How do you sponsor Alzheimer's patient at home?Tips to relieve frustration

To sponsor an elderly person with Alzheimer's inside the house, it is a human task that is not easy, and perhaps its weight will only be able to those who passed through it.

Alzheimer's patient, if one of your family members, does not constitute a burden as much as he turns into an angry and lost child at other times, and between them many troubles, pain and hard tasks that require continuous care and control for him.

Therefore, if one of your family members has Alzheimer's, all family members should know some basic information about the disease and its development and how the patient is carried out at home to keep his life from any harm and to avoid the deterioration of his health.

The difference between dementia and Alzheimer

You may first need to know the difference between dementia and Alzheimer.

Decoration is a general term that indicates a sharp deterioration of mental ability that affects daily life.Alzheimer's is the most common cause of dementia.

Decoration has a group of symptoms associated with low memory, logical thinking or other thinking skills.There are different types of dementia, caused by many cases.

Mixed dementia is a condition in which brain changes occur to more than one type of dementia at the same time.Alzheimer's is the most common cause of dementia, and represents 60-80% of dementia, according to Alzheimer's website.

And dementia is not a natural part of aging.It is the result of damage to the brain cells that affects their ability to communicate, which may affect thinking, behavior and feelings.


It is a degenerative disease in the brain that results from complex changes in the brain after cell damage.

It leads to symptoms of dementia that gradually exacerbate over time.Its most common early symptoms are difficult to remember new information because the disease usually affects the brain part associated with learning first.

As the disease progresses, symptoms increase and include confusion and behavior changes.In the end, speaking, swallowing and walking becomes more difficult.

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Although most people with Alzheimer are 65 years old or older, nearly 200,000 Americans are under 65 years of age.

The three stages of dementia

The family members or the patient himself may notice the first symptoms of dementia, until it becomes an inevitable reality.

After diagnosing dementia, it usually follows a 3 -phase path.

In light dementia, people may have difficulty remembering words and names, learning and remembering new information, planning and managing complex activities such as driving.

It may also suffer from sadness, anxiety, loss of interest in enjoyable activities, and other symptoms such as severe depression.

In moderate dementia, physical and sensory functions are usually affected, and this may appear clearly in personal hygiene, uttering inappropriate words and sharp behavior with those around, and continuous trips.

At this stage, the patient needs to contain and accept behaviors calmly and mercy, and without blaming and criticizing or reminding that the patient has forgotten something intuitive, such as caring for daily personal hygiene matters.

When you get dear, you should be careful not to issue bad rulings against him, remember that you are sponsoring an elderly woman with a child's behavior.It is definitely a great emotional and physical challenge.

"When the patient moves from light to moderate dementia, some household adjustments that may include carpets, installation of locks, seat and adding barriers are often needed to be made.Sleep to protect the patient from falling during sleep, and securing windows and balconies. "

This is also the time when the palliative care team must be brought to support family members in managing behaviors. The family alone cannot do all tasks alone, you may need a helping hand from specialists to help the patient significantly relieve symptoms of the disease.

Severe dementia, there may be a severe loss of memory, or limited movement that may become non -existent, with difficulty swallowing, and problems in controlling the intestine and bladder, which means the usual incidents of urination and involuntary defecation.

At this stage, the patient may have difficulty identifying family members and care providers.

Why should specialists be used?

Family members, who suffer from high levels of tension during the middle and severe stages, may also deal with the pre -emptive sadness associated with an imminent loss of their loved ones.

Experts warn that family members who care for a patient with dementia, and do not get the help of psychologists and behavioral therapists, may be more likely to experience a long and complex period of sadness after the death of their loved ones.

According to the Mayoclinic website, if you are sponsoring an allerham or associated dementia, your role in managing daily tasks will increase with the progress of the disease.Consider the practical tips that can help the person with dementia as much as possible, and enable you to manage the tasks effectively.

Reducing frustration

The person with dementia may be excited when the tasks that were simple one day become difficult.

To reduce challenges and relieve frustration: