The lack of sleep leads to 5 serious complications, so how do you get enough premium at night and during the nap

Sleep disturbances or lack of sleep from diseases.

It is wrong for those who believe that lack of sleep can be compensated later.The damages resulting from this are direct and continuous, no matter how a person tries to remedy it later.It is sufficient for one night in which we do not get a sufficient premium of sleep to cause neurological and psychological disorders, especially if we are working on the next day, according to the statements of Dr. Hans-Gonter Vienis, head of the German Institute of sleep medicine (DGSM), made by the German media, and was reported by Deutsche WelleIn a report.

But when can we say that we got enough sleep?Can this be calculated for hours?

The German expert, who wrote a book on the subject entitled "Sleep fulfills miracles", says that this cannot be determined by hours, but the specific factor is genes, which means that each of us must monitor his body to extract the number of hours he needs to sleep.However, there is an approximate rate of seven hours of sleep for men, while women need an additional twenty minutes.

When does the lack of sleep become dangerous?

This question cannot be answered with decisiveness.Nevertheless, experts advise those who faced sleep problems three times a week for a month, to go immediately to the doctor.

Of course, the lack of sleep falls within the problems of modern era, which is more common in developed countries, where work pressure is more severe, compared to other societies..But the spread of smartphones, in turn, affected the quality of sleep, on a global level, until the smartphone became a "sabotage" factor for healthy sleep, due to "the blue light rate for screens that negatively affects the secretion of the hormone Melatonin" responsible for sleep, according to the doctors.

The damage caused by the lack of sleep can be summarized in the following:

Weak immune system

Lack of sleep at a rate of two hours for two weeks enough to cause an imbalance in the immune system.One of the common symptoms is exposed to the cold constantly.Dr. Vies says that, according to studies conducted at his institute, "Every person from two is exposed to a cold due to lack of sleep.".

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Reducing mental capabilities

The lack of sleep directly affects the mental capabilities of one and limits them.This is clearly shown by official statistics, which indicate that the number of traffic accident victims due to poor concentration is much higher than those caused by alcoholic drinks when driving a car..


Lack of sleep causes hormonal disorders, causing weight gain.Also, lack of sleep develops the desire to eat, and the reason for the increase in the secretion of the hormone "Grillin" is responsible for the feeling of hunger.

Psychological problems

One of the usual symptoms of lack of sleep is mental disorders and depression, and some have cases of sick fear.Doctors classify sleep disturbances as symptoms of depression.

Early death

Lack of sleep raises the risk of early death, because the body does not reach the level of desired comfort.Also, the aforementioned diseases would, and if one suffers one of them, one of them has an increase in the risk of early death.This also applies to people who exaggerate sleep.

Sleep disturbances in the time of Corona..Causes and solutions

Recently, the high rates of insomnia and sleep difficulties due to the psychological tension caused by the briefing of the Corona virus "Kovid 19".A report by the German News Agency presents some simple measures. One can face these difficulties to enjoy a good and comfortable sleep.

Dr. Hans Junter Vienis, a German sleep medicine specialist, said that the Koruna's pandemic caused the high rates of sleep disorders, due to concerns about health, material conditions and the absence of social media;Where these factors lead to psychological tension, which is the archenemy of a good and comfortable sleep.


For her part, Dr. Dura Trechier, a German sleeping specialist, indicated that working from the house also contributed to the high rates of sleep disorders, explaining that when one remains inside the house for a long time, the body does not realize the light shift between the day and the night in a wayGood, and then one does not feel tired at night, which in turn paves the way for insomnia.

To face sleep disturbances and get a good sleep, especially in the time of Corona, it is thus recommended:


For its part, the German magazine "Freuden" indicated that the nap is helping one to recharge his energy during the day, as well as reduce levels of stress and stress..The German magazine indicated some of the mistakes that should be avoided to enjoy a perfect nap.

The German magazine explained that it is not permissible to take a nap after two o'clock in the afternoon, because this may increase the difficulty of sleeping at night, in addition to that there must be a specific period for naps, with planning for the presence of another 30 minutes until the full focus is restoredAfter waking up, given that one is often soft and slow after nap.

It may be tempting to sleep for a longer than 25 minutes in napIf the nap is more than 25 minutes.Some people may be able to sleep during the afternoon anywhere, but most people need an appropriate atmosphere before they can sleep, so it is better to choose a dark, calm and comfortable room, and ear can be used or sleep masks., If there is a bright noise or atmosphere in the surrounding environment.

In conclusion, there are some cases in which one should give up nap, for example, when you wake up late in the morning or when you want to sleep early, given that the nap may make sleep difficult during the night, and the people who suffer fromSleep problems in general, abandoning nap.