Breathes of breathing 10 seconds .. What are the steps for self -detection to diagnose the Corona virus?
Is it possible to self -detect yourself to determine if you have a Corona virus?Is one of the ways to detect breathing 10 seconds?Can you diagnose Corona disease without visiting a doctor?
Is there an autonomy?
There is nothing called self -detection or self -diagnosis of the Corona virus, if you suspect that you may be infected with the virus, call the doctor.But there are symptoms that may indicate the possibility of your injury, so here we offer you the most prominent symptoms of the Corona virus;In an analysis of the World Health Organization of more than 55,000 Corona injuries in China, these most common symptoms were identified, and the percentage of people who were affected by:
1- Fever: 88%, and it is defined as high body temperature above the normal level, and the person is a fever if it is 38 ° C or more (100..4 Fahrenheit).
2- Dry Coughing: 68%
3- Fatigue: 38%
4- The thick phlegm or phlegm of the lungs: 33%
5- Numbness of breath: 19%
6- Bone pain or joints: 15%
7- Spermitis: 14%
8- Headache: 14%
9- Chills: 11%
10- Nausea or vomiting: 5%
11- Broadcast nose: 5%
12- Diarrhea: 4%
13- Volumery: 1%
14- Eye swelling: 1%
Corona virus (Coveyd-19) infection affecting the lower respiratory sewers, which consists of aerobic trachea, bronchial people and air vesicles in the lungs;This means that most of the symptoms feel in the chest and lungs.
This differs from the colds that cause the upper respiratory infection, as it becomes a runny nose and sinus congestion.
Sleeping a 10 seconds breathing
There is a message that is currently circulating on social media, and "lying" "advice by Japanese doctors who treat the Corona virus, and says that people who can hold their breath 10 seconds without coughing, can make sure they do not have a Corona infection".
On this, Lauren Rok, a community emergency doctor at Antilop Valley Hospital in Los Angeles, says that this is not true, stressing that there is no relationship between the period in which you can hold your breath and infection with the Corona virus.
The post also transmits "lying" that "Stanford University professors say that drinking water constantly, at least every 15 minutes, can help wash the Corona virus before causing infection.".
This is explained by this process washing the virus from your mouth or throat to your stomach, where the stomach acid kills the virus.Also, it is lies that warm water or salt water kills the virus.This is "completely false, this is not real"..
It is also lies that the symptoms of Corona infection always begin with sore throat.The truth is that the symptoms of the virus usually start with fever and dry cough.Although some people may suffer from sore throat, their percentage is small.
Good news
In China, most people who fell ill - about 80% - had mild to moderate symptoms, which means that it could be managed at home.And the average time that passes between the infection and the start of symptoms about 5 days.
The World Health Organization says that most people (about 80%) usually recover from the disease without the need for a special treatment.But the symptoms intensify in almost one person out of every 5 people with Coffee-19 disease.
In China, about 14% of people who have been infected with Corona have severe symptoms, such as breathing difficulties and low oxygen in the blood, and they need additional oxygen and sometimes specialized equipment to help them breathe.
People who seem more likely to develop serious complications and their condition develop into a critical condition - they attributed them between 1 and 20 - they are the ages of sixty, and people who suffer from previous medical conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, lung diseases, or cancer.
What is the correct procedure when doubting the injury?
الحقيقة أنه There is nothing called self -detection or self -diagnosis of the Corona virus, if you suspect that you may be infected with the virus, call the doctor.
Do not go to the clinic or hospital directly, because you may risk spreading the virus if you are infected, contact the doctor or health authorities in your country, which will arrange the subject of your examination.
And when you call the doctor, you will advise you on the phone if you are compatible with the specifications of the Corna virus, and the examination options will be discussed, and whether you need an immediate treatment, or the safe transport of quarantine or insulation, or is satisfied with the quarantine at home.
In addition, if you think you may be sick with Corona, avoid contacting others, and do not share personal things like towels and bedding, cover the mouth and nose during coughing, sneezing and yawning, and wash your hands constantly.
If you have a mask, we wear it to protect others, and stay 1.At least 5 meters from others.