels teenage years - Angeles Literary Writings - Marx editor "Al -Rhini newspaper".]]

The third lecture [the link between scientific socialism and philosophy -material -Kant -Fekha -Hegel -Fuarbach -Material Marx dialectic -the historical message of the proletariat]].

The fourth lecture [criticism of the common views on the history of the "Communists Association" -Marx Organized -Conflict against Vitling -Establishing the "Communists Association" -"Communist Statement" -Conjunction with Brodon]].

Fifth Lecture [German Revolution 1848 -Marx and Engels in the Ryland -Emotion of the "New Rhinist newspaper" -Guchlake and Velic -Labor Union -Politics of the "New Rhinist newspaper" and its tactic -Etienine Born -turn in Marx Tactics -defeat the revolution and disputes in opinions in "The Communists Association » - The defection)].

The sixth lecture [apostasy from 1852 to 1862 -"Tribune" of the New York -Crimean War -Marx's views and Engels -Italian issue -Discussing Marx and Engels with LaSal -the debate with Vogue -Marx's position on La Lael]]

The seventh lecture [Crisis 1857-1858 -the growth of the labor movement in England, France and Germany -the Cosmic 1862 exhibition in London -the civil war in America -the cotton industry crisis -the Polish Intifada -the establishment of the first international -the role of Marx -“the opening discourse”]].

The eighth lecture [Constitution of the First International - London meeting - Geneva Conference - Marx Report Memorandum - the UN conference in Lausanne and Brussels - Baconen and Marx - Pal Conference - The French -Prussian War - Paris column - the conflict between Marx and Picon - The Hague Conference]]

The ninth lecture [Engels settles in London-its role in the General Council-Marx's disease-Engels replaces Marx-"Ante-Dahring"-the last years of Marx-Marx's interest in Russia-Engels publishes Marx's books after his death-the role of Engels during the reign of the second international-deathEngels]].


بناء على اقتراحي، قررت شعبة الدعوة التابعة للجنة موسكو لحزب روسيا الشيوعي [40]] في أيار 1922 تنظيم دورة دروس قصيرة الأمد عن الماركسية في نطاق الأكاديمية الاشتراكية."The goal of these lessons was to strengthen Marxist preparation and provide comrades working in the party, unions or economics with a curriculum for their subsequent studies.".Although a number of comrades who decided that the attempt to attract the workers of various branches to the course of this lesson without removing them from their jobs in the party and non -party is eliminated by failure, the experiment suffered a great success.The ages of listeners (more than 50 percent are in the thirtieth and over), and a period they included in the party (69 of them attributed to the party before October 1917, and 64 of them and in 1918 and 1919), and their social status (more than 80 percent are proletarian),And their perseverance on the lessons (80 people did not miss a single lecture), showing that they had a sincere desire to educate.

It was hoped that he would be extended within the lessons, but the Dawa Division of the Moscow Committee decided other than this opinion.

I was delivered during the course, and according to the scheme I set myself, a series of lectures on the following topics: A- Hayat Marx and Engels and their work- d.Riazanov, 2- Divide Materialism- A..Debourine, 3- Instead of a seminar on historical materialism, Stepanov gave four lectures on the history of religion.

It has been entrusted with the historical episode.I had to take into account that my comrades took specific topics.It was in my intention to present in the following lessons of Marx's economic opinions, but I devoted my tenth lecture to the overview of the capital and for the following question: How do we read capital?This lecture will be published separately, after reconsidering and completing it.

The reader will now understand the reason for some gaps in the lectures I publish here.It is mainly dedicated, like Marx's biography by Mehreng's pen, to the life of Marx and Engels and their work is thick..

It remains for me to say a few words about the nature of my lectures.I tried, as much as the topic, to be popular, and hope that these lectures are easy to understand on readers who are at a level that qualifies them to absorb the explanation that I wrote to the students ’school students about the Communist statement (Moscowski Rabucci publications).Certainly, they will need, for this, to prepare a specific, already available to my listeners in general.These listeners, who have been fortunate to be prepared in the party, have all read on my advice, priorly, a rituine crusher and will be on Marx..As I could notice from the questions I asked them, it was in their preparation.Accordingly, all of my listeners were familiar with a extent or another in the usual way in dealing with the topic on which my choice signed.

I will add, by drawing professors of our party’s schools, that my method, as they will notice themselves, differ greatly, not only from the curriculum of Mereng, but also from the approach of other writers of Marx and Engels, as well as from the approach of the historians of the United Nations..My lectures have carried me to give up every scientific tuning that has a form of margins and referrals to references, and I did not allow myself to have some evidence except as I rarely.However, I can say, however, that my conclusions are based on a lengthy and audited study, not only for everything that was published, but also for many materials that I have drawn from a variety of archives (archives), I was the race in most cases to exhum it from dust and forgetfulness.To whom he wants, he can find in the collection of my writings on the history of Marxism, which will be published in a special edition, on evidence and proofs in support of some of my theses..

The first lecture [Introduction- Industrial Revolution in England- the Great French Revolution and its impact in Germany]]

The topic that I will treat is purely historical, but at the same time I take the following task: when Marx and Engels were a teacher, they account for your interest as the subjects of the material perception of history, and as well as the creators of scientific socialism, in my friend to recount their history using their own approach, applying their material perception.

Although our program notes the importance of the group, we see us, sometimes attributed to the role of individuals in history.In particular, in particular, you see us somewhat, some of the role of the masses, and we have a page on the general economic and historical conditions that determine the role of individuals..Engels's character bends a little in front of Marx's character..It is hardly possible to find in the history of the nineteenth century a man who has identified his activity and his scientific graduation thought and the work of a series of generations in a number of countries.Soon, forty years have been resorting to Marx's death, but he is still alive, and his idea continues to exercise his influence, defining intellectual development even to bring countries, countries have not heard in his name on the day he was alive..

Marx's name is very well known in Russia.And now fifty years have passed since the release of the Russian translation of "capital", but the effect of Marxism is not increasing year after year.It will not be in the future of the future to study Russian history from 1880 without studying the books of Marx and Engels, given the depth of their penetration in the history of Russian socialist and social thought, and in the history of the Russian revolutionary labor movement.

Here we are standing in front of two and two men who set the destination of human thought.So let us turn to the conditions and the environment in which it grew up.Every person is a product of a specific historical medium, and every great genius comes with something new, but he does so on the basis of what was done before him.He does not have to be nothing.But more than that: If we want to define the genius of a man from men and the degree of innovation and authenticity, we could not do so unless we have an approximate idea of what was done before him, and about the development that human thought and human society had realized the day that man began to form and the influence of the middle will be affectedOcean.Accordingly, we must even understand Marx- and this will be a practical application of Marx's approach to Marx himself- to study the influence of the historical medium on Marx and Engels.

رأى ماركس النور في 5 أيار 1818 في تريير [40]]، وانجلز في 28 تشرين الثاني 1820 في بارمن.And Raiir and Parmen are two German cities located in one region, the Ryland region surrounded by the Rhine River, which composes the boundary line separating France and Germany.Marks and Engels were born in almost one time, in two years and a few years.

A boy in Germany, in one region, in the first half of the nineteenth century.And the child, as you know, is especially vulnerable to the influence of the family medium in the early years of his life.From the tenth year, or the twelfth year, it is exposed to a more complex influence, the effect of the school, as it begins to contact with a set of phenomena and facts that he was ignorant of in the narrow circle of family life.

محاضرات في تاريخ الماركسية

We then see Marx and Engels from now in a specific geographical medium: Germany.And we will see later what the layer they were belonging to by virtue of their origin.In about the year 1830, they had two conscious boys, but at that time a tunnel was subjected to the influence of the historical social milieu..

Let's see how the general historical situation was the day Marx and Engels began to revive a conscious life.The years 1830 and 1831 are revolutionary for Europe. في 1830 اندلعت ثورة تموز [41]] في فرنسا.She overwhelmed the entire Europe, from west to east, and even realized Russia itself, as it moved in the Kingdom of Bologna to an uprising 1831 [42]].So, then, as soon as Marx and Engels, two boys are aware of a destiny or another, until they found themselves in the cycle of the revolution, they receive the impressions of the revolutionary era..But the July 1830 Revolution was itself but a completion of another greatest revolution, we cannot know its results and its impact until we understand the historical medium in which both Marx and Engels broke out from the collar..

The history of the nineteenth century is determined as an extension to 1830 with two basic factors: the industrial revolution in England and the Great French Revolution.The Industrial Revolution in England began around 1760, and it extended over a very long period of time.She realized her heels in the late eighteenth century, but it was not over only about 1830.What is the industrial revolution (as Engels called it)?

In the second half of the eighteenth century, England had become a capitalist country.It had a layer of workers, from the proletarians, that is, a layer of men deprived of every property, not owned by production tools, and thus hated to sell their workforce as the commodity is sold until they lived.There was also a layer of capitalists who used the workers' class.And it was finally a class of senior real estate owners.

However, capitalism in England was still technically dependent on the mid -eighteenth century on ancient manual production, on the profession.We do not mean the old literal production, as each facility included only one employer, two or three of the customers, and some beginners.That literal production had evacuated the coast of the capitalist production pattern.In the second half of the eighteenth century, capitalist production in England was laboratory [43]].In the laboratory phase of the development of production, capitalists continue to exploit the worker, but on a large scale, and in a much larger operator than the craftsman.As for the perspective of organizing work, laboratory production is distinguished from the craft industry by collecting hundreds of craftsmen at a large headquarters.Among those men who count hundreds, whatever the profession in which they work, is a complete division to work with all the results of this division.This is the capitalist facility, an facility without machines, but the division of labor, division of how to produce it into different partial operations, has gone away from a long way.In the middle of the eighteenth century, this laboratory era realized the height of its prosperity in England.

Rather.The place of ancient craftsmen tools replaced machines.This renewal occurred the first thing that happened in the main branch of the English industry: fabric.A major shift on the technical side of the profession of weaving and deer has occurred with the outcome of the successive application of a series of inventions.And I will not prepare all these inventions.I will only say that around the year 1780, the spindle and the robot was invented, and in 1785, Watt also invented his elaborate steam machine that allowed the possibility of establishing laboratories in cities after it was before it was only held at the streams of the necessary energy..This resulted in conditions for the focus of production.Beginning in 1785, attempts to use steam began as an engine in a number of industry branches.However, the progress of industrial technology was not at the speed that our school summary is talking about sometimes.That is why I said that the period from 1760 to 1830 is the entire era of that major industrial revolution.This is that the spindle that many of you know, the Self-Acting Automatic is a lot of spread in our laboratories, did not take its complete, elaborate, and final form, except in 1825.Likewise, the automated loom did not take its current form until 1813, although the first rollers were invented before 1760 (Nol Cartrite in 1785), that is, before that date, there is nothing wrong with its length..

We are, then, in front of a country and the inventions are continuing without interruption for seventy years, and the money in which production is concentrated more and more, and what I have in it is the spinning and small fabric that is extinct and gradually disappeared, and the craftsmen replaced the constantly increasing number of proletarians.Thus, we find in England at the end of the eighteenth century, especially in the mid -nineteenth century, and instead of the ancient workers class that began to form in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, which was not, even in the second half of the eighteenth century, only a small part ofThe population, we find a lot of census of the population, which is called all social relations.

In the way of the industrial revolution, a degree of concentration occurred within the working class in particular, and a change occurred on all economic relations.Al -Ghazal and Al -Nassagon have been removed from the conditions of their usual existence.Initially, the worker in the laboratory was not much distinguished from the craftsman or the farmer, so he was reassuring to tomorrow, realizing that he lived in the same conditions in which his father or grandfather lived, but everything has changed now.The ancient family relations between the owners of establishments and workers have disappeared, and the owners of the establishments became throwing to the road with dozens and hundreds of workers.Then the two last two revolted against this radical change, on this coup in the terms of their lives.He seized their hearts, and their anger and hatred at the beginning focused on the external mark of that new revolution that opposes their interests, that is, on the machines that were diagnosed in their eyes all evil.At the beginning of the nineteenth century, a series of workers' rebellions on machines occurred on technical improvement in production.These rebellion movements reached the maximum range in England in about 1815, as a result of the start using the developed automated woven..And then the movement invaded all industrial centers, and after it was spontaneous, its slogans and leaders were created.

To confront this movement, known in history as the Lod, which was quoted in the opinion of some of them from the name of one of the workers, and in the opinion of some of them from the name of General Al -Kharafi Luda, who the workers signed their data, the ruling classes and the prevailing oligarchy resorted to the most severe and strict measures.Every work of destruction, and every attempt to sabotage the machines is death, and many workers spent hanging.

There was a need for appropriate propaganda to enlighten the workers, and to understand that the error of their situation is not due to the same machines, but rather the conditions in which these new machines are used.The fact is that the revolutionary movement, whose goal is to transform workers into a conscious mass mass, is able to address certain social and political conditions, which has grown and develops strongly in England, specifically in 1815..I will not enter into the details of that movement, but I would like to mention that if it started in 1815-1817, its pioneers appeared in the late eighteenth century.

But in order to understand the role of these pioneers, we must now study France, because it is difficult for us to understand the first steps of the English movement without knowing the role of the French Revolution.

The French Revolution broke out in 1789, and realized its peak in 1793.From 1794, she toured, and a few years later, Napoleon's military dictatorship.In 1799 Napoleon made his coup, and he held the position of the consul for a period of five years, then he declared himself an emperor, and he owned France until 1815.
كانت فرنسا، حتى نهاية القرن الثامن عشر، قطرا تحكمه ملَكية مطلقة.In fact, the authority was in the hands of the nobility and the eclrable who were selling for financial subsidies as part of their influence of the commercial financial bourgeoisie that was under formation.The boiling of the popular masses, young producers, peasants, young and medium industrialists who did not have any privilege led to a strong revolutionary movement that forced the royal authority, in the end of the end, to accept concessions.Louis XVI summoned the "public councils" [44]].During the struggle of the two social categories represented by the class of the poor of the cities and the class of privileges, the authority fell, on August 10, 1792, in the hands of the revolutionary, revolutionary bourgeois and Parisian workers.On that day, Al -Yaquba dominated Robespierr and Maara, who should add to them the Girundian Danton.Over two years, the fate of France was in the hands of the revolutionary people whom Paris had been pioneering.Al -Yaqqa was the representatives of the bourgeoisie, but they pushed the demands of this bourgeois.They were neither the communists nor the socialists, and Robespierir, Maara and Danton were only young, democrats who took themselves to the role and the task that was supposed to be a whole bourgeoisie to accomplish them: the liberation of France from all the feudal era of the feudal era, and the creation of political conditions that allow all owners to carry out their activities freely, and every ownerSmall to manage for himself a medium income through an honorable profession or an honorable investment to do others.However, the Jacobians Robespiere and Maara, in their struggle against feudalism, and against aristocracy, mainly against the entire Europe, who was invalidating France, played the role of revolutionary leaders.In the course of that struggle against Europe, they had to resort to the use of a revolutionary propaganda plan.In order to face the power of the nobles and the kings with the power of the popular masses, they launched the slogan: “War on palaces, peace of huts!”.Under their opinion, the slogan engraved: Freedom, equality, brotherhood.

These first achievements of the French revolution have returned direct interest on Rainland, where the Jacobia associations were organized.Many Germans volunteered in the French army.Some of them contributed to all revolutionary associations in Paris.The French revolution had a great and permanent influence in the Rinland region, where the young generation maintained the nineteenth century on its heroic traditions..In his struggle with Royal and Feast, Napoleon, Napoleon, had to rely on the basic achievements of the French revolution, just because he was usurping, an enemy of the feudal regime.He had started his military life in the revolutionary army.The French soldiers, the barefoot, fought their feet, their clothes, almost isolated from weapons, against the Prussian regular forces and oppressed them with their enthusiasm, with their numerical superiority, by their ingenuity in discouraging the morale of the hostile army and dismantling it by throwing it into the saws before bombing it with bullets..Napoleon himself has resorted to his wars to this revolutionary propaganda.And he knew the right of knowledge that the defender is a strong working means, but he never neglects, until the last days of his life, the revolution of revolutionary propaganda that disintegrates the forces of opponents.

The influence of the French Revolution also extended to the east, so he even reached St. Petersburg.Our old books tell that, when the news of the fall of pastels arrived, they exchanged congratulations and embraced the streets of Saint Petersburg in particular..

وكان في روسيا أصلا مجموعة قليلة من الرجال، أشهرهم راديتشيف [45]]، تفهم عميق الفهم معنى أحداث الثورة الفرنسية.The impact of this revolution on the countries of Europe has been in extent or another.Even in England, the country that was at the head of all alliances directed against France, its impact, not only to the bourgeois elements, but also to the large numbers of workers who were created by the industrial revolution.In about 1791-1792 specifically, the light in England saw the first revolutionary labor organization, and that organization carried the name of the correspondence association, and this name was called a fraud over the English law that prohibits each association in a town of towns to establish an organizational link with another association in the townOthers.At the end of the eighteenth century, England was a constitutional country.Two revolutions had occurred in it: the first of which is in the mid -seventeenth century, and the second is at the end of it.It was considered the most liberal countries, and the clubs and associations were licensed to them, but none of those clubs or associations had no right to establish an organizational relationship with others..And they remedy this prohibition.These associations were corresponding to each other.At the head of the London Association, Skafi was called Thomas Hardy, a Scottish of French origin.It has attracted a large number of workers to the association that was its organization.The entry fee was very low.The association was organizing rhetorical meetings and festivals.Most of the workers associated with it were craftsmen, crescent and tailors.And this is that the industrial revolution that I talked about had begun to practice its deconstructive impact on the old laboratory production and on the old professions.I will mention to you another name related to the following history of the Teridonian movement in England, is Francis Plus, Al -Khayyat is a profession.Among the other craftsmen members of these correspondence societies, I will mention the insole Holcraft, the poet, writer, Al -Khatib Al -Mufu, who played a great role in the late eighteenth century.

Two or three weeks after the Republic announced in France (August 10, 1792), the Hardy Correspondence Association sent, by the French ambassador to London, with a speech and support for the Constituent Assembly [46]].That speech, which is one of the first international solidarity data, has left a major impact on the Constituent Assembly, because it was issued by the English people, and because the prevailing classes in England were then showing a runner -run hostility towards France.The Constituent Assembly responded by a special decision.The English oligarchy has invoked the relations of the correspondence associations to the French punishment in order to carry out a pursuit campaign against it.Several lawsuits were filed on Hardy and a number of his comrades.If we read the letters of the prosecutors in these trials, we would have seen how the English capitalist groups seized the revolution in order for the revolutionary France to strip its colonies in Asia and America.

The oligarchy, fearing the collapse of its control, has taken a series of measures against the nascent labor movement.The associations and federations that had licensed the bourgeois elements and the well -off members of their establishment, and which were later impossible to refrain from licensing the craftsmen, had in the year 1800 prohibited in the year..In particular, I banned all associations that exchange correspondence with each other.In the year 1799, a special law was issued to prohibit all workers ’unions in England.From 1799 to 1824, the English working class was deprived of every right at meeting and bloc.

Let's go back to 1815.The lodin movement, whose only goal was to destroy the machines.The light saw new revolutionary organizations that made their goal to change the conditions of the political life of the working class.In the first place, I demanded the right to meet, the right of the bloc, and the freedom of the press.The year 1817 began with a struggle of Al -Awar, which resulted in 1819 at the Cotton Industry Center, Manchester, about a battle for which she wrote fame, a battle known as the Battle of Petlo.Just as Nikola II applauded his brave soldiers who shot the workers of Iwislavl, the King of England also congratulated the brave knights who conquered the defenseless workers from the weapon.Moreover, strict new measures were taken against the working class, known as the six laws.But those persecutions only led to the promotion of the revolutionary struggle.In 1824, thanks to Plus, the most important that had become a rich industrial day without cutting his prayers with radicals in the House of Commons, the English workers got a concession: the famous bloc law.And it became their movement seeking to establish professional organizations whose purpose is to defend them and protect them from the persecution of employers and to obtain better work conditions and on more high wages. It has a legal basis..Beginning this day, the English Terideonne movement began to develop.There are political societies within them that made their goal of winning the right to general election.

In France, Napoleon's defeat in the year 1815 resulted in the restoration of the old monarchy of the Borbon family, and the throne was seen by Louis XVI.It is the era of the return of ownership, which lasted fifteen years. فبعد أن استعاد لويس الثامن عشر عرشه بمساعدة التدخل الأجنبي، وعلى الأخص مساعدة ألكسندر الأول [47]]، قام بسلسلة من التنازلات لصالح كبار الملاك العقاريين الذين تضرروا من الثورة.It was impossible for their lands to be returned to them, as it was inevitable in this case that they were extracted from the hands of the peasants, so he paid them a billion francs..The royal authority made its best to curb the development of new political and social relations.It sought to withdraw the most concessions that had been forced to give up.The conflict took place between the liberals and the conservatives without stopping, and finally led to a new revolution that broke out in July 1830.

As for England, which responded at the end of the eighteenth century with the French Revolution by strengthening the labor movement, it was, under the influence of the July revolution, the theater of a new revolutionary motivation, and the country spread a strong movement calling for the expansion of the election right.In that era, the electoral right was limited to a small minority of the population.The senior real estate owners were the owners of the upper hand in the elections, and who were in the House of Commons. وقد أرغم الحزبان الحاكمان، اللذان كانا يمثلان مختلف أجنحة الأرستقراطية العقارية، الويغ والتوري [48]]، على presentation تنازلات.The most liberal party of the party was written.But the industrial bourgeoisie is the only one that obtained the right to vote.In response to the treachery of the liberal bourgeoisie, to which the former member of the Correspondent Association sided, workers organized, after several unequivocal attempts, London Labor Association in 1836.The leadership of that association took over a number of talented workers, including William Louit and Henry Hasrington.In the year 1837, he formulated for the first time and his companions for the basic political demands of the working class.They made their goal to organize workers, not in a class worker party, which is focused on the face of other bourgeois parties, but rather in a political party that calls for him to have a share of influence, to participate in the political battle, and to be under the bourgeois regime of the political class of the working class.And there are currently labor parties of that type in Australia and Zelanda, the new, and not their aim is to transfer the social conditions, and it may sometimes be a close alliance with the bourgeoisie in order to secure a specific share of influence of workers in the government machine..

The document in which Luo and his companions were formulated the demands of the workers in the name of the "Charter", and their movement in the name of the "Charter" movement [49]].The workers of the charter offered six demands: public election, an annual parliament, a secret polling, a parliamentary compensation, the division of the country into equal electoral districts, and the abolition of the nomination tax imposed on the deputies.As such, the commission movement began.

In France, the July 1830 revolution led to the establishment of the Republic, but rather to establish a constitutional royal rule, headed by the leader of the Orleianse branch, who had stood during the Great French Revolution, and then during the era of the return of the monarchy later, the opposition's position on the Bourbon family. وكان لوي فليب [50]] الممثل النموذجي للبرجوازية: فقد كان حرصه على الاقتصاد والتوفير يحظى بإعجاب أصحاب الدكاكين الباريسيين الصغار.

The July ownership of the industrial, commercial and financial bourgeoisie was launched in order to allow it to have a rapid enrichment opportunity, and it has paid her strikes to the working class that has been manifested in its circles since that era, and in an insufficient manner, a tendency to the organization.

In the first years following the revolution, the revolutionary associations were mainly consisted of students and intellectuals, and the workers were only the exception..But in response to the bourgeois betrayal, a labor uprising exploded in 1831 in Lyon, Silk Industry Center.The workers seized for several days in a row on the city.They did not put any political demand, and they engraved their banner a slogan saying: “Let us live two workers or to grow fighters.”.In the end, they prevailed over their matter, and they were subjected to terrible revenge.

The uprising in Lyon was renewed in 1834.Its role was not insignificant, and the most important thing about the role of the July revolution.The latter affected the small bourgeois democratic elements in particular.As for the double Lionist intifada, it showed for the first time the revolutionary importance of the labor element that was raised, and in only one city, the banner of the rebellion on the entire bourgeoisie and clearly raised the labor issue.The demands of the Lionist proletariat were not yet directed against the foundations of the bourgeois regime in particular, but they were directed against the capitalists, against exploitation.

In that era, then, and in France and England, a new revolutionary layer was turned to the stage, which is the proletariat.In England, this proletariat tried to organize itself.In France, after the Lyon uprising, the first attempts to its revolutionary organization began.The most prominent representatives of this movement is Auguste Blanci, one of the French revolutionaries.The effect of the two Lionate uprisings opened showed that the most revolutionary element in France is workers..He contributed to these revolutionary societies, as in the time of the Great French Revolution, men of different nationalities: Germans, Belgians, Swissionon.Blanci and his companions, and their goal was to seize the political power with a sudden military attack and then initiative to achieve a series of measures in favor of the working class. In May 1839 in Paris, they attempted a bold rebellion that quickly aborted.This attempt, which brought Blancke rejected life imprisonment, ended an unfortunate end for the Germans who participated in it.Among the last two, I will mention only one person..With a few comrades, he had to leave France, and he went in February 1840 to London, where he organized a workers' education association.

And at the time when the revolutionary labor movement reached its climax, Marx and Engels had become conscious and conscious, the first of which is twenty -two years old, and the second in the twenty..