Learn about the Corona vaccines that the Arab countries, America, Turkey, Germany and Britain confessed to

Are you thinking about traveling now?Learn the credit vaccines against the new Corona Corona virus "Kovid-19" in these Arab countries, and in Turkey, America, Britain, Germany, Russia, China and other countries.

This information - according to "Covid19 Trackvaccines" - shows the map of the world's countries, and the vaccines approved by each country.

We confirm that this information here is for guidance only, and it is updated until June 7, 2021.To find out the latest information, consult the official health authorities in your country and in the country that you intend to travel.

We start with a group of Arab countries:


Saudi Arabia











the two seas


Arab Emirates

Some countries of the world






تعرف على لقاحات كورونا التي اعترفت بها الدول العربية وAmerica وTurkey وGermany وBritain










A brief summary of the vaccines mentioned:


It was developed by an aesthetic institute in Moscow.The Russian vaccine is based on "adenoviral vector", and human glandular viruses are among the most easy and simple for the modification process, and therefore its spread has expanded as a vector.

The "vector" is a pregnant woman who can communicate the genetic material from another virus to the cell.The genetic substance of the glandular virus that causes infection is removed, while a gene that carries a "code" code for a protein of another virus is removed, and in the current case of the new Corona virus, its scientific name "SARC Coff 2".

This new added component helps the immune system to respond and produce antibodies that protect it from infection.

Astrazzinica vaccine-oxford

This vaccine was developed by the British laboratory, Astrazeneca-oxford, and the technology that it uses is "Viral Vector", in which another less fierce virus is used, converted to be added to a portion of the Corona virus, and is enteredThe virus is modified to the cells of individuals, which in turn produce a typical protein for "SARS Cove 2", which would prompt their immune systems to identify it.

The ADENOVIRUSESS is used as a viral carrier, in a Russian vaccine-like technique.

Pfizer-Peppernic vaccine

It was developed by the American company "Pfizer" and its partner "Biontech", and works on the technology of "MRNA" or MRNA, which is a molecule that tells our cells what you should make.

This vaccine is injected into the body, and it enters this molecule that controls a mechanism for the manufacture of a specific antigen for the Corona virus "SPIKE", which is a very distinctive party on its surface and allows it to stick to the human cells to penetrate it, and then this spike will be discovered by the deviceThe immune that will produce antibodies, and these antibodies will remain for a certain period of time.

Our modern vaccine

This vaccine was developed by the American company Moderna, and uses the Modern Valley of the "Moderna DNA" technology that is used by the Pfizer-Ptingal vaccine..

Johnson & Johnson vaccine

اللقاح طوّرته شركة "جونسون آند جونسون" (The Johnson & Johnson) الأميركية، ويعتمد على "فيروس غدي معدل" (modified adenovirus) -وهو فيروس شائع يسبب أعراضا شبيهة بالزكام- تم تصميمه لنقل أجزاء من المادة الوراثية من بروتين "السنبلة" (spike) الموجود في فيروس كورونا.

Cinevarm vaccine

من تطوير شركة "سينوفارم" (Sinopharm) Chinaية، ويعتمد على فيروس معطل "خامل"، وقامت شركة سينوفارم بتطويره بالتعاون مع معهد ووهان لعلم الفيروسات ومعهد المنتجات البيولوجية.

In the "Inactive Vaccine" technology, the infectious factors of the new Corona virus - chemically or via heat - are treated for its seriousness, but while maintaining its ability to produce an immune response, and this is the most traditional insemination forms.

Kovichel vaccine

هو Astrazzinica vaccine-oxford يصنع محليا في India بواسطة "معهد سيرم" (Serum Institute).The vaccine is made of a weak version of the common cold virus (known as the glandular virus) of chimpanzee, and it was modified to appear closer to the Corona virus, although it cannot cause disease.

Senovak vaccine

من إنتاج شركة "سينوفاك" Chinaية -واسمه "كورونافاك" (CoronaVac)، ويحتوي على فيروس كورونا معطل بواسطة عمليات كيميائية مختلفة في المختبر.The cover of this virus remains as it is, and through the injection the immune system learns how to identify it and defend itself against the virus.

تجدر الإشارة إلى أن سينوفاك اسم الشركة Chinaية المطورة للقاح، واسم اللقاح نفسه كورونافاك، ولكنهما يُستخدمان ليشيران لنفس المعنى، وهو اللقاح المضاد لكورونا.

Piotic spices vaccine

تنتجه شركة "بهارات بيوتيك" (Bharat Biotech) Indiaية، ويعتمد لقاحها على تكنولوجيا اللقاح الخامل.

Kantino vaccine

من تطوير شركة "كانسينو بايولوجيكال" (CanSino Biologics) Chinaية، وهو لقاح يستند إلى فيروس غداني بالاعتماد على تقنية النواقل الفيروسية.

Anhui Zhifei Longcom vaccine

من تطوير شركة "مينهاي بيوتكنولوجي" (Minhai Biotechnology) Chinaية، ويعتمد اللقاح على تكنولوجيا وحدات "البروتين الفرعية" (Protein Subunit).Sub -unit vaccines only include parts of the virus that stimulate the immune system in the best way.This type of Coveyd-19 vaccines contains a non-damaged "spike" proteins, and as soon as the immune system recognizes it, it makes antibodies and white blood blood cells, according to the "Mayo Clinic" website (Mayo Clinic)..

Epery Fak Corona vaccine

من تطوير مركز "فيكتور لعلم الفيروسات" في Russia، ويعتمد على تكنولوجيا وحدات البروتين الفرعية.

Kofi Fack vaccine

من تطوير مركز "تشوماكوف" في Russia، ويعتمد اللقاح على تكنولوجيا اللقاح الخامل.

Takeda vaccine

من تطوير شركة "تاكيدا" (Takeda Pharmaceutical) Japanية، مع شركة مودرنا، ويعتمد على تقنية "الحمض النووي الريبوزي المرسال".