Vauchini is hot for war victims.

I'll make a dish today.

Sometimes I find in the supermarket its strips wrapped around itself, forming a ball, a rose, an introverted embryo, a soldier who threatens himself and sends false reassurance.

طبق فوتشينى ساخن لضحايا الحرب

Wrong. The Balkan region is not a climate region, but it is the Gagravi Siasi region. One has to be precise in one's information. Because he'll always be swinging in his estimates.

My moms don't know anything but red sauce. It takes time and effort to prepare, so it's associated with celebrations and invitations, but the red sauce is the easiest to eat. My mother doesn't like white sauce. You call it an inc. And it doesn't matter much to her that many names are different: lasagna polonez, pesto pasta, or...

Who's ready to fight with us? I don't see anyone. The bells are not ringing in the churches or the call to prayer is raised in the mosques.

It is appropriate for a country to devour a country. Have we studied this before? Have we lived this on television? Have statues fallen before? The world is changing so fast, and the time cycles seem to be recurring, and history is repeating itself as we stumble on our destinies. So accept it from me, make me with you.