In conjunction with the Health Initiative ... the symptoms and causes of hearing loss in children

Children have lost hearing one of the bulldozing diseases, which must be observed through the immunization of the mother before birth, and the gravity of German measles and meningitis..

The Ministry of Health and Population said that 60% of the cases of hearing loss in children can be prevented by obtaining a vaccination from German measles and meningitis..This came from the initiative "Discovering, treating weakness and hearing loss for children from newborns".

In the following lines, we review the symptoms and causes of hearing loss in children.

Some of the possible signs of hearing loss in the infant or a young child

Do not respond to high voices.

Not looking for the source of the sound or discovering it.

Stop gossip and experimentation in issuing votes.

It is still giving it but it does not move to more understandable words.

It does not interact with sounds even when holding it.

The ear is missing or distorted at birth.

Some of the possible signs of hearing loss in a child of school age

Do not follow simple orders, such as "bring your shoes" or understand simple directions.

He feels frustrated easily or suffers from interruption.

It is delayed in speech and communication skills.

بالتزامن مع مبادرة الصحة.. أعراض وأسباب فقدان السمع عند الأطفال

It is not possible to understand what you say unless he looks at you directly.

The source of the votes cannot be determined.

At the end of the school, it was exhausted from focusing into understanding the speech.

He shows signs of behavioral problems or social difficulties.

He faces problems keeping pace with the school.

What do you do if you think your child suffers from hearing impairment?

Get a test of their hearing by a specialist in auditory health, including auditory implants, and even if traditional auditors cannot help your child, you may benefit from other hearing solutions, such as industrial cochlear implants and osteoes..

The reasons for the hearing cage

The gained hearing loss appears after birth, at any time of life, perhaps as a result of illness, condition or injury.

Here are examples of cases that can cause hearing loss in children:

Ear infections (otitis media).

Toxic medications for the ear (which is harmful to the auditory system).



Brain inflammation.


Some influenza roles.


