How to use Google Chrome Traffic Director?

The characteristics of #Google_Crum;As the browser enables you to stop certain sites from tracking you or prevent access to the microphone and camera, replace the mouse with the keyboard or merge the many tabs, and also helps you manage #passwords #traffic in saving your account passwords on different websites.

Google Chrome properties

How to use Google Chrome Traffic Director?

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إذا بدأنا من آخر المزايا، فمن ضمن Google Chrome properties أيضاً أنه يوفر إمكانية إضافة أو حذف أو تعديل كلمات المرور، ويتيح لك استخدام كلمات مرور آمنة وفريدة دون الاضطرار للاعتماد على ذاكرتك فقط لإدخال كلمات المرور بنفسك.

When you register your entry to the Google account from the Chrome browser, the browser will ask you if you want to save the password you use to enter any website that asks you to log in.Once you click on "Save" in the pop -up window, Chrome browser will save the username and password for this site.

In the search bar, you can click on "Preview" (eye icon) to see the password you save.If the username is incorrect or empty, enter the username you use on this site, and you can also edit the password in the password text box.

How to view, edit or delete passwords in Google Chrome?

The user names and passwords that you use for your accounts are collected in one list, which allows the Chrome Automatic Packing Browser for Information Reserved on the websites you choose, and it will allow you to access this list editing or deleting passwords, as explained by the American Business Insider website.

  1. من متصفح كروم، انقر على أيقونة الملف الشخصي/Profile icon.
  2. في القائمة المنسدلة، انقر على كلمات المرور/Passwords (المشار إليها برمز المفتاح).
  3. سوف تفتح علامة تبويب جديدة لتعرض قائمة بالمواقع وكلمات المرور.

For display: Next to the website and the user's name, the password will be hidden.Click.

For editing: to the right of the password, click on the three-vertical-dot icon icon icon, then click Edit Password.

To delete: Click on the three vertical points icon, then click Delete/Remove to delete the password.How to use Google Chrome Traffic Director? – جوجل

How to export Google Chrome passwords?

If you choose to use a different password manager from Google Chrome, you have the option to export all your login information from the same page shown in the previous paragraph.

  1. على يمين كلمات المرور المحفوظة/Saved Passwords، انقر على أيقونة النقاط العمودية الثلاث/three-vertical-dot icon.
  2. انقر على تصدير كلمات المرور/Export Passwords
  3. ستظهر نافذة منبثقة تقول إن كلمات مرورك ستكون مرئية للأشخاص الذين سيطلعون على ملف التصدير. انقر على تصدير كلمات المرور/Export Passwords

Be careful: You will likely ask you the password you use to log in to the computer, enter the password to continue.

How to use Google Chrome Traffic Director?

  1. أدخل اسم الملف والمكان الذي تريد حفظه فيه، ثم انقر على حفظ/Save.

How to stop certain sites from your tracking?

If you don't like the targeted ads and want to stop tracking your websites, the Chrome browser allows you to disable cookies.However, it advises you not to disrupt all cookies.You can either block external cookies, or, better, choose to scan cookies when closing Chrome browser.

On the desktop, from inside the "Settings", click on "Cookies and other website data.

How to prevent access to the microphone and camera?

The Chrome browser allows you to completely control.You can give or refuse to reach each site to the microphone, camera, geographical site information, notifications, and other bills for each site individually away from the public browser settings..

Open the "Settings" and click on "Site Settings" under the "SECURITY SECTION" section, browse down and click the required setting preparation.

For example, if you want to click on the "Geographic location" option, you will get the general setting to run the option or disable it.If you browse down, you will see the sites that you allow or prevent them from accessing your geographical website information.Likewise, you can check and customize other settings.

Guidelines: Click on the lock icon in the address bar to customize the settings of each site quickly.

How to replace the mouse with the keyboard?

The "Caret Browsing" is a feature that allows you to move and choose the text using keyboard buttons instead of the mouse if your mouse is idle or slow.

Just click on the F7 button from the keyboard to activate the icing mark feature, and use the same key to disable the feature.Or instead, open the Chrome browser settings, and choose the option to enable next to "navigate the text index/Navigate Pages with a Text Cursor" under the "Accessibility" section..

Merging many tabs

Are you one of the people who open a lot of tabs at the same time, then suddenly get lost between them?Google Chrome Vic browser thought when adding features to merge the many tabs.

For example, "Tab Groups", along with some hand tabs sets in the menu that appear when right mouse button on the tab that opens the tab, and there you will find a "new tab tab to New Group".

You can collect a number of tabs under a specific color or name, instead of opening them separately at the top of the browser window, and then you will divide the topics that you open under one color or one name, red for topics you read for your research project, green products you want to buy, and so on.

You can then add any later tabs to the group by clicking on the right mouse button, then choose to add a tab for the group, you can close and delete the groups at any time by right -click on the group.

من Google Chrome properties Merging many tabs

You can also manually manage tabs from the menu that appears when right -click on the tab.If you click the right mouse button on a tab, you will see access to the settings for moving the tab to a new window, closing all the tabs on the left or right, or even "opening a new tab to a new Window".