How do you turn your child the screen addict into a small programmer?

In conjunction with the tremendous technological development that we witnessed in the second millennium, it is difficult to advise parents to prevent their children from being fully exposed to screens and technology, so human dependence on technology has become almost daily, and avoiding screens of all kinds is almost impossible.

Although the hours in which the child spends his time must be determined in front of the screen, it is also necessary to pay attention to how time spends in front of the screens, and the extent of children's involvement in technology without affecting their public lives and childhood.

When should you stop?

Permanently in the use of technology and not other entertainment and movement is a matter of immediate confrontation with it.Some children may exaggerate the reaction as soon as the parents ask to stop using the computer or the phone, which is a strong indication that the extreme attachment has reached the level of addiction and the full dependence on these tools to obtain happiness and entertainment.

It seems cute for family members to write each other through the phone while they are together in the same house;But experts include this behavior as a bad habit that mixes laziness, and the inability to perform motor or social activities, and avoid talking face to face, promised by "Verry Well Family" as a warning to immediately stop using screens and devices.

Behavioral problems

In a doctoral thesis on the mental and behavioral development of children, a referendum was presented to 600 families between the ages of 3 years to 12 years, divided into age groups, the researcher found that - regardlessSleep, which is followed by a varied behavioral disorder due to sleep deprivation, and the inability to reach the deep sleep stages necessary for growth and comfort.

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A study published on Science Direct promised that there is addictive behavior that appears on the child in the event that the number of hours of use for screens increases, this behavior appears when the child is prevented from using the screen or tablet, and includes stress, anxiety, inspiration for food and lack of focus.

In children from a smaller age, it is a series of successive anger attacks, and the levels of emotional or emotional hunger in children users of electronics and screens rises, so all studies conducted on the use of screens have linked the close relationship between the use of tablets and excessive obesity, especially with the weakness of fitnessPhysical and the difficulty of practicing any kind of sports.

A recent study published in the American Psychiatry Association also indicated a strong relationship between violence games in tablets and increased violence between children.


E -weaning or leave from electronics, or what is called "Digital Detox" is necessary until children get used to that there is fun in movement and play, and exploration of nature begins with a cellular leave, and the leave continues on the weekly holidays, and the children are pushed to more motor activities, to free fromPermanent sitting in front of the screen.

It must be made between a child sitting to play throughout the day, another reading on the tablet, or even practicing some of the pilgrims that help him to develop his arithmetic skills, and many applications that benefit the child, including teaching children programming and the robotics industry, which have spread in many centers recently.

There is "Quality of Time" and "Quantity of Time", and the difference between them is great, and you should take care of the quality of the time your child spends on the screen, and in the following list models of teaching programming and coding for children:

Org code

It follows the "code.Org "code.ORG is a non -profit institution, and it constitutes a starting point for programming children, and it participates in programming many applications and resources via the Internet, and is used by a number of public and public schools to teach coding, and is supervised by a distinguished group of programming experts and coding in the world.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a non -profit educational institution, aimed at "providing high -quality education for anyone and anywhere", and its website provides more than 3,600 small lectures through videos stored on the academy's website;Among them is a training course for programming education for children, along with many other free training courses.

Swift Play Grands

Apple has designed the Swift Playgrounds Swift Playgrounds for its users to program suitable for its versions, and it provides for free programming lessons;But it is more complicated than the rest of the platforms that teach programming for children, in which children solve interactive puzzles and specially directed to master the basics of coding, and the iPad requires iOS 12.0 or higher.

Investing the time of children is one of the most important priorities of parents, so sitting on tablets takes away the child's time to discover himself and exercise, games and movement, by dividing time and adding pleasure and benefiting from what the child learns without the complete coordination of games, which encourage violence, and puts children in the danger of obesity.